Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Today I went to eastwood
and found this watermelon which was huuuggee and it weighed more than 10 kilograms and i really wanted to buy it but i didnt because i was like what the hell im not going to spend over 20 dollars on a very large and heavy watermelon.
but i kind of regret it now. dam i want that melon.
but i kind of regret it now. dam i want that melon.
Monday, November 28, 2011
My internet is going to go soon so i am living it up until the connection gets through..oh god my mum cancelled it cause we are moving but aihaeoihfoiahfoew
i may, may not see you soon on le internetz
Sunday, November 27, 2011
So Paris
So I'm in Paris now and I thought I should do a post now or else j would never do one and by doing this one maybe j set a precedent and ill do more holiday posts. So I had a mad long flight. 20 hours total, plus like 45 mins or something. But I had like 0 time in Dubai. Which sucks but then Why do I care about being in Dubai airport anyway. Been in Paris for 2 days now ( today will be my 3rd) and I've fallen back into my paris routine I guess, which wake up at 10, lie in bed for an hour and then go do... Stuff. Shopping or museums or just like walking around. And the whole time im thinking like " fuck fuck fuck fuck hsc hsc hsc". Guess it's the same for everyone else but I think it's worse being overseas because there is literally nothing I can do. I see your posts about how scared you are and you have every right to be but I'm not for you, because I'm so sure you'll do well. Me on the other hand, I'm not sure at all.
Every time I'm in a store or something j have to look outside and be like, " damn, I'm in Paris" and the go back to whatever. It's just a little something I always do. 🇫🇷
I just found out my cousin (French) made the new york bar, and so now can practice law in new York and stuff, as well as France, same as marshall, But with more. She's like 26. Adds a little pressure for some reason. Anyway, should get out of bed and do something.
I'll post again soon.
Every time I'm in a store or something j have to look outside and be like, " damn, I'm in Paris" and the go back to whatever. It's just a little something I always do. 🇫🇷
I just found out my cousin (French) made the new york bar, and so now can practice law in new York and stuff, as well as France, same as marshall, But with more. She's like 26. Adds a little pressure for some reason. Anyway, should get out of bed and do something.
I'll post again soon.
my lady gaga shirt and angus and julia stone shirt got accidentally washed with ru's SHInee shirt, so they got dyed a pale red.
im so super sad. why do i like white shirts so much.
also, there are no formal photoes of me taken by the fotografer person.
so its a good thing i didnt pay.
also i;ve been eating all my feelings
I think this is the first time I have experienced true boredom.
I have nothing to do. Actually nothing. Like ----> <--- that kind of nothing.
There is nothing I can think of to do.
I spent friday looking through draws in my cupboard trying to find something to do.
I have now given up getting up before midday because I actually have nothing to get up for.
I can't even get a job cause it seems a little pointless as I am away for a month in 2 weeks.
Seriously, what are you guys doing?
I got nothing.
Plus behind it is this psychological melting pot, and all this spare time means I have to confront what's in that goddamn pot and it's scary as fuck.
Like first there is the constant fear I won't get my 91 or 95 Atar. The constant fear I won't be able to achieve my goal of becoming an engineer. Then I kinda don't know what to do. The fear that what I have designed my life to become, will not be what I can do. The fear that I just am not be good enough.
Then there is this lingering sadness that I won't see Jon and Sam at the same time for 11 whole months, and Chelyne, Jules and Maxim will probably move to Canberra in March and Alex goes on exchange then too (sorry I thought I put this in before) and Liam might go to the US in August.
And under that again is the idea that if I move to Europe, firstly, I won't see my mum and sister for at least a year and that's so stressful for me personally, as my mum has always been there and being, what is it? like 15000 km away is like, god. Growing up is so scary, like I know I gotta leave at some point but I never thought it could be so far.
Then also if I do go, I'm not going to see people, our friends, like together (if I am realistic in terms of flying to Australia being expensive) for at least a whole 2 yrs. and I know I will make new friends and such but you guys have been so amazing in the last 4 years that leaving you, even thinking about it writing this post is almost bringing me to tears. Fuck I mean, you guys have been a part in making me who I am and I have so many memories of our times and you know it all ending is like. Fuck. like just. Fuck. Like you know how it was leaving IGS, how your whole part of life you know well is kinda ending. This is like that again but oh so much worse, cause IGS was sorta missing everybody but this is like it all again, but being 15,000km away.
It's sad.
It's sad.
So yeh that wasn't meant to turn into analysis of my fears but it kinda did.
Also if I move, you all have to get Skype so we can talk properly, cause I don't want to lose you guys. (And swiss internet is awesome)
I will finish with this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, because I feel it pertains most to my own feelings and probably also the feelings of others.
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
Also if I move, you all have to get Skype so we can talk properly, cause I don't want to lose you guys. (And swiss internet is awesome)
I will finish with this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, because I feel it pertains most to my own feelings and probably also the feelings of others.
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
Saturday, November 26, 2011

