so imma thinkin 4 de formale we shud go 2 sum1s haus b4 adriennes pres ya kno. like a pre pre just fer our friends. to git ready n shit. we can go to addriens pres aftars 2gether.
im voting sam vailes haus rite now.
cuz thers de ocean and shit and its all nice and water front pretty. we dun need alkihols either man.
but really n e haus iz fine as long as we git together as good friends ya kno.
yea sams house seems pretty cool place to pre-pre it up, cool
how do you get from there to adriennes cafe though i dont know i guess we better make it up as we go
fo sho
we need somewhere, that works, so lets do it there oh yeah oh oh
(also i'm really looking forward to the peking duck)
swwaaag we shud talk 2moro. eet gon b cool man. im missin ery body already ua kno. especially ma man passas, ella and smaz bro but im missin ery body and its been liek wut, 4 daes or sometin? i dun even kno
ru, although it took me a couple of seconds to decipher what you were saying, i really miss everyone, even tho it has only been like 4 days since we left, what is becoming of me? i used to be so independent.
Ru kero I would love to go but I am meeting rainy up in the city for Adriennes so it'll probably be hard for me to make that and this one...
That smeel when
oi maxim, you cant come? you smell like horseshi-
oh wait what i already said that my bad
I knew "smaz" wasn't smaz... considering they linked their name to www.samvaile.com
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