Thursday, June 18, 2009

Existntialism and nihilism or existentialistic nihilism?

If I believe I do not exist then how do I have the consciousness to question my own existence? If I don't exist then nothing around me exists either, then why don't I destroy it all? If I don't exist then I have nothing to lose but what do I have to gain my destroying everything around me and leaving absence in it's place? Do I Get a kick out of destruction? If I do then that must mean I exist... which means everything around me is in existence meaning there are consequences to my destruction meaning I should not destroy, why though should I have no reason to exist therefore destroy if I feel and I feel positively towards destruction then why should I not destroy... because I feel more towards the existence of existence around me then I do absence?
What do I have to gain from my existence? What do I have to gain from my absence?
Passive I lean towards my existence... hoping to exist long enough to feel that feeling again...


Șмž said...

uhhh, yeah. about that...

you cant just assume that if you dont exist, nothing exists. thats pretty selfish.
of course you get a kick out of destruction, that's human nature.
if you have the sentience to question your existance, then by the term existance that we have built up these days, you exist because we are not yet aware of another plane on which to exist sans existing in this one.
Just because there isnt a reason, doesnt mean you should stop something, ie existing.
if you feel positively about destruction, dont just destroy because you can. im assuming you didnt create al the things in your surroundings, therefore they are either natural or somebody else made them. they cannot be of your own creation because nobody likes destroying their own things. that would be really mean, and in an uncertain environment such as the one you seem to have found yourself in, the best strategy is passively-aggressive caution coupled with tit-for-tat. maybe.
of course you feel existance, because absence has no influence. plus, in absence, you'd suffocate to death.
how do you exist and not exist at the same time?
if you stop existing, then you wont care that you didnt exist long enough anyway.

heh, i must be really bored.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

lol ikr, i hate it when in class discussions people say stuff like "what if, this all did not exist and we didnt exist?" its like, of course we exist you ds we are existing arnt we? and people that are like "but what if that are no truths and lies but only what people think?" and its like yea it is only what people think but people think up the truths and lies, the facts and faults and thats why they exist. They are words that label infomation and describe and for that purpose, not because the words themselves are imaginary