Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sad face
OmG ru like, your life is just so like totally tragic
ikr, like, omg, i cant believe i like missed that program, like the saddest day of my life like seriously like, whats wrong with me?
like, ikr, silly ru.
(end scene) that was my monologue btw... (what who said that) [Ru, you should stop now... maybe people will judge you? {no one will judge me silly, besides no one cares right?} |cause ill be up up and away up up and away cause, they gone judge me anyway, so what ever..| {yeah i ] love kid cudi his so awesome what a great song} [and its not even his popular song} (people should listen to it moar... wake and bake song]
WHAT? Who said that?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
linkin park
B-CUz U Ask MII 2 Post It
First, you may want to check if your mangas are available in and (and or eventhough they are a bit slow..)
Now, go to . It will take you to a lovely place called baka updates Manga and here, you have to sign up and create an account. now that you are in your lovely account, go to the search thing and find the mangas you read by typing them in (psyren, bakuman, shinobi life etc etc) then click on their name and on the top, you can add it to your reading list. Once you have added your mangas to the reading list, you can go to the right column thing and under the sub heading 'members' you can click 'My lists' and *poof!* your mangas are there. Now you has to clicks on the volume chapter thing under 'your status' or type it in what ever chapter your on. This will then help you as it will inform you whenever a new chapter of a manga is out. (the lastest chapter you havent read it next to the title of the mangas [in red]) .
Now you have a place to keep track of your manga. It will tell you what group is scanlating it so if all the manga sites are killed and you desperately need to read it, you can download it off but chances are that has it so its good. yay, super easy manga organising way.
Oh, and on a different note, theres this scanlation team called 'Village idiot' who did some scans for 'Addicted to Curry' sometime ago and well, the leader of the team died during a biking accident. so yea. life does that.
Nowhere... Yea, we're going nowhere
oh and the new google images thing, what chu guize think bout that? its alright? yea, i guess it is. bit annoying tho. No? you dont think so? k, its just me being bad with computers then.
No, YOU'RE fat.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
How To Build An Exibition.
Step 2. Create a blurb for your artwork which includes the artist's name, title of the art work, the composition details, date of completion and critical and historical study.
Step 3. Let the artist pose with his new artwork.
Step 4. Sit back and watch as other people marvel at your work of art.
Now repeat for a different piece of art, say an installment (empty room).
Write a Blurb. and stick it outside the room.
Let the artist pose with it again.
And sit back and watch.
We hope this presentation has been useful to you. Thank you for your time.
Biennale today~
Cause we're the coolest artiest kids eva. Went to the Biennale with Lassy, Elva, Smaz, Fatty, Ella and her exchange student for a super fun art day which i enjoyed very much.
This is us on an adventure in the forest (as you can see) discovering the new lands and oppurtunities of the american dream
After that we saw Inception which was super super intense and awesome and had dinner at a super cool japanese resturant with a sushi train (i had me some Kani Maki) and cold rocked it up afterwards. Then we left and i went on the bus and stupidly left my bag on the bus, freaked out, called smaz, had a massive panic attack but he says he got it so i was like, omg i could have died. And then i went home and my poster that had been on my wall for 4 years had fallen off.... how weird... the omen is bad...
A funny Alien Swarm end
Y'all should watch this
Written, directed and animated by one mysterious man. It's a pretty bad-ass 30 minutes
Friday, July 23, 2010
I know it's a really stupid thing to be depressed about but
But the manga publishers don't really care about that. Infact all they care about is money but they don't realise that their making a ridicously stupid move.
