Tuesday, June 16, 2009

kakakakakka no

ahhh rel and maxim! we has to do somethings for engrish... or i'll just make up a bunch of crap and analyse war letters and journal.
just to confirm, our quetsion is 'how has war perspectives changed over the years' or something along those lines.... and now we also has jordan who was looking up w words for waxim or something.
neway.... im typing this on this blog instead of the school blog as the school blog is completely uselesss.. kkakakakakkaakkakakaka
we has tomoz to do it.
oh shyte i has a french speech i shoould be writing now~~ kakakakak

hey, i dont remember typing this sentence? vaile??

SMAZZZZ~~!!!! stops abusing your admin poweresss


Kwon said...

ha u has problems

relhorusthingy said...

Make some stuff up and I'll add it to the points we already have on the power point and we can go from there. We'll still have Thursday lunch to finish it if we can't manage tomorrow.

Action Man! said...

Aww crap. I'll try to bullshit my way through something, like maybe a page at most, but I can't promise anymore 'cause I have a crapload other work :(

Kwon said...

that aint fair to ya group maxim

Șмž said...

hey, didnt you read taht thingy before? just to make it painfully obvious.

chepapapapa. you are doing a powerpoint? how sad, what a waste of perfectly shitty technology. D:
haves you fun!