damn man
at the start of the year and all through the year, i just looked forward to summer. just like thinking bout roadtrips, beach, trashy parties, sunsets, mocktails, shopping...
i just somehow thought that after school, that it would be the best holiday ever. like walkin barefoot on roads and climbin trees
but so far, i spent today lookin for jobs on the internet and doin more research on colleges. i know these things are real important right now. maybe the most important things right now.
but i just wanna be lazy and have fun. make all my mistakes now so i dont in the future.
but then i keep thinking
why i think about the future so much?
and then i remember,
oh yeah cos ma and dad would be disappointed otherwise. and so will i. and so i wont feel like a lazy useless shit.
but then my mind goes in circles and i start thinking, whats so wrong with being a lazy shit? like right now, whats so wrong about doing nothing?
and i always accept myself. i think thats my special skill. i can accept whoever i am. so i cant be a better person. cos i keep being satisfied with whatever outcome.
but right now. i dont think i can make it into anything.
i keep talking shit. keep talking like i know errything. but i dont. cos i lie alot. especially to myself. and it has always worked. so i keep doing that. and everyone i see who i think is way better off than me always complainin bout how they is uncertain and stuff. and all i can think is damn why you say that, you got shit to write on your resume. and you smart so you gone get into whatever you want.
i keep sayin, yeah, i gone be in canadia. i gone live and learn there. in one of the best colleges in the area. but like, realistically, i dont know if i'll make it. and the application fees are damn expensive. and i just keep thinking that ima spend all this time and money and not get there.
i always think to reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud. but i dont know how soft this cloud is. for all i know, clouds are big balls of tiny water droplets. like you aint gonna sit on it, you just fall through, a big thick fog. warm and damp. like a real humid day in vietnam or something. and after you past through that, you fall forever until gravity hits you against some hard or soft surface. hopefully soft. but thats unlikely.
Friday, November 25, 2011
A place called paradise
There are actually several cities called paradise.
There is one in Canada, like 10 in the US, 3 in the UK, 1 in Suriname and 1 in New Zealand.
Also, I really need a job.
There is one in Canada, like 10 in the US, 3 in the UK, 1 in Suriname and 1 in New Zealand.
Also, I really need a job.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Someone removed me from admin :(
I wanted to look at the stats, like i could before and I can't find it because I no longer have permission
Why was i removed as an admin?
Like if it's not an accident, that's a bit mean.
I wanted to look at the stats, like i could before and I can't find it because I no longer have permission
Why was i removed as an admin?
Like if it's not an accident, that's a bit mean.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Place I really want to go to part 4
There is this place in China called Fenghuang

and its all pretty and shit and freakin fantastic so i wanna go there.

