Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Comment turned post

Like Jon was saying. This is my comment

Back to the non-gaming side of life;

Everything seems kinda irrelevant sometimes. I mean I was watching this physics program on SBS, which was about the universe by a physicist (He made so much more sense than Mr. Smith) and it put it kinda in perspetive, but i guess it's kinda relevant.
I mean, to use a slightly weird metaphor, everything has a purpose, the moon goes round the earth, the earth goes round the sun, the sun goes round the centre of the galaxy, the galaxy gets further away from the centre of the universe. I mean there is a lot out there. To make it clear, I will use the show's metaphor. You are marking measurements on the ground. A round bouncy ball is the sun. The earth is one astronomical unit (150,000,000 km but for conceivable numbers in this case 1cm) away from the sun. Then at 15 cm is the Kuiper belt (wikipedia it up). Then 20cm Neptune and at 39cm Pluto and other dwarf planets. Now going from this, you get up at walk half a kilometre, in a straight line from where you just marked those measurements. And you are still feeling the effect of the solar wind from our sun. That is approximately 50 000 times the distance between the earth and the sun or 7.5 trillion km, and that's only our sun's gravitational effect. To the next closest star, it would be 4 km from the original sun which is 60 trillion km. And did you know the US debt is around 13 trillion dollars?

So yeh, I do feel like I am doing boring shit and pointless shit. But I do it cause it makes my existence useful, not on the scale of Newton's Laws or Gravity. But I am doing what the "laws" both physical and metaphorical tell me to do. Everyone is submissive to the "laws" so technically, each existence of an object has a similar point and while we rely on the forces of the sun, the gravity, etc. if we weren't here, who would experience and understand it all. So really the question about the tree falling in the wood and making a sound. Yeh it makes a sound, because it has to and technically by the laws of science. Nothing does something because it can, it does it because it is the easiest way. As lightning strikes metal wires to get to ground. It's the easiest way and that is sorta how life works. So if a tree does fall in a wood. It is falling because it is broken or hit by lightning and the cracking of the wood is the easiest way for it to happen, and the easiest way for it to hit the ground is with reverberations. Thus the tree does make a noise. Just, the easiest way for those reverberations to get as sound waves away is not through ears but only air.

 Anyway, I'm rambling a lot.
Gotta go now


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

mmhmm, mmhm,im learning alot sensei

Hoggle said...

haha not rly, just senseless ranting

JD said...

I never got how people could legitimately ask if a tree would make a noise if noone was around.

Hoggle said...

its about the whole i think therefore i am. It is the concept of whether we "imagine" noise or whether everything around us is only made up by our imagination etc.

Brian said...

Watch it, it answers whether a tree falls and makes a sound

JD said...

Ahaha, that was so good!

Hoggle said...

basically what i said. without the killing in the background.