Thursday, June 25, 2009

What the Fuck!?

Federal Government aims to ban all games that are deemed too violent for 15 year olds from the internet

so you can't view, or purchase games which are "not suitable"



JD said...

Notice that the article is based on attempts by the "Federal government"
I do believe we are all toiling under a labor government and have been doing so for something like two years now...

Way to fucking bump Sydney morning herald!

BMSilverFish said...

also don't understand why you would swear randomly

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i pray to a goat. lol heresy
in my world there are 2 gods; goatman and marlenaman

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Rudd is just taking a leaf out of the german governments book$1301757.htm

Betamaxrules said...

well yeah, but that's germany. It's different.

But here?

Șмž said...

germany censors all violent games? and i thought they were outraged at the title 'nazi'.