and its all pretty and shit and freakin fantastic so i wanna go there.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Drink it, Drink it, Power up ⇞

so imma thinkin 4 de formale we shud go 2 sum1s haus b4 adriennes pres ya kno. like a pre pre just fer our friends. to git ready n shit. we can go to addriens pres aftars 2gether.
im voting sam vailes haus rite now.
cuz thers de ocean and shit and its all nice and water front pretty. we dun need alkihols either man.
but really n e haus iz fine as long as we git together as good friends ya kno.
Do you guys want to come over and have like lunch at my house?
We can all just chill and such?
I can meet people in the city at like 11 at town hall, and I have bacon and such but yeh, chill time?
If you want to do something different, that's cool too just let me know.
Hope to see you there
Do you guys want to come over and have like lunch at my house?
We can all just chill and such?
I can meet people in the city at like 11 at town hall, and I have bacon and such but yeh, chill time?
If you want to do something different, that's cool too just let me know.
Hope to see you there
Sunday, November 20, 2011
So I was thinking on tuesday as a chill thing, we could all do like a movie night and dinner/lunch thing.
If it is during the day, we can have it at my house, otherwise tho, I am unsure.
Basically just a chill thing to see people and such, like before the formal.
Yeh let me know if that sounds good.
If it is during the day, we can have it at my house, otherwise tho, I am unsure.
Basically just a chill thing to see people and such, like before the formal.
Yeh let me know if that sounds good.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
someone dying in an MRI scan thing

before someone dies, the brain releases a large amount of endorphins that makes the person feel many many emotions.
so crazy.
Momoe won schoolies
and in other news lambert swore twice.

Also jon, i won. i got both balls.
(when im facebook chatting to mathias, i swear i type with a french accent in my head)

Also jon, i won. i got both balls.
(when im facebook chatting to mathias, i swear i type with a french accent in my head)
Friday, November 18, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Listen to My Y
Best performance of the night for me was MBLAQ. Personally I'm more of a Shawol (SHINee fan) but since SHINee went first they were over seriously quickly. I really hope that in the next years they can have just a SHINee concert so that they can sing most of their songs. But they really need to rest seeing as they only left london less then a week ago. Ahh Idols seriously have to work hard. This concert was one of the only ones which Ive been too that started on time and ended on time. My second favourite is a band called B2ST and a band called CNBlue. CNBlue is a bit special because they are not a dance group. They have a drummer and bass player and multiple guitarists and they cant dance. But they are seriously one of my favourites. Most of the time my arms were dead because my camera is really heavy and I had to hold it high but it was totally worth it.

I was going to post a picture of MBLAQ but the video was taking too long to upload. So this is a picture of YongHwa and the top of MinHyuk's head. They are artists from CNBlue. and again you can see how beautiful they are. lol what am i saying you guys probably wont read my posts. But i think whats so intense is that these idols are dancing like crazzzy but they don't lipsych at all.
Anyway, im going to bed now and will be on a plane tomorrow morning. til then, annyeong!
I was going to post a picture of MBLAQ but the video was taking too long to upload. So this is a picture of YongHwa and the top of MinHyuk's head. They are artists from CNBlue. and again you can see how beautiful they are. lol what am i saying you guys probably wont read my posts. But i think whats so intense is that these idols are dancing like crazzzy but they don't lipsych at all.
Anyway, im going to bed now and will be on a plane tomorrow morning. til then, annyeong!
I lost all hearing, speaking and feeling in my arms and legs
Wahh 3 songs really isnt enough per each artist. I think if each individual artist had a concert all my money would fly away. They are seriously amazing. But of course they would play their most popular songs which is good because everyone knows the main dances to them. The people behind me were freakin intense. At first we were all standing on the chairs and stuff because it was hard to see but the security people made us get off. I think they were the most annoying because they didnt understand k pop at all and were all confused and making fun of them and like blocking my view. You see this security people are quite large and sometimes when they block abit of your line of sight, they block everything because the people on stage are suuupppeerr tiny.

