Wednesday, December 28, 2011


So I'm in dubai now. It's pretty chill. I still have like an hour and a half to wait so I will tell you a bit about my flight. Sitting in the emergency exit row so that made it better than usual cause I had tonnes of leg room although my bag was stored in some odd compartment so I didn't really have access to my stuff but at least I had a good entertainment system and they had shows like community and such so I enjoyed it plus the music on it was good. Downsides babies crying quite badly through most of it. I sat down for the entire 14 hrs and had a 3 hr sleep. They had some good physics stuff but one made me fall asleep. Anyway that's basically it. I'm now sitting at Starbucks in a comfy sofa and such. The airport is confusing but I bought some odd gum they have here that we can try when I get back.
On a side note I also got a terrible sinus headache on the dissent (going down, i cant spell it) into Dubai, like it made me cry it was so painful but then the stewardess gave me gum and I did a nose pressure thing and it went away.

On a another topic,
Happy birthday Jon!!!! Hope you have an awesome day in Paris and such.

I gotta go now but will post again soon.


Jonny said...

I like Dubai airport, it's all big and shiny and cool, except you know......

There are Arabs everywhere.

hipster.brah said...

dope! wish i could travel! safe travels!