Tuesday, March 31, 2009


watchoo gonna be for artsfest people?

if ur gonna dress up at all that is?

i'm gonna be alice as in wonderland.

there's this show in england called quite interesting (qi) and it's a show of random quite interesting facts (hence name) and one of the facts that they have is that you actually have between 9 and 21 senses including: balance, heat, pressure (which may be touch), proprioception, and other things. and i think thats cool.

oh i have a rant too. it's about apostrophes.

i think it's stupid when people say we should ditch apostrophes cos you can't take the apostrophe out of we're cos if you do you get were and then how do you tell the difference between that and were? the answer being you can't! and if you take the apostrophe out of can't, as in cant, but don't take it out of we're then you just introduce a whole other level of complexity to the language which is tortuous enough already don't you think? and we could probably get rid of the possessive apostrophe and just say the dog of sam instead of sam's dog but that's annoying too and if they just taught apostrophes right in the first place then it's actually quite simple. and you can't just say sams dog because what happens if there's a plural? with apostrophes it sams' dog as in the dog of the sams (yay there are two or more of you sam!) and how do you differentiate that from the other sam's??? anyway i like apostrophes and i think we should keep them in.


Șмž said...

did you check your... diary?

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

huh? i know it's ages away i was just wondering?!?!!?! aren't i allowed to wonder?!??!?!?!?!!???

maybe it's just that all the teachers in gura are going freaky weird about winning artsfest this yr so they bring it up constantly so it's in my mind regularly.

Ella said...

so are baado I'm going as the white rabbit

Ella said...

Baado's going to win so nn

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

are not! you haven't heard any of the teachers in gura. it's actually scary.

Ella said...

no mr Ambrose is like start working on it now so you caan hand it in when we hand the entry forms out and we want all of you in costume then he growls at the house to make us do it

Ella said...


Ella said...


Șмž said...

uhhh, fyi, baado would never win it


gura might have a chance...

and bamal... yeah. is bamal.

ur just jealous that were better than you (pun intended)

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

yeah teachers = freaky

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

trafalgar law? today in english, i spent my time looking up how to make trafalgar law cosplay. happy times!