First, Mangatoshokan was taken away, everything was gone. And now, i thought mangas like One Piece and D.Gray Man would be safe because they are sooo popular that people would buy the comics anyway. I know i would (and do). But now, in about a week, everything will be gone and ill have to keep searching. Its only a matter of time before they reach Mangareader or mangafox or 8manga or any other manga site i find. So what am I going to do, stop reading all the manga that im currently reading? They can't take away all my manga.. why are they doing this.. Im going to have to download the chapters when they arrive at certain scanlation sites and lots of scanlation sites don't regularly do one manga and other sites will pick it up and there are hundereds of scanlation sites if not I cannot read my sleepy residents of bird cage manor, zetsuen no tempest, D.gray man, Blazer drive, 07 ghost, saiyuki ibun, saiyuki reload, tegami bachi, Addicted to curry, yakitate!! japan, Durarara!!, Torikago gakkyuu, switch, monokuro kitan, zombie-loan, Psyren, Darker than black, Soul Eater, Matantei Loki, Kuro Kami and arakawa under the bridge...
oh no, now i really wasted 2 years of my life... well, its been fun. Hope they don't find mangafox or mangareader or destroy the scanlation sites. till next time, Sayonara.

Ps: sorry for being such a drama queen... T_T

Days from my past
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What ever happened to face two burned

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

but then again, for some reason muslim queens usually are. Just like the current queen of Jordan:

Monday, July 19, 2010
English was preeety racist.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Also on a different note, everybody ready fo shcool tomorrow? last day of holidays and i spent my entire day sleeping..
Maxim... (also)
The chatbox on the right is the edited version without gradients and the ones on the right with "Vanarbulax"(Keiran) an' I are the beta versions (Equal gradients to the release client)

Oh and also...

Random Stuffs Episode 2 Part 2
Scene 5: At Yum Cha
Everyone (Ru, Hui, Maxim, Sam, Christian, Manakon, Joel, Josh, Nicola, Jules, Marlena and Tyler) is seated round a large table. One of the wagons comes around
Wagon Lady 1: Tea?
Emily: Yes please... Now everyone get a cup, I have a toasty thing.
Christian: Would you like some butter for that?
Emily: Ha Ha. No. Anyway, to meeting new people and being awesome and yeh, to us.
Everyone: To Us.
Wagon Lady 2: You want prawn dumpling? Vegetable dumpling? BBQ pork bun?
Manakon: Does anyone want BBQ pork buns or Prawn dumpliungs?
Ru: BBQ Pork buns
Marlena: BBQ Pork buns
Jules: I'm so hungry.
Josh: You are always hungry.
Jules: You've known me like a week.
Josh: You eat like a baguette for recess.
Jules: Soo? I get hungry.
Josh: That's my point.
Emily: Guys quit it.
Christian: First time I've been to Yum Cha with you guys.
Ru: I love Yum Cha with you guys.
Maxim: Yeh, look it's BBQ Hogg Hogg Hogg buns.
Manakon: Bahahaha
Everyone laughs then calms down
Jules: (dead seal laugh)
Everyone laughs at Jules' laugh
Marlena: Can we get some of those noodles? They are really tasty.
Joel: Nom Nom Nom. They are.
Kwon: (signals to Wagon Lady 3) Can we get some noodles please?
Wagon Lady 3: Yeh sure.
Smaz: Why aren't you eating anything Tyler?
Ru: Yeh come on.
Tyler: Meh, not hungry.
Emily: Lighten up a bit.
Manakon: Look who's talking.
Emily: I am unhappy at certain times, he seems unhappy a lot.
Marlena: Yeh Kwon is right, Emily be happier
Emily: Oh come on.
Hui: Yum Cha is so awesome. We should make it like a tradition.
Emily: I know right. It should be like every exam period.
Marlena: That's sweet. Like Luna Park from year 8 and you told us who you liked on the ferris q wheel.
Hui: Oh yeh, Jayden, Josh...
Emily: Yeh and you told everyone.
Marlena: No we told Liam and he told everyone
Emily: Whatever, I don't like them anymore.
Josh: Remember when you liked me in year 8.
Emily: Yeh we got it Josh.
Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg, just relax.
Emily: I am relaxed.
Christian: Ru, when's the next Franz Ferdinand concert?
Ru: I donno, I think they come to Australia sometime later this year. We should go.
Christian: Fo' sure.
Emily: Haha Lambert. Oh that reminds me, who is thinking of going on the 'Nam trip?
Ru: Me
Marlena: Me
Maxim: Possibly
Sam: Probably
Joel: Maybe
Emily: It sounds pretty awesome. I don't much like history but it would be a cool trip.
