Friday, July 30, 2010


ok, so tomorrow may just be the most packed day in history. I have rowing which i have to be up at 6 for (which is why i have to go to bed at 2230 hours), then biennali at 1030, then a party till about 1, then a nerf gun war, then another party and in that time i have to buy a nerf gun, figure out what's happening with my exchange student and if i find some spare time get a haircut!!!

and there is nothing planned for sunday! night ya'll


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

... so what, meet at circular quay at ten thirty or something? because i doubt we can be back for blaises which is meant to be at 11:30 so we can be abit late say be there at 12:30, which means we have less then 2 hours in the biennale and then less then an hour at blaises.... oh nvm, ill find a new way

Brian said...

i miss rowing