Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In response to Joel's rant

So with what you said Joel, I am kind of in agreeance.
I am an atheist as you all know and it is kind of difficult to think that this all might end in what geological time is only a fraction of a second, and I get these thoughts, that no matter what I do, on Earth or whatever happens to the human race, it won't be of any vague importance to the existence of the universe.

But then I think, well maybe we are on this planet to create a purpose for the universe, I mean when we are gone, it will continue to exist, but it only goes in a way, that is obeying the laws of physics and chemistry. I mean as humans we can decide what happens, we obey the laws of physics and chemistry but we don't really just go round in circles, if you get what I am saying, good. What I mean is that like, the shortness of our lives is comparable to how much we can experience. I mean there is so much we can do.

I guess that is not much but as an atheist I have a goal, to die happy. If I can end with a smile, thinking it's the end but it's ok. I have had such a good time, and it's time for my chemical compounds to return to Earth or to another planet. I guess that's my sorta happiness. Chemically things that have passed through my body or were part of my body, may be somewhere far away on another planet. So maybe there is nothing I will experience, but if one copper molecule from part of my body, lands on Neptune or Uranus, it's like wow, I guess there is only a small chance that will happen, but it is many times bigger, than complex, thinking, functioning organisms to be living on a planet in our solar system. Earth.

I'm going to stop talking now cause I have to study, But I suggest you read/watch 2 things.
1. Read Tuesdays with Morrie. It is actually the best book for this kind of contemplation. It's interesting a bit sad and only like 100 pages.
2. Watch a program called "The Wonders of the Solar System" It makes me happy.

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