Anyway like, it was 3 am last night and then im on my way but to my room to sleep but then i see this spider and i was like wtffff.... seriously where did it come from.. it was so huge.. i swear my house doenst have big enough holes for it. but it scared me for a long time. and then i like sprayed it with bug killing spray from like 1 metre away and it just kept walking slowly awake almost as if unaffected... and then it walked to some where i couldnt see so i was all worried and shit and couldnt go to sleep...

and fun fact, did you know that the Korean version of 'Blah blah blah' is 'Momomo'
Why would you spray a huntsman, they don't hurt anyone. And they eat cockroaches.
(i don't like spiders and why would you give such a friendly spider a name like huntsman.. its like they hunt man or something)
eeuuu i had one in MY house.
we threw it outside.
Haha ru you must obviously not be australian if you don't like hunstmen spiders
they are total bro spiders
if like, if they just chill on the ceiling not moving, then imma just chill here not trying to get you out of my house
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