Marlena: Oh Emily. “Get a vocabulary”
Ru: Bahahahahaha
Jules: What's this?
Emily: Well last year Marlena was annoying the crap out of me and as a comeback I said “Go get a Vocabulary”
Jules: (silence and then dead seal laugh)
Everyone bursts out laughing
Jules: Sorry but that's pretty funny.
Emily: Hmm, so what are you guys doing after this?
Christian: I'm going parcouring with Smaz and Tyler and maybe Ru and people.
Manakon: I'm going gaming.
Joel: Me too.
Josh: I have nothing to do.
Jules: Me neither.
Hui: I'm going skating with Blaise.
Emily: She said she wasn't allowed out.
Hui: Hmm..
Nicola: I gotta head home, my mum will get pissed at me.
Emily: Josh, you want to chill in the city for a bit?
Josh: Yeh sure, Jules, you want to come?
Jules: No. I am going surfing this afternoon.
Emily: Want to walk down to Darling Harbour, it's a nice day for it.
Josh: Yep, sounds good.
Emily: Ok. Do we want to get the bill?
Manakon signals for the bill.
Manakon: It's $229.20 which is.. $19.10 each.
Emily: I have a $20 note.
Hui: Ru and I have coins.
Manakon sorts the bill out and they leave the restaurant
Scene 6: Outside the Restaurant
Everyone is standing outside
Emily: Well thank you for coming. Josh, we'll go this way to Darling Harbour.
Josh: Ok cool.
Christian: I think we are going that way for parcouring too.
Emily: kk, well we're gonna head off. Cya guys tomorrow at school
Manakon: Cya Hogg and people, I got zombies to kill.
Maxim: Yeh me too, cya.
Ru, Christian, Sam, and Tyler walk off with Emily and Josh. Manakon and Maxim head to Beyond while Hui and Nicola with Jules walk to the bus stop. (All different directions)
End Scene
Scene 7: Darling Harbour
Tyler is climbing up the side of a parking lot with Sam following, Christian is below them by 6 metres or so. Ru is taking pictures and Emily, Jules and Josh are watching them
Emily: Holy Shit, I hope they don't fall.
Josh: Haha Christian.
Ru: Lambi Bambi.
Christian (yelling down): Hi Guys!
Emily and Ru wave
Emily: Coffee.
Josh: You want one?
Emily: Yeh, let's go, there has to be a place round here that does coffee.
Josh: Cool.
Emily: Yeh, Cya Ru, tell them I said bye. *hugs Ru*
Emily and Josh leave.
Scene Ends
Scene 8: At a coffee shop
Emily and Josh are sitting down, Emily is having coffee
Emily: I like our group
Josh: Yep, we are pretty cool.
Emily: We are. I reckon people must think we are so weird though sometimes.
Josh: True.
Emily: Ah well.
Josh: So what do you want to do for Schoolies?
Emily: That’s 3 years away.
Josh: We should plan ahead.
Emily: Haha, I won’t be 18 yet.
Josh: Meh, I will buy for you.
Emily: Haha k. Ah you are an awesome person to chill with.
Josh: Thanks.
Emily: Well I better go, Campbell is pretty anal about maths homework and I have 2 whole exercises.
Josh: Haha, Unlucky.
Emily: Just a little.
Josh: Well Cya
Emily: Cya
They leave.
Scene Ends
Scene 9: Epilogue.
Emily: There isn’t much to say now. I guess that friends are just awesome and yeh.
Christian: I am.
Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg. Oh Lambert.
Emily: Oh dear god.
Scene Ends
I am thinking next episode is a special Marlena's birthday 4 am party and will include jon pooning someone.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Little Rant on manga lisence publisher people.. (you can ignore it if you want..)
This is reallllyyyy stupid cause all these sites are not charging their readers for memberships and they will earn less moneys by not having the mangas on the sites i mean like, if i didnt find one piece or kuroshitsuji or pandora hearts on onemanga, i wouldnt have bought one piece volumes (which i spend soooo much money on) and i wouldnt buy the yen press mangazine and its also bad for the authors and artists as their mangas dont get as much exposure as they used to and new fans cant stumble upon their mangas and love it.