Please enjoy this picture of Girl Group Miss A. Whose song which is called bad girl good girl was played seriously often during the field event so everyone was doing that dance. They were also super flawless.
Please enjoy this picture of Girl Group Miss A. Whose song which is called bad girl good girl was played seriously often during the field event so everyone was doing that dance. They were also super flawless.
I swear China town wouldve been empty for a day
So I went to the ANZ stadium at about 1 pm because there was going to be field events and when I heard field events, I heard free stuff. Which there was but some of it was hard to obtain. The easiest free thing to obtain was cup noodles so I ended up with two because I didn't want to take more than that because my bag would have been too full. There were tons of fan girls, mostly Asian. Heres how the thing goes, at number 1 most populous were Asian girls who were mainly from Indonesia, the Philapines and singapore. Next most populous are Asian boys who there were surprisingly alot. You see when I watch live performances of k pop on youtube and such, it usually is a sea of girls but here there were lots of boys so gender balance was good. Next is of course white girls who stand out the most because it seems to be a trend for white people to dye their hair a different colour like red or blue. and of course the most scarce was white boys. But they were really obvious too because well, they are really tall. I remember because there was this 'guess' the song competition which wasnt actually a guess the song competition because it was like we are going to play a bit from a song and you have to say what song we are playing. And i like knew all the songs but i didnt get chosen to answer so the most annoying thing was when they asked people who didnt know the name of the song and the artist eventhough it was really easy.
But that was still fun anyway because the people around me knew the songs and stuff.

Please enjoy this picture of SHINee performing. Here you will notice how perfect and beautiful they are. I wished that each artist didnt only play 3 songs though but there will be another post about that. Also, everyone here is short. Everyone so its nice and you really feel like you're in Asia or something.
But that was still fun anyway because the people around me knew the songs and stuff.
Please enjoy this picture of SHINee performing. Here you will notice how perfect and beautiful they are. I wished that each artist didnt only play 3 songs though but there will be another post about that. Also, everyone here is short. Everyone so its nice and you really feel like you're in Asia or something.
Hi super friends
So here I am, sitting at my computer. It is 12:43 am at night and I just got home and ate cup noodles for dinner. This cup noodle that I ate was very special because I got it free from the K pop fest field event. Which was pretty fun. Right now my friends are alll in schoolies, partying and I doubt that would even be asleep. Infact, i dont plan on sleeping since I have to get up again in a few hours anyway. I might be able to catch like half and hour of that K pop music show the next morning.
The thing about concerts is that I always feel hungrier at the end of it. and by accident I added the blurry version of that picture which I do have in my harddrive. Because im a lazy shit, i will not take the time to change it. Not that it matters anyway. Here is a thing that says 2011 k pop music fest and in the corner you can see Tiffany and Yuri from Girls Generation.
Now, im going to be spamming on the blog while everyone is gone so yea. kewl beans.
The thing about concerts is that I always feel hungrier at the end of it. and by accident I added the blurry version of that picture which I do have in my harddrive. Because im a lazy shit, i will not take the time to change it. Not that it matters anyway. Here is a thing that says 2011 k pop music fest and in the corner you can see Tiffany and Yuri from Girls Generation.
Now, im going to be spamming on the blog while everyone is gone so yea. kewl beans.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
cant stop watchin this i love it so muuch
i also really hope that this is what schoories will be liek
Friday, November 11, 2011
where I'm going in italy
today I found out where abouts in Italy I am going to go for the first 5 months (or maybe the whole thing? who knows)
I'll show you the exact location using zoom
it's a town in sardinia called macomer
it's not much of an italian name for a town but there you go,
it looks pretty cool
to be honest I was really surprised when I found out cause I thought it would be mainland italy, but now I'm really looking forward to it so whatever
I will be stuck on islands for life...
I'll show you the exact location using zoom
it's a town in sardinia called macomer
it's not much of an italian name for a town but there you go,
it looks pretty cool
to be honest I was really surprised when I found out cause I thought it would be mainland italy, but now I'm really looking forward to it so whatever
I will be stuck on islands for life...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Camp. It's here
It's the whole album.
EDIT: Guys, please tell me you have been listening to this.
EDIT 2: Actually it's not gonna be good to study to, but listen to it, cereally
Monday (4 days to go)
So today I started packing,
Like not really organising, just trying to work out what I have to take to Schoolies.
There is quite a lot.
I also did the vacuuming and now I am cleaning up my room so I can finish the vacuuming. It's taking me 30 minutes so far. And it has gone from "A bomb hit this" to "Enough for parents to get annoyed."
The scale for those who don't know it
Should be fun
Also, starting Thursday, I am starting the 365 Photo Challenge. Which is basically, try to take a photo of your life every day for a year. I thought it would be a good start, like Schoolies. Cause New Year, I will be somewhere (not sure where yet).
Like not really organising, just trying to work out what I have to take to Schoolies.
There is quite a lot.
I also did the vacuuming and now I am cleaning up my room so I can finish the vacuuming. It's taking me 30 minutes so far. And it has gone from "A bomb hit this" to "Enough for parents to get annoyed."
The scale for those who don't know it
- Clean (100% of floor visible)
- A few pieces of stuff, 90 - 95% of floor visible
- More stuff but still 85% of floor visible
- 70% visible, enough for parents to get annoyed
- 50% visible, It's ok by me
- 40% visible, starts shutting door so Mum doesn't see
- 30% visible, Holy shit, but I don't have to take weird steps to get to my desk
- 20% visible, Umm, yeh, no don't throw everything away yet Mum.
- 10% visible, awkward stepping time.
- Less than 5% visible, A bomb hit this.
Should be fun
Also, starting Thursday, I am starting the 365 Photo Challenge. Which is basically, try to take a photo of your life every day for a year. I thought it would be a good start, like Schoolies. Cause New Year, I will be somewhere (not sure where yet).
hey i know this is really irrelevant to your lives
but Big Bang won that mtv award. and im really happy.
because they also beat britney spears and stuff. and they were the only asians there. yay.

