Monday, July 5, 2010

just random stuffs

ok, first of all, thanks for making me the author of the month :D here's what's happened since my last post...

The main thing that happened was Duke of Ed. It was super fun. It started off with everyone arriving (us like 1/2 hour late [mainly my fault]), checked everything and set off. Daniel Hirsch and I started designing our own language (of a sort) which uses a bunch of random hand symbols and words to convey stuff. we walked up a hill that went for like 400m and was approx. 75 degree angle!!! Once we arrived at our campsite, Manacow realised that his tent was VERY small (as in approx. 30cm high). we played 'mafia' where i was killed quickly in most rounds by a falling piano (once a piano hit me after I already died :( ) and kwon and i both had a shot at narrating (mine was actually pretty good, thinks I) but kwon made everyone die by falling into a hole (or a piano falling on my head again). the next day we walked back up another big hill went on a 10km detour (that the company made us do). we had a 45min break at Emerald pool (or something like that) which kwon and jules both swam in (it was freezing btw and there is video footage somewhere :D). we postponed lunch and ended up having it at the place where we got dropped off. when we were almost at the second campsite, Jules jumped in front of a quad bike and was almost hit, kwon had horse poo thrown at him and at dinner, Jules said he didn't like my cous cous because "he's French". The next day it took us 3 hours to get ready to leave :S we kayaked at a pace that was way to slow and had a brisk lunch. We arrived at the final campsite which I think was my favourite (even though there was no fire). I wore an outfit that was so bad it was good (matching blue thermals with bright red socks and rolled up PJ pants [which I used as pockets]). The final day we went to a graveyard island, rebecca (my kayaking partner) and I sang Flight of the Concord's songs and evaded the splashing Manacow. after about 50km of hiking and kayaking, we unloaded and washed out and unloaded our kayaks and played with Stax's Nerf Vortex. It was one of those surreal, really fun afternoon's where it wasn't something that you could only do/ go to occasionally but was just raw, innocent fun. With that we went to pick up Adrienne's brother at his friend's house (Jonathan got the better seat :( ) and we then went and bought $40 worth of Maccas :P went to visit my Nanny (it was her B'day), I gotta tell my cousin happy birthday (it's hers today) and my dad and I bought a few presents for my sister (her B'day tomorrow). That's right my family has 3 days in a ROW of birthdays :D YEAHHH!!!

So I guess that's it. See everybody soon, well done Hoggy on watching HIMYM and just remember, from the wise words of Bob Marley "Oi yoi yoi, a yoi i yoi yoi. Oi yoi yoi a yoi i yoi yoi."

See ya.


JD said...


Șмž said...

kayaking in general is too slow
jus sayin

Brian said...

now rowing is fast and fun!

i miss rowing now

"Lamberrrrrrt!" said...

Lambert get better internet

Lambert said...

who's Lamberrrrrrt!?