Monday, March 26, 2012

So much work

I have so much Uni work to do. Like an unimaginable amount. And I keep forgetting stuff to do, like exercises and stuff. Cause there are no reminders, it's just done or not.
And I have missed like 3 random online quizzes cause I didn't even know they existed but they did and now, fuck I am behind with so much.
Oh god I hate it right now.

On a side note, I went on civil/environmental engineering camp on the weekend.
We started on friday, I spent the day in classes and rushed home at 3 to finish packing. I was running kinda late getting back to Uni for the buses so I booked a taxi; which was 15 minutes late. 
But I got there on time (5:20pm) and then everyone was running late so it was all good. We were divided into groups of 6 and a few of my group were there but a few had left on the earlier buses.
I met a girl called Natalie while waiting for the bus, she was nice although a little bit odd. She spent a bit of time bragging but I kinda ignored it after a while. We finally got to the camp in the Southern Highlands at 7:40pm. It was freezing and cause we were running late, so we basically had to drop our luggage in our cabins then go inside to eat with our groups.
My group was pretty awesome, each group had leaders from 3rd, 4th or 5th year. Ours were called, Lisa and Mitch, both in 4th year. They were both really nice and we all chatted over dinner. Also in my group were Natalie, a guy called Sven, a guy called Ostyn, a guy called Tim and another guy that I cannot for the life of me remember what he was called.
After dinner of rice and some sort of sauce, we had desert of pavlova. Unfortunately some kid ate pavlove who was allergic to eggs, he got really sick but was ok after 3 hours.
After dessert, all the 18 and overs got alcohol and we had a trivia night run by Lisa and another leader. Because she was hosting, another guy called Lucas (the sports guy) replaced Lisa for help in the trivia. We did well in the first 3 rounds of UNSW qus and random trivia but in the final round of engineering trivia, we didn't do so well as a group but it was still really fun.
Following the trivia, we all tidied up and many people headed out to stand round the fire. I chatted to more people including several of the leaders, including a guy called Joel, 2 people called Isabelle, a guy called Jacob etc. We all ate marshmallows round the fire and had a general good time. 
This went on til about 2 am when the leaders began packing up and sending people off to bed. I was tired so I headed back to my room. Natalie was already asleep but I met my 2 other cabin friends, Shruti and Lynette who were still awake. Lynette didn't have a sleeping bag so she stayed in another cabin with a girl to share her sleeping bag but we chatted a bit before. After she left I talked to Shruti for a while and then Natalie got grumpy so we agreed to talk the following day. What followed were several of the drunk boys banging on the doors and running off but eventually got to sleep round 3.
Saturday morning, just a short 4-5 hours later, the leaders woke us, 7:30 am. I felt like shit and was tired but I headed with Shruti to the bathroom to clean teeth and shower before breakfast. I finished in the bathroom before her so headed into the breakfast hall with Lynette who was about to leave the cabin. We all had breakfast together of eggs, bacon, toast and coffee or tea. I opted for coffee as my lack of sleep was still exhausting me. 
At the breakfast table I met Aaron, Alex, Tom and Shruti later joined us. Shruti and I talked about the people banging on the doors and Alex apologised for it, we all laughed about it as they had been a little drunk.
After breakfast was meant to finish they gave us 30 minutes to shower or sleep but as I already had, i remained in the hall to play Uno with the breakfast people. Although Lynette had changed tables to talk to a guy that looked and sounded very much like Judd but with straight, shoulder length hair.
After breakfast there was a flag making competition within the groups. It was pretty fun, we made a panther (although it ended up looking more like a cat) and called ourselves the pink panthers. Mitch reckoned we should have called ourselves the Pink Pussies because of the cat like appearance of the panther but it was overruled a bit.
Following this, there were a variety of games including races and such, followed by lunch and more games. The day ended with a food challenge where participants had to do food challenges in the shortest time. The first of these was to skull a litre of milk, followed by eating a bread roll with no hands, eating dry wheatbix, eating 6 warheads at a time (our group won that one, but a kid called flinders in protest, took the rest of the packet (totalling about 10) and ate them in one go) finally to drink a shot of fish cause. That was the one I did and holy fuck it was bad, my airways constricted and I couldn't really talk properly from the excessive saltiness. I got a mint off some guy and it got better but not fully until after a coke.
