Monday, March 19, 2012

My entire life is awkward

So you know how everyone says university is great and you meet tonnes of people.

I have a problem and it's that, no matter how hard I try I spend most of my time at uni surrounded by people and yet completely and utterly alone. All my conversations are small talk and I have barely seen people twice.

I mean maybe it's because the university is huge and my subjects are very big this semester but dear god most of the time I feel tiny

It's also getting to the point that like 4 weeks in and I haven't really made a proper friend that I would invite to anything and it's difficult. I'm not going to deny that it's making me feel completely and utterly shit at life.

I just feel awkward all the time and I have nothing to say about anything. I just feel like I'm a wall and it's plausibly the most belittling feeling ever.

I have a camp this weekend so that should be gold but honestly if something doesn't come out of it, I am going to be really down.

Yeh that's really all


jonny said...

what i did was FORCE myself onto people. Always sit next to the same people. i know my class structure is probably different to yours but do that. just being around someone lots is gonna help, so make that move. FORCE IT!!

Hoggle said...

like i said, i can't really. most of the time i spend at uni is at lectures which are like 500 - 600 people I have barely seen the same person twice.

AcionMan! said...

I'm not going to lie, this problem is more prevalent thank you think.

I've barely made any friends from actual university - all of my friends are people from my dorm. I always seem impressed when I learn of people who have made friends outside of just Fenner Hall.

So I guess I'm just saying, you're not alone. It obviously sucks for you more since I still have people to hang out with, but if I had stayed in Sydney I would probably be in a situation very similar to you.

To that regard, I dunno what else to say. Good luck, I suppose.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Here's what you do, you sit next to someone who looks like a loner like yourself. talk about things. then start talking about social things. and then you say something like, we should probably keep in contact and then exchange phone numbers.

Then you've made a friend. You call or text them in the morning to meet up before going to class so you sit next to each other. and if this doesnt work, try it on another person seeing as there are like 500 or 600 people and they will bound to be in the same position as you.

Șмž said...

This is exactly how I've been feeling here. It's taken me 2 months to make a good friend. And I still don't know who my other friends are...

Brian said...

You guys will eventually get there.

Kwon said...

do you have tutorials? I made a bunch of third year friends from my 12 man tutorial class. but other than that I just made one friend from a physics lab. Otherwise its been pretty quiet.