Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dear Emily Dickinson

So I was writing my essay for Emily Dickinson and I HATE HER.

Why the fuck does she exist with her annoying views on God and the world.

I am sorry but I just don't get her. Like I know what I am meant to get, and I just can't get past the religious aspect.

I mean I am just not religious and she annoys me.

I'm off to study something.


Igarashi-Kun said...

Totally agree.

no wonder no one accepted her...

Șмž said...

so it might be a bit late to say this but,
the good thing about emily dickinson is that you can say literally anything you want to about her poetry. It's completely open to interpretation.
The religious path is only what the teachers tell us to use because it is easier to see and to relate to belonging
I personally am arguing that ED is commenting on conservatism and how people base their lives on arbitrary things which in reality, hold no value, from a poem about books and money (as well as a word dropped careless obv)
just getting a related text is hard