The coalition is reportedly threatening legal action against 30 scanlation sites, whose names were not revealed. The organization currently includes Japanese publishers Kodansha, Shogakukan, Shueisha, Square Enix, and the Tuttle-Mori Agency, as well as North American manga publishers Vertical Inc., Viz Media, Tokyopop, and Yen Press.
Viz media includes one piece and yen press stole my top 3 fave mangas.. So now i have to go search alternate websites for Torikaga Gakkyuu, Monokuro Kitan, Kuroshitsuji, Pandora Hearts, Nabari no Ou, Zombie-Loan, Soul Eater, Arakawa under the bridge and kuro kami... so dumb..
Thursday, July 15, 2010
yeah im free-ish, i should do work but fuck that.
P.S. For the record I do not think this blog is stupid, just that lasry is stupid for not reading it ;)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
hallo, hallo, eburibody!

because i cbf doing maths

here you go. this is the little code that I scribble everywhere.

Holy Shit...
AND The Joker in most of the animated Batman series. My respect for all of those has just increased 10 fold.
If anybody's out there
yay more last minute planning
i'm doing maths work now and i cbf doing my D&T
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
went to city with lambert ru and lambert's exchage
met up wit smaz, tyler and josh
trekked to pyrmont for no reason
went to darling harbour
played 3 rounds of laser tag, got free chips, drinks and arcade tokens (because napoleon said we could)
trekked back to qvb
saw blaise for abit
went home
woooot octupus!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
So if anyone is reading this...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Last Post
SO this afternoon at 13:05pm my time. I am flying to Shanghai and because I can't access the blog in Shanghai (its blocked) this is my last post til Sydney.
I get back at 8am on Wednesday morning. And we should do something. I would say wednesday afternoon but i think i have to look after my sister. But organise something for thursday and it will be awesome. Text me the details. I will get them when I get back to Sydney.
I leave you now with the first part of episode 2 in Random Stuffs (that's what it's called)
Episode 2 – Food for thought.
Scene 1: An Explanation of the Week by Emily
Emily: So. The rest of the week went by pretty quickly. Classes, stuff and yeh. Soon it was friday afternoon
Scene Ends
Scene 2: Friday Afternoon
Ru, Christian, Smaz, Jules, Tyler and Blaise are standing together
Ru: So you guys coming to Yum Cha sunday?
Sam: I dunno, probably.
Jules: Maybe
Tyler: I don't know the city is a long way away. By the way, I haven't met you before, I'm Tyler.
Jules: Yeh hey, I'm Jules.
Blaise: And I'm Blaise. Hey.
Jules: Hey. Tyler I think you are in my ILP class.
Tyler: I don't really care
Sam: Ah Tyler, we are parcouring after.
Jules: What's parcouring?
Christian: It's only the most awesome thing in the world, after HIMYM
Jules: Ok, that doesn't really tell me much and what's HIMYM?
Christian: How I Met Your Mother.
Jules (confused): What is that?
Christian displays shock and steps backward like he's been hit
Christian: It's just the most awesome sitcom ever.
Jules: Right, well, I had better go, gotta go training.
Blaise: Where do you train?
Jules: I do surf life saving, it's pretty fun.
Blaise: Ah k then
Jules leaves to get into a car, Sam and Emily walk up followed by Hui
Emily: Hey guys, sorry we took so long, had to print stuff and Ms. Martin, the librarian, was yelling at us for being too loud even though the year sevens were louder than us.
Marlena chimes in
Marlena: God I hate that woman, Glynis (shudders)
Blaise: I know right, so annoying.
Hui: I know. She won't stop minding other people's business, so annoying. Its so sad Ms. Garnsey left.
Marlena: Remember that party we had last year, and I made that crumble.
Hui: Oh yeh. That was so tasty.
Emily: Well, I gotta go, don't forget Yum Cha, Sunday.
Blaise: Are you centralling?
Emily: Yep.
Blaise: Ok, I'll come with.
Emily: Ok cool. Cya guys.
Scene Ends
Scene 3: At the Bus Stop
Emily: You got anything planned for this weekend?
Blaise: Nah not much, might go skating with Hui and TNG
Emily: Ah k cool.
