Tuesday, March 13, 2012

moving out is over

So I think I’m finished moving out. Actually there's nothing left in the house so I know I’m finished moving out. I’m gonna miss this house so much it’s ridiculous, seriously. I mean I already miss it and I’m standing in it. (Also funny how the last thing in the house is my computer. just goes to show, something something something). My new house is so different, and my life is so different, I don’t know how I’m going to cope sometimes. I’m terrified that my life is just gonna dissolve or something; you guys know what I mean? Like I won’t be able to handle it and I’ll just turn into a neck beard with no beard.

But I’m sure good times are coming, it’s not like I’m all down. I know that I’m going to have good times, I’m going to be living in my own place so it’s almost a given. But things like feeding myself? Argh it’s scary, very scary. And cleaning up? You guys saw my room, I’m doomed. Also like I don’t have a car anymore, so moving big shit is impossible. It’s all getting real or something, that’s what it feels like anyway. I don’t know if it really is or if I’m just getting scared.

Basically im just making this post to mark the occasion and to highlight my fears, and let you guys know. I feel like I should write more but I can’t think of anything.

Bye bye house.

EDIT: also I'm not going to have internet till the 26 so yeh. I'm gonna have to spend alot of time in uni


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

when are we going to go to ikea?

Xedalenar said...

whoa crazy. Goodluck with it all man- and everytime you said good times i really expected "great classic hits" to follow after haha

Șмž said...

oh wow, dude good luck with your new house. what's it like? is it basically an apartment to yourself?