Wednesday, June 24, 2009

will everyone get the fuck over themselves????

can people just stop ranting??? like seriously get over yourselves??? jesus. people say things to me that i could take offence to all the time but i choose not to because it makes life so much easier. seriously. you know how much simply our entire fucking friendship group would be if everyone just stopped taking offence at EVERY LITTLE FUCKING THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i don't care if you get all pissed off at me for saying this because.... i don't know, i just really don't care. just stfu.
stop being so sensitive about everything.
and stop being so fucking BITCHY!
so yeah that's all.
just get over it already.

i mean i'll probab;y regret this when you all stop being my friend. but seriously.


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Nice rant.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

heh thanks.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

lol but ima sorry if ima human. i bitch, i feel and i cry and like, who makes up the rules of the blog? i wanna express myself and if i end up ranting, then rant it be. i just type what i feel.. and if im not allowed to rant than i think this blog is being to restrictive and unfair cos i just find it easier to type out what i feel on this blog than actually saying it. and i cant get over myself because i am not that robotic

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

lol@ur rant cos you're like " i don't know, i just really don't care. just stfu." and ima like thinking, lol neither does i so "just stfu."

your rant is ironic. i likes it XD

JD said...

"stop being so sensitive"
Sorry, but it appears as though that's just the way we are... and if you see why that might be a problem then you should probably give us some reasons to be so apathetic and detacthed... because personaly I don't see any...
Also in regards to the selfishness claim it's kinda hypocritical of you seeing as you're asking us to stop being so sensitive just because it's a petty nuisance to you... maybe that's why your life is so dull once written down... because once you write it down you're so detatched to it you can't remember what you were feeling at the time... i'm just sayin...

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

oh you're allowed to be human. i just find it irritatiing when people take offence at things that really aren't offence-worthy.

and thank you. i like irony.

JD said...

Irony is nice...
Hypocrisy is taking it too far...

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

something that might not be offence worthy to you could be offense worthy to me. im just saying that i get affected by things more easily than you and i feel different than you. just be abit more open minded to other people cos everyones different

msgoldenweek said...

I don't think the thing you were ranting about was offence worthy, i don't normally get offended by other people's problems and emotions

JD said...

Ru's right... if you ask me that's just a bit selfish...

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

actually joel i feel very strongly about everything. i just don't see the point in taking offence at things that really don't matter in the long run. which a lot of people seem to do. i choose not to show how much i care because i think it's better for everyone that i don't. on the surface i may seem like i don't care or that i'm very detached but underneath i care very much about everyone and everything. that's how come you don't notice it. and i'm not about to start showing it either. and what irritates me about people getting really upset and angry about totally insignificant things is that i can see things that could do with so much more care and attention that they aren't getting because everyone is being so superficial. so i'm sorry if you think i'm detached and uncaring and hypocritical but that's just the way i seem to stop myself from hurting other people or myself by caring too much. it's my coping strategy. i suppose i never explain that enough when i say things like this.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

i knew i'd regret this.
i don't mind if people have problems. i'm willing to accept their problems it's just when EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS ABOUT EVERYTHING. about things that don't matter. i won't explain this all again. just please don't unfriend me for this.

BMSilverFish said...

i haven't ranted yet..

perhaps i should join

JD said...

I'm not gonna un-friend you or nothin... everyone has their opinions and problems... you're not hurting anyone... all i'm sayin' is that you could just understand why other people rant so much... 'cause they don't adopt the same coping strategy you do... I care about them and how they feel no matter how small the problem is... so if you ask me they should be free to rant no matter how small their problem is... all I'm askin' really is that you be as understanding...

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

oh and i'm not offended by what i'm ranting about.
it doesn't offend me that you all take offence at everything. i just wish you wouldn't.
sorry if you all hate me for this.
i didn't mean to offend anyone.
god this is so ridiculous.
this is exactly what i'm talking about.
i think i should just give up.
abuse away people.
i won't take offence.
i'll just shut my internet down and let the waves roll over me.

BMSilverFish said...

i've never seen someone rant in a long time...

nor have i ranted in a long time

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

ok guys. look i'm going to do a chelyne on you and just say that i obviously am just getting more irritation and pain out of the blog than joy so i'm just going to leave and not look at it any more unless someone specifically asks me to look at something. because i obviously just feel too differently about things like this to be on here.

and kudos to brian for not ranting. thank you.

AcionMan! said...

What I don't get is that when I hang out with you guys I never see any of this "bitchy" stuff happen, but then all of a sudden as soon as I go to Random Stuffs it becomes a rant-fest. It's like as soon as you leave RL you all of a sudden break down :\

BMSilverFish said...

but if you leave how will you be in my random competition for random goods?

AcionMan! said...

I'll take her prizes!

you are so go so far... said...

hey actionman its just because people are cowards and cant say it to their faces.

to whoever it may concern said...

look, i prefer to say stuff on the web cause i dont want to get ripped to shreds at school. i take offense to you calling us cowards.

all your problems makes you famous said...

but that is cowardly, though. theres no difference getting ripped to shreds here and in school. still running away from it. and who is this us?