xox msgoldenweek
also linkin park won best rock.
because they also beat britney spears and stuff. and they were the only asians there. yay.

xox msgoldenweek
also linkin park won best rock.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
this shit aint even real
So I've been watchin a few vids of battle of the year 2011. This one is of Korean Krew JINJO vs American Crew RENEGADE. Both similar in skill but the koreans definately more creative. the best was Kid David from renegade and wing from jinjo. anyway, this stuff is pretty sic so ya'll shud watch it.btw, jinjo won.
This one is of Jinjo and another korean krew called Rivers. rivers is one of the most successful and well known krews in korea. not sure who won dis one but both of them are pretty dope. my favourite part is when they all hug at the end.
and dis is another crew called mortal combat. they are japanese and pretty sick.
This one is of Jinjo and another korean krew called Rivers. rivers is one of the most successful and well known krews in korea. not sure who won dis one but both of them are pretty dope. my favourite part is when they all hug at the end.
and dis is another crew called mortal combat. they are japanese and pretty sick.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Ethnic groups living in china
Hey guys, i found a website displayin camerafotos of different ethnic groups living in china. its pretty cool. there are so many and they have such awesome costumes.

note the sick architecture on this one ^^
and these are my people

if you would like to see the rest, go here

note the sick architecture on this one ^^
and these are my people

if you would like to see the rest, go here
Thursday, November 3, 2011
a joke
so hesienberhg and schrodinger are driving down the highway
and they get pulled over 4 speeding
the policman waslks over
and asks do you know how fast you were going?
hesienberg says
no but i could tell you where i was
th police man thinks this is warrant 4 a search
so he looks in the trunch
and finds a daed cat
he then says
did you know you had a dead cat in your trunk?
schrodinger says
pfft i do now
and they get pulled over 4 speeding
the policman waslks over
and asks do you know how fast you were going?
hesienberg says
no but i could tell you where i was
th police man thinks this is warrant 4 a search
so he looks in the trunch
and finds a daed cat
he then says
did you know you had a dead cat in your trunk?
schrodinger says
pfft i do now
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
see you later elevator

hey guys i just wanted to tell you that i spent a very long time playing a game on newgrounds because the duck is so freakin cute.
you should totally try it out
im palmtree btw
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