Monday, March 7, 2011

Uni Shtuffs

Things I've thought about uni so far
- coming from an all boy school, being surrounded by women and men is a really nice change
- be prepared to be at least be a little lonely when uni starts
- starting at 8 o'clock on Mondays and Tuesdays makes it difficult to stay awake during lectures
- there's around 500+ students in maths lectures which makes it a pain to find a seat
- 4 unit maths is really helpful for those looking to do any form of engineering and IT
- you can still get by with doing 3
- you'd most likely struggle with 2
- Sydney Uni has a lovely environment
- put something beneath you if you fall asleep on grass or ants will bite
- the line to buy uni text books is huge (ie. 20 minutes to an hour wait)
- be prepared to meet some really dumb people
- be prepared to meet some very smart people
- be prepared to meet some attractive people
- 75% of my programming course are international students
- don't have lectures or tutes for more than 4 hours maximum, 3 hours is the longest i can concentrate
- don't have inflated expectations of uni really...some of my friends were quite disappointed
EDIT: don't get me wrong, uni so far is quite the experience so far

That's all i can really think of so far. I'm very tired from my 8 am to 4 pm day and mentally tired from working on complex numbers and vectors.

bye for now


Kida Masaomi said...

- put something beneath you if you fall asleep on grass or ants will bite

and i thank you

JD said...

Uni is pretty much amazing, if anything it's surpassed my expectations.

"-Be prepared to meet some really dumb people"
I'm amazed at some of the people that've made it into uni...