Blaise: Do you?
Emily: Nope, not that I can think of.
Blaise: What bus do you catch?
Emily: 393 or 395
Blaise: Ah k cool, I catch the 378, and there it is, and your bus too.
Emily: Cool, don't forget, Yum Cha, Sunday.
Blaise: I'll text you if I can come. Cya
Both board buses and leave
Scene Ends
Scene 4: At Central before Yum Cha.
Emily turns up first followed by Ru and Hui
Emily: Hey guys.
Ru: Hey
Hui: Hey.
Emily: So who is actually coming? Josh texted me and said he can come, so can Christian. Blaise isn't allowed out, Jules can and so can Nicola. But otherwise I donno.
Hui: Well Smaz missed the bus, Joel will be late and Kwon has swimming but he'll be here later
Ru: Maxim is just there (pointing)
Emily: MAXIM!!!
Maxim turns and sees them, then walks over
Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg, hey guys.
Emily: Yes goat.
Ru: I love the goatee, it's so cool.
Emily: Ah ru.*hugs*
Hui: Hey.
Maxim: So who's coming?
Emily: People.
Everyone turns up and they proceed to the Yum Cha place
Scene Ends
Cya guys
Miss you <3
Friday, July 9, 2010
Random Stuffs, episode 1 part 2
Scene 4: Lunch time
Josh is talking to Jules, as Emily walks up
Josh: Hey Emily, this is Jules.
Emily: Hey
Jules: Hey
Emily (sees Nicola): I'll be right back
Walks over to Nicola
Emily: Hey, My name is Emily, Welcome to IGS.
Nicola: Oh hey, I'm Nicola
Emily: What do you think of IGS so far?
Nicola: Its a bit intimidating, so many people.
Emily: I know right, I only came last year.
Marlena walks up followed by Ru
Marlena: Hey guys!! I'm Marlena by the way, and this is Ru.
Ru: Hey
Josh and Jules walk up
Josh: Hey, I'm Josh.
Jules: And I'm Jules.
Nicola: Hey.
Emily: You want to come up to Broadway with us for Lunch??
Josh: Yeh you should come, Jules too, we just have to wait for Kwon and Maxim.
Nicola: Ok.
Emily: That reminds me, what happened with Kwon and Matthias
Hui walks up
Hui: Hey, I'm Hui. Yeh that fight, up on Level 4 then Dennehy saw them and sent them to Dr. Dearn.
Emily: Oh dear.
Hui: I feel sorry for TNG
Nicola: TNG?
Hui: Yeh Matthais TNG.
Nicola: Ah k.
Josh: Do we want to go? Everyone is here.
Emily: Yeh sure.
End Scene
Scene 5: Broadway at Lunch
Emily, Ru, Hui, Josh, Jules, Nicola, Christian and Sam are sitting at a table in the food court
Hui: So Nicola, what's your middle name?
Nicola: Why?
Hui: I dunno.
Ru: It's just her thing.
Josh: It is. Emily, how's your maths class? So glad I don't have Campbell, he's so creepy.
Emily: Nah, he's fine. It's good, he's a bit anal about margins though, we have to divide our page in half, etc.
Marlena: How is that anal? He's just neat and it makes me feel neat.
Ru: It kinda is a bit.
Emily: Yep, see. How is Ms. Souroullas, Josh?
Josh: She is pretty nice, better than Raniga last year. (puts on voice) Josh, you bad child, you talk too much, go sit under the shower.
Emily: Ahahahaha I remember that, you blamed a lot on me.
Josh: Yeh sorry.
Marlena: Yeh, Raniga, I think he must have felt sorry for you.
Emily: Yeh my first class at this school, Who'd you guys meet first?
Nicola: I think her name was Georgia Gravanis. She just left me.
Ru: Awww she can be a bit mean.
Jules: I think a guy called Andy.
Hui: Ah Andy, what'd you think of him?
Jules: I donno, he was kinda blunt.
Emily: Yeh he can be a bit like that.
Marlena: Ah well, we'll hang with you guys, cause we are awesome.
Christian: Yeh I am.
Emily: Haha. no.
