Wednesday, March 7, 2012

the amazing world that is internet.

So like whilst strolling through tumblr, I come across some propaganda, so here it is:

So after watching the propaganda which seems pretty legit, i realised that it had 21000 notes on tumblr. and I thought that i did wait every hour to see how much the notes will increase and like see the spread of the propaganda in the internets. And it kept going up by the hundreds and now its over 150 000 notes. And then the video made the message look like a big deal so i was like, if this such a big deal how come i only know it from tumblr. and then this morning i woke up and on twitter it was this topic that was trending. So like at the time that I saw it was around the time a lot of people saw it. And some how this topic became the top comment on korean idol group BigBang's new released music video on youtube which is sort of unrelated. The internet is so big and amazing and this social network media thing really really works. So for me it's fun to see how this thing can spread.

yea anyway..


Xedalenar said...

Maybe i should make sure in april 20th it happens in japan too..

Xedalenar said...

their website doesn't work

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

There's too much traffic on the site now and the servers are not upgraded enough because of the huge amount of people that have gained interest in the past hours. It was working fine for me last night.

Xedalenar said...

i hope it doesn't end in too much bloodshed... kony's now in guerilla warfare and is gonna use sneaky tactics like land mine's which are still being cleaned up from the last wars and still are killing/disabling more people...

Jonny Boyz said...

power of internet.

half of reddit was covered in this thing last night. and apparently like all the big celebrities twitter pages and stuff were covered with it.

yeh, internet

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

wow that video was well done. the internet is freakin awesome/crazy.

Șмž said...

haha I was wondering how long it would take for this to get on the blog

here's hoping that putting the word 'kony' everywhere will actually do something, it's a great effort but I think they should have targeted the video at the whole world rather than just the us.
I kinda wish I was still in sydney so i could go do it...

Șмž said...

actually I'm not sure how I feel about invisible children anymore... the whole thing is too professional, too much is advertising, and blindly getting behind a cause.... man, humans are easy to sway

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

that's marketing for ya. and they did it super well