The food challenge was the last of the games for the day so after we went inside. More people went off to have showers but I stayed and played 500 with a guy called Lashan, a leader called john and Alex. It was pretty fun. After we played Uno before everyone returned for dinner. For dinner we had to change into our costume. Despite the shopping, I went as a waitress, and people said they liked my apron. 
I had dinner with some of the leaders because by then, everywhere else was full, with Joel, a 3rd year, Yvonne a 4th year and Jacob, also a 3rd year. They were really nice and we talked about the crappy food. It was meatloaf but I only ate the carrots, peas and bread roll that came with it cause the meatloaf was badly cooked. For desert there was pie and ice cream which was delicious. After this Shruti and I helped joel with the decorations and I went and talked to come more leaders, Uma and Maritza and then to Tom and Aaron outside. The fire was really nice and we talked about school and tv and movies and such things. We joined Alex and Shruti also talking later when Gian came and talked too. He was a little reckless. After a while it got a bit cold, so we went inside. There were 2 separate drinking games going on and it was fun to watch. They were also singing that, "Here's to ___, he's true blue, etc" song on occasion which I sang along to. After a while one of the games turned into a mass game of truth or dare, which we watched with amusement. Because the entire thing went on for ages, the highlights were; dancing on the table, swapping clothes, so Jacob wore a skirt for half the night, the scene from dirty dancing, etc.
While this was going on, I talked to one of the leaders. She was pretty nice, we talked about Switzerland and her exchange trip to Sweden and such. She did teaching and such before studying civil engineering and she is now in her final year (4th) and works 3 jobs.
They also built a massive can pyramid, but it fell before I could get a photo.
About midnight, the game of truth or dare finished up and the leaders organised a game of "When Ninjas Attack" which I won!!!
They went on to play another game but by this time, everything had quieted down so I went to brush my teeth and head to bed. When I got back to the room, Shruti and Natalie were still awake and we talked til 2 and then went to sleep.
In the morning we were woken at 8 for breakfast. It took me like 20 minutes to get up by which time, Shruti and Lynette were already in the hall, despite this I went to the bathroom and met a girl called Angela, we talked about hangovers while we washed our faces and brushed teeth. She was really nice although she couldn't remember much of the previous night, because of alcohol. 
We headed to breakfast together and sat with a group. One of the guys was still drunk and fell asleep on Justin, which was hilarious. They were pretty funny and we talked about the crappy doughy pancakes. It was still pretty good. I had toast, not pancakes though, it was amusing.
After breakfast I played Uno with a bunch of people, although I had to go and pack, while Alex held my coffee.  By the time I got back there was a bunch of riddle games going on. I got them eventually but they are too hard to explain for now.
After that we had to sweep our rooms and make sure they were clean, put our bags outside and wait for the bus. We took the time to exchange numbers and details so as to make sure we were all contactable.
The first bus came and groups 1 - 4 got on it but because I was in group 9, I had to wait for the next one. Unfortunately, it was 2 hours late, cause it broke down and then it was like a crappy bus but at least we stopped at maccas on the way. We played mafia while waiting and on the bus we all just slept.
Got back to Uni at like 3 pm on Sunday and Mum picked me up.
I came home, chilled on facebook, had a shower, chatted to people, did some work and fell asleep at 7. missed dinner, woke at midnight, had some food, tumblr, went back to sleep. And today I was sick.
But that was basically my weekend.
Sorry for long post but people asked for detail. 
So yeh, that's really all. Hope you all had a good weekend too :D


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

what about the costume partay??

AcionMan! said...

I saw the title and new immediately that this would be from Hogg.

Still, it sounds like you had fun.