Christian: Aww
Emily: I'm kidding, you're pretty cool.
Christian: Ah thanks Emily.
Maxim walks up
Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg, have any of you seen Lasry or Smaz?
Ru: Lasry had drama and Smaz is here.
Maxim: Ah Smaz, we need to do that history presentation, this weekend.
Emily: Oh thanks goat, you reminded me, Yum Cha, Saturday, meet 11pm QVB.
Smaz: I'm good with whatever, Yum Cha sounds good. We have to invite Tyler and go parkouring after.
Christian: I have to work til 11 so I might be late and awesome, Parcour!!
Marlena (facepalm): Ah Lambert. But I can come to Yum Cha.
Josh: Nicola, Jules, you guys should come too.
Jules: Hmm, maybe
Nicola: I have cadets on saturday.
Emily: What's cadets? But that's cool, we can make it sunday. (to everyone) change of plans, make it sunday.
Nicola: Navy cadets, pretty mad.
Emily: Ah k. sounds cool, anyway guyswe better all head back to school, it's time.
Josh: Sounds good to me.
Scene Ends
Scene 6: End of School
Ru, Hui, Sam, Josh and Christian are standing together, as Emily comes up with Manakon
Emily: Well that wasn't the worst day back ever.
Manakon: Why always so down Hogg?
Emily: I donno, how was ur guys' first day back?
Josh: Twas awesome (claps excitedly)
Hui: ah Josh, we should probably get going
Christian: Yeh I gotta go to work.
Ru: Yep, let's go.
Josh: I'll come to central
Emily: Ok cool, let's go.
At bus stop
Josh: I enjoyed today.
Emily: Yeh same. Nice to see everyone
Josh: Yep, is that a 501?
Emily: Nah 428, but that is my bus, cya tomorrow.
Josh: Cya
Final Scene: Prologue by Emily
Emily: First day's are pretty scary but I guess it all passes, and then its not the first day and it's all sweet.
Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg
Emily: Goat get out of my ending.
Manakon: Hogg Hogg Hogg Hogg Hogg Hogg
Emily: Ah well, the end.
Scene Ends
Next time Episode 2 - Food for thought: Yum Cha and Parkouring. Meeting Tyler and Lasry and Joel. Planning the Nam trip
Thursday, July 8, 2010
windows 7. hooray
EDIT: On an unrelated note. This is fucking brilliant
Random Stuffs, a script.
Random Stuffs
Episode 1 – The First Day
Scene 1: Early Morning
The scene opens to people walking into a school building, much like IGS, cuts to seating place
(Emily is sitting against the wall with Ru and Hui; Josh walks up)
Josh (smiling): Hey guys!! Happy to be back?
Emily (shrugging) : To a degree, Year 10 is meant to be dead easy but still, I wish holidays could ave gone on for longer.
Ru (Indifferent): Yeah, thats what they say but my parents get so angry if I don't do well, but I am happy to be back, it's nice to see people.
Josh: I know right, I think we got a new kid or two! claps excitedly
Hui (laughing): Haha Josh, you are always so excited about new people.
Josh: Well they are exciting!! Anyway, How were your holidays? Go anywhere?
Emily: I went to see my Dad, I told you about that though.
Ru (interested): Where'd you go this time?
Emily: Austria, Germany and Shanghai
Hui: Wow, so envious. Yeh my holidays were pretty uneventful, cept we went to Canada.
Ru: They had a pineapple shaped island!!
Josh: That's so cool!!!
Sam and Christian walk in
Ru: Hey Smaz and Lambert
Christian: Hey Ru, Emily, Hui, Josh, Smaz and I were just discussing the next song for our band.
Sam: Yeh, should be fun.
Emily: What song were you thinking?
Christian: Drum roll please (pauses) Ice Ice Baby
Hui: Haha, win!
Ru: Ah Smaz, where are you up to in One Piece?
Sam: Chapter 453 I think, but Luffy is so awesome
Emily: What's this?
Josh: Yeh, what's going on?
Sam: One Piece, its an anime.
Josh and Emily are confused
Ru: You know like a comic.
Josh: Ah k, what's it like?
