Sunday, March 22, 2009


row row row your boat la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ etc etc.
i are downlaoding the msn messenger nows and it is 133MB. since my computer is uber slow, it will take an hour and 17 minutes. what a waste of time. krrrr.
give josh money? but he's already full of money! i think we should all have a combine present and it be expensive and relevent.... like a safety deposit box to keep all his expensive stuff...... yes... and like we paint it pink with purple flowers like what archie did for veronica for her birthday except he also gave her a door..... do we need to give him a door as well??1? i reckon.
my ipod's name is trafalgar law.

and now my msn download is at 69% and 28 minutes.....


JD said...

Or you could give him a closet to come out of...

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

oh what was i gunna say?


oh yeah! presents for josh! yeah that's a good idea. pool all our money and buy him something awesome! like a something i can't think of yet.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

joel - lol.

JD said...

lol 69...

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

ah hahahah joel! last time rhiannon was like: is josh gay?
hui: yea, how chu find out?
rhiannon: yea i thought he was gay.. was kinda worried that there was something wrong with my mind
hui: oh yea, and christian lambert and jon are gay too. They are kind of on again off again couple. currently their off. There are also other bi girls but i doont know any completely gay girls or bi guys.
Rhiannon: i see..

JD said...

LOL shes so awesomely wierd

Betamaxrules said...

I have no idea...

My ipod's name is Yakov Markovitch Roskov.
It's Russian.