Tuesday, March 31, 2009


i figured this much out by myself.

people hate difference - that is why they kill and abuse over colour and belief. it is because they hate difference... and are scared of it.
people crave minor difference though - they want a society where everyone is similiar, i.e. all of the same religion (pffft! religion) or skin colour, but with minor changes, ie hair colour, height, personality.
if everyone was the same, each would not be able to optimise, to put themselves ahead of everyone elsem, because they would all act exactly the same and could thus predict each other's movements. everyone wants more power than others, while still being able to have the others relate and maybe idolise them.
such is why we each go for a particular, unique appearance that still conforms (no pun intended): we want to be slightly different from others, yet we wish to be similiar enough that each can relate, but different enough to have them want to be more like us.
however, though we crave slight difference, we despise it when it happens. such as with religion when there is a minor gap in belief i.e the christians, muslims and jews... their religions are almost exactly the same, except that a different actor was given the lead role in each remake of the movie (so to speak); they hate each other now.
there are some that overcome this prejudice, but many more do not - as a broad generalisation, people like the nazis, the churches, white people.
away from that. the reason people love superheroes, anime, video games, ninjas,  pirates, etc... is because of how they are different. slightly different to be similiar to the reader/viewer/player, but different enough to be cool - they often have supernatural abilities, are faced in situations the reader/viewer/player wouldn't be able to cope in and survive, or are ninjas.
this is the reverse of what i have talked about - though people love to be idolised, they love to idolise also - that's why idolisation is there in the first place. in these texts, the heroes are placed in situations the reader etc. are placed in often (or aren't) but the hero always either acts wiser than the reader would, thus making them cooler and awesomesaucenessier, or make a mistake which is always the same thing the reader would do... 'the hero is too cool to be like you', basically.

Well, we may be a fucked up species, but at least we got somewhere.

on another note: is it just me, or does Ace's tattoo in one peice look like a swastika? o.o


JD said...

*is too tired and stressed to post smart reply*

JD said...

Lol yeah, in bleach Ichigo has the peace symbol on his bankai(final form)

Also, since now im not tired ill say this: Good one! (Y) not rlly though, its a standard human thought process to think about and draw conclusions about the human race and why people do things etc etc, many have realised such things, what i think though is actually an achievement is not just the realisation of what we believe to be our thoughts on human life and interaction but to draw these conclusions and apply them to our everyday life and how we can make the best out of these mannerisms and circumstances for ourselfs and others... i think many take the protaganistic path at this point because its easier to remain ignorant to the fact that they can do something for themselfs to escape the thought that all humans are the same and we are all part of a system or whatever they believe, i think these actions are derived from the underminement of emotions by the individuals who come to these realisations...such as ourselfs.

JD said...

So in other words
Smile :)

Hoggle said...

yes joel,
and it also usuall of the human race as you just demonstrated to have unneccessarily long words,
I dont get yr 11 english, pls dumb down to yr 3

JD said...

If only *Dies of yr 11nessss*

Șмž said...


Șмž said...

lol, i feel dumb with that last response, so:
yeah, i agree... also, the system is failing by the very fact we are able to break the fourth wall, so to speak - however, as you say, people remain ignorant... they have done that all their lives until or if they realize, and even then, they hate change so rarely do. we are a fucked-up species.

Betamaxrules said...

you never noticed this before?

Șмž said...

stfu marlena, u just lost the game

We should have a national metacognition day to celebrate the fact we know we think