Ru: It's pretty awesome.
Emily: Sounds pretty cool, link it to me sometime.
Manakon walks in, followed by Maxim.
Emily: Hey, how was swimming training Kwon?
Ru: Yeh, how are you exercising person?
Manakon: Was normal.
Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg
Emily: Really necessary Maxim? And I like the Goatee.
Maxim: Haha, thanks Hogg.
Manakon: Yeh, why'd you grow it? Now we have the Hogg and the Goat and the Lamb, We are on the way to a full farm
Ru: Bahahaha Kwonny.
Christian: Ah you are so funny Manakon, but guys, I got a job at Baker's Delight!!
Hui: Congratulations!! Why?
Christian: I thought I should, I go for runs now too.
Emily: Responsible. Well done. The Bell's about to ring, but before it does I reckon we should have Yum Cha this weekend, invite everyone, kind of like a reconvening after the hols.
Ru: Sounds pretty good to me
Josh: Yeah sounds good, and keep an eye out for the new kids today.
The School bell rings and people walk off to class, Ru and Emily walk together
Ru: It's nice to be back
Emily: It really is.
Scene Ends
Scene 2: Recess
Emily stands with Brigitta, Ru and Marlena in the cafe, waiting to order, Other people standing outside
Emily: The cafe is always so busy this time
Brigitta: Yeah, so many school students.
Marlena: Ah yeh we are such public nuissances.
Ru: Ah well
Cafe Lady: What would you like?
Emily: I'll have a large Latte and (pointing) a chocolate croissant. You guys want anything?
Brigitta: Ah yeh, I'd like a Latte too.
Marlena: Yep me too.
Cafe Lady: Thats 5.80 for you and 3 for you two.
Marlena, Ru and Brigitta hand money
Ru: Have you met the new kids yet?
Brigitta: I met one of them, her name's Nicola.
Emily: Nice name, I haven't met any.
Ru: Well I met the other, his name is Jules, and his mum's name is Pascale.
Brigitta: Pascalle? Like lollies?
Ru: Yep, and their last name is Kirk, like the soft drink, bahaha, they must have a sweet tooth.
Emily: Ah Ru, I love you
Cafe Lady: Here are the Lattes, and your chocolate croissant
Emily: Thanks, let's go outside.
Brigitta: I'm gonna talk to Ella, catch up with you later.
All leave the cafe to go outside. They go to stand with Manakon and Josh
Emily: Josh, you meet the new kids?
Josh: Yep, their names are Jules and Nicola, Jules came from Rosebay and has no sense of etiquette, and Nicola came from JJ's, mad lass.
Manakon: Bahaha mad lass?
Emily: Haha and no sense of etiquette?
Josh: Yeh Kwon, mad lass. And yeh no sense of etiquette, the first thing he asked me was if I'd seen 2 girls 1 cup, like seriously, he could have at least started with, “Hey, My name is Jules” but no, it's straight out with 2 girls 1 cup
Marlena: Baha, that's a bit sad
Emily: What's 2 girls 1 cup?
Marlena: Oh, Emily, google it.
Ru: Haha, so much like Hogg.
Emily: We should so befriend Nicola.
Marlena: Yep. We'll work it out in maths, this afternoon, right now, we gotta go back, its 10:55, Ms. Jackson can be a bit strict.
Scene Ends
Scene 3: Math's classroom later that day
Emily, Marlena and Ru are sitting at their desks, waiting for their math's teacher, Mr. Campbell
Emily: Well she wasn't in my english or science class and she isn't in this math's class, she is in my Geography class
Ru: She is in my English and Science Class and she does French with me, while you guys do German.
Marlena: Well I have history with her, and her locker is near mine.
Emily: Awesome, we should be able to get her into the friend group.
Marlena: Ah look here comes Campbell, let's hope he brought stamps.
Ru: Ahaha Marlenaman.Random Stuffs
*Campbell walks in*
Marlena: Did you bring the stamps?
Mr. Campbell: Yes, Marlena now open your books.
*Scene Ends*
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
ROO you conspirator
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
just random stuffs
Sunday, July 4, 2010
BIENNALE. Because we have to go.