Saturday, July 17, 2010

Random Stuffs Episode 2 Part 2

So here is the second part including the Yum Cha Scene

Scene 5: At Yum Cha

Everyone (Ru, Hui, Maxim, Sam, Christian, Manakon, Joel, Josh, Nicola, Jules, Marlena and Tyler) is seated round a large table. One of the wagons comes around

Wagon Lady 1: Tea?

Emily: Yes please... Now everyone get a cup, I have a toasty thing.

Christian: Would you like some butter for that?

Emily: Ha Ha. No. Anyway, to meeting new people and being awesome and yeh, to us.

Everyone: To Us.

Wagon Lady 2: You want prawn dumpling? Vegetable dumpling? BBQ pork bun?

Manakon: Does anyone want BBQ pork buns or Prawn dumpliungs?

Ru: BBQ Pork buns

Marlena: BBQ Pork buns

Jules: I'm so hungry.

Josh: You are always hungry.

Jules: You've known me like a week.

Josh: You eat like a baguette for recess.

Jules: Soo? I get hungry.

Josh: That's my point.

Emily: Guys quit it.

Christian: First time I've been to Yum Cha with you guys.

Ru: I love Yum Cha with you guys.

Maxim: Yeh, look it's BBQ Hogg Hogg Hogg buns.

Manakon: Bahahaha

Everyone laughs then calms down

Jules: (dead seal laugh)

Everyone laughs at Jules' laugh

Marlena: Can we get some of those noodles? They are really tasty.

Joel: Nom Nom Nom. They are.

Kwon: (signals to Wagon Lady 3) Can we get some noodles please?

Wagon Lady 3: Yeh sure.

Smaz: Why aren't you eating anything Tyler?

Ru: Yeh come on.

Tyler: Meh, not hungry.

Emily: Lighten up a bit.

Manakon: Look who's talking.

Emily: I am unhappy at certain times, he seems unhappy a lot.

Marlena: Yeh Kwon is right, Emily be happier

Emily: Oh come on.

Hui: Yum Cha is so awesome. We should make it like a tradition.

Emily: I know right. It should be like every exam period.

Marlena: That's sweet. Like Luna Park from year 8 and you told us who you liked on the ferris q wheel.

Hui: Oh yeh, Jayden, Josh...

Emily: Yeh and you told everyone.

Marlena: No we told Liam and he told everyone

Emily: Whatever, I don't like them anymore.

Josh: Remember when you liked me in year 8.

Emily: Yeh we got it Josh.

Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg, just relax.

Emily: I am relaxed.

Christian: Ru, when's the next Franz Ferdinand concert?

Ru: I donno, I think they come to Australia sometime later this year. We should go.

Christian: Fo' sure.

Emily: Haha Lambert. Oh that reminds me, who is thinking of going on the 'Nam trip?

Ru: Me

Marlena: Me

Maxim: Possibly

Sam: Probably

Joel: Maybe

Emily: It sounds pretty awesome. I don't much like history but it would be a cool trip.

Marlena: Oh Emily. “Get a vocabulary”

Ru: Bahahahahaha

Jules: What's this?

Emily: Well last year Marlena was annoying the crap out of me and as a comeback I said “Go get a Vocabulary”

Jules: (silence and then dead seal laugh)

Everyone bursts out laughing

Jules: Sorry but that's pretty funny.

Emily: Hmm, so what are you guys doing after this?

Christian: I'm going parcouring with Smaz and Tyler and maybe Ru and people.

Manakon: I'm going gaming.

Joel: Me too.

Josh: I have nothing to do.

Jules: Me neither.

Hui: I'm going skating with Blaise.

Emily: She said she wasn't allowed out.

Hui: Hmm..

Nicola: I gotta head home, my mum will get pissed at me.

Emily: Josh, you want to chill in the city for a bit?

Josh: Yeh sure, Jules, you want to come?

Jules: No. I am going surfing this afternoon.

Emily: Want to walk down to Darling Harbour, it's a nice day for it.

Josh: Yep, sounds good.

Emily: Ok. Do we want to get the bill?

Manakon signals for the bill.

Manakon: It's $229.20 which is.. $19.10 each.

Emily: I have a $20 note.

Hui: Ru and I have coins.

Manakon sorts the bill out and they leave the restaurant

Scene 6: Outside the Restaurant

Everyone is standing outside

Emily: Well thank you for coming. Josh, we'll go this way to Darling Harbour.

Josh: Ok cool.

Christian: I think we are going that way for parcouring too.

Emily: kk, well we're gonna head off. Cya guys tomorrow at school

Manakon: Cya Hogg and people, I got zombies to kill.

Maxim: Yeh me too, cya.

Ru, Christian, Sam, and Tyler walk off with Emily and Josh. Manakon and Maxim head to Beyond while Hui and Nicola with Jules walk to the bus stop. (All different directions)

End Scene

Scene 7: Darling Harbour

Tyler is climbing up the side of a parking lot with Sam following, Christian is below them by 6 metres or so. Ru is taking pictures and Emily, Jules and Josh are watching them

Emily: Holy Shit, I hope they don't fall.

Josh: Haha Christian.

Ru: Lambi Bambi.

Christian (yelling down): Hi Guys!

Emily and Ru wave

Emily: Coffee.

Josh: You want one?

Emily: Yeh, let's go, there has to be a place round here that does coffee.

Josh: Cool.

Emily: Yeh, Cya Ru, tell them I said bye. *hugs Ru*

Emily and Josh leave.

Scene Ends

Scene 8: At a coffee shop

Emily and Josh are sitting down, Emily is having coffee

Emily: I like our group

Josh: Yep, we are pretty cool.

Emily: We are. I reckon people must think we are so weird though sometimes.

Josh: True.

Emily: Ah well.

Josh: So what do you want to do for Schoolies?

Emily: That’s 3 years away.

Josh: We should plan ahead.

Emily: Haha, I won’t be 18 yet.

Josh: Meh, I will buy for you.

Emily: Haha k. Ah you are an awesome person to chill with.

Josh: Thanks.

Emily: Well I better go, Campbell is pretty anal about maths homework and I have 2 whole exercises.

Josh: Haha, Unlucky.

Emily: Just a little.

Josh: Well Cya

Emily: Cya

They leave.

Scene Ends

Scene 9: Epilogue.

Emily: There isn’t much to say now. I guess that friends are just awesome and yeh.

Christian: I am.

Maxim: Hogg Hogg Hogg. Oh Lambert.

Emily: Oh dear god.

Scene Ends

I am thinking next episode is a special Marlena's birthday 4 am party and will include jon pooning someone.


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

at first i read 'Jon Pooing on someone' and was like wtf? lol. The franz ferdinand concerts that i been to were at the beginning of the year Xp.

Palllmtree said...

i think she meant "spooning someone". tyler didnt eat cos he's vegetarian bahhahaha

JD said...

Yes! The next episode will feature yet another of my random disappearances! :D

Hoggle said...

haha i mean pooning. when u read it, u'll understand.

AcionMan! said...

Tyler's a VEGETARIAN?! What is this?!!!