/R/ing pics of everyones desktops
P.S. you can just go to "edit" at the bottom of this post and then upload youre desktops to this thread instead of making new ones to reply to this thread.
This is mon desktop.... (RU)

smaz has entry with a very vaile sazz desktop.
Yeah. vaile sazz, huh?
note the graphicness.
And now for hui!
What? .... same as ru's? why thats lame.. i cant post nuthin then.... aw...
You know the pirate aint leaving no slack
but i cant edit!! :(((!!!!
holy shit vaile! you have like a massively large amounts of icons!
....wow, when i typed that, was i was saying that in my head in marlena's voice... weird
why thank you, i never use any of them.
just post a link in the comments then, and someone should edit it
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