Sunday, June 28, 2009


so like yeah. we went to supanova and saw transformers at 12 midnight and it was awesum!!! except that people decided to buy their tickets late and like it was all booked out so megan, jon, kwon and goat couldnt watch it... so sad. and i thought it was a pretty cool movie like the imaxness of it except that it was kinda shaky but i liked it..... and at supanova, it was awesum wit all the cosplayers and stuff and all the free random posters.
and thats like smaz wit the brawl poster and that like a hell lot of posters we got. and then we slept over at marlenas and had breakfast in the QVB. so that was cool. and we saw adrienne, rel, billie, billie's friend zoey and lambie's cousin who was nothing like him like she was like, 'wow, i didnt know you had friends.' and she was cool.
and thats jules and emily hogg sleeping. and we sang issues at three am cause it was 3am and she wont put out..... (sorry kwon)


Betamaxrules said...

good times

Șмž said...

but i still think that movie could've been better if it hadn't the wanky camera-shaking technique that all movies use to signify action

because we can tell for ourselves that the movie has action, you wasted your animation budget by not allowing us to fully appreciate the work that's been done modelling, texturing etc.

Șмž said...
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Kwon said...

ima break ya ipod roo

BMSilverFish said...

how about quantum of solace...

it's like the camera man is having a seizure or something...

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

ahahaha i fell asleep in transformers and quantom of solace... camera shaking make hui head dizzy make hui sleep

AcionMan! said...

Argh, Damnit, Lol, I couldn't of preordered the ticket 'cause my parents didn't have money on their cards and thus joined you guys in your awesome night last night watching Transformers 2 at the IMAX and going awesome stuff and quite possibly altering the course of history if I had resulting in me never being born.

Me, Jon and Megan had a pretty fun time, and then later MadiSUN! came over to Lassy's place. We saw the Hangover (kinda funny, not really but it gave me GREAT ideas for young adulthood) and then met up with like Blaise and Hui and peoples (sorry if I forgot I'm just too lazy to remember) then we went back to Darling Harbour and saw the fireworks and ate ice cream. We went to Jon's place we were saw Chuck get laid by Jessica Alba and played GTA4 (and Maddy came over too :P) and I slept for like 2 hours then we went and saw the sun rise and it started raining so we came back and feel asleep on the couch, Lol.

Ah, reasonably ok times.

AcionMan! said...

And, Oh yeah, I was actually pretty disappointed by Transformers. The story either got nowhere, had nothing to do with the plot or moved just way too fast, some of the characters *couhg*TWINS*cough* annoyed me and like you said, the camera angles actually began to make me loose interest for very brief moments. (I saw it today with some family friends so that's cool :)

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

well, marlenaman's dog ate my hair. kakakakakka