Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
omg im going crazy. i swear i keep hearing voices but its like super soft and barely audible...
EDIT: i found out it was coming from my computer but i have no idea what the hell is causing it and i dont know how to get rid of it. i feel like its some sort of new subliminal messaging advertisement system that when you go on websites they play messages really softly so you don't really notice it but it seeps in your head except you can't understand a dam thing its saying and it just becomes really creepy and it spooks me out.
EDIT: i found out it was coming from my computer but i have no idea what the hell is causing it and i dont know how to get rid of it. i feel like its some sort of new subliminal messaging advertisement system that when you go on websites they play messages really softly so you don't really notice it but it seeps in your head except you can't understand a dam thing its saying and it just becomes really creepy and it spooks me out.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
meanwhile, in japan (skip to 1:32)
tip: If you wanna make a post in the old blogger format, click on the first NYAN on the sidebar.
So yay i found out that the new survivor (season 24) is out and wooo thats awesome.
what isnt awesome is the new blogger posting thing that i now have to get used to boohoo change is shit. but its usually for the better.
anyway, the new survivor split its tribes to man vs woman
goddamn survivor women are such typical reality women. but seriously, it kinda shows the different ways in which they operate and its interesting but it makes women look really bad. like these girls are stupid, dont know how to communicate and drop hints, not speak out etc instead of keeping it real. they attack each other before attacking the other tribe.
all the comments for it are like "wow this is embarrassing for women" "oh god i hope no one thinks all girls are like this" etc
anyway, the girls are super failing in their challenges and stuff and they cant even make a fire. who freakin goes on survivor without knowing how to make a fire?
but the best part is that there are 2 guys with tarzan like names. one is tarzan and the other is troyzan. that's so embarrassing having 2 tarzans
what isnt awesome is the new blogger posting thing that i now have to get used to boohoo change is shit. but its usually for the better.
anyway, the new survivor split its tribes to man vs woman
goddamn survivor women are such typical reality women. but seriously, it kinda shows the different ways in which they operate and its interesting but it makes women look really bad. like these girls are stupid, dont know how to communicate and drop hints, not speak out etc instead of keeping it real. they attack each other before attacking the other tribe.
all the comments for it are like "wow this is embarrassing for women" "oh god i hope no one thinks all girls are like this" etc
anyway, the girls are super failing in their challenges and stuff and they cant even make a fire. who freakin goes on survivor without knowing how to make a fire?
but the best part is that there are 2 guys with tarzan like names. one is tarzan and the other is troyzan. that's so embarrassing having 2 tarzans
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Cool thingy
I got this off my tumblr under the engineering tag, which I follow for obvious reasons; and basically what it is:
German scientists have invented this flying device which propels itself by turning inside out, while looking strangely beautiful. It’s buoyancy is aided by helium stored within the various prisms.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
So at first
I was looking at this Sugoi Evangelion Nerv GPS system on this website:

And then i noticed the adds or something at the side:

WUT . IS THIS PHOTOSHOOPED? I mean, its like an anime or something... :

And then i noticed the adds or something at the side:

WUT . IS THIS PHOTOSHOOPED? I mean, its like an anime or something... :

smaz's long adventure: part 4 - non starei scerzando se io dicessi che io possa cucinare (magari)
ok this post is gonna be divided into 3 equal parts for your convinience (it's a bit of a long post) but all within the same post.
PART 1: fuck the subjunctive mood, shit's only useful in the past tense.
PART 2: guys look at me I can cook
ok so anyway recently I've been a bit... well, fucked. There's nothing to do, my host parents are usually not there, I'm lonely and I waste all my time on the internet. Plus my hair is growing out so I'm losing self-confidence. (seriously, the two are linked) also I seriously had an anxiety attack today after school because I'm not sure how people percieve one of my new hoodies here.
but today I was all, "no smaz! fuck that! I'm gonna change shit up like I did before."
but I was too lazy to leave the house. so I decided to start doing things to better myself which don't include excercise. long story short I've decided I'm gonna play a lot more guitar, start meditating and start cooking.
cooking was something I've wanted to start doing for a while but recently I've been forced to because the host parents didn't prepare me things. which is great because I discovered, I really really like cooking. doesn't matter that I suck at it. so here I'm just gonna brag about some really good cooking I did tonight. It really sucks when there's almost nothing to work with, no onion or herbs or oven to work with, but I used what I could.
it's the meats all chopped up and shit, I bet this is gonna make some amazing omelette thing
PART 1: fuck the subjunctive mood, shit's only useful in the past tense.
PART 2: guys look at me I can cook
ok so anyway recently I've been a bit... well, fucked. There's nothing to do, my host parents are usually not there, I'm lonely and I waste all my time on the internet. Plus my hair is growing out so I'm losing self-confidence. (seriously, the two are linked) also I seriously had an anxiety attack today after school because I'm not sure how people percieve one of my new hoodies here.
but today I was all, "no smaz! fuck that! I'm gonna change shit up like I did before."
but I was too lazy to leave the house. so I decided to start doing things to better myself which don't include excercise. long story short I've decided I'm gonna play a lot more guitar, start meditating and start cooking.
cooking was something I've wanted to start doing for a while but recently I've been forced to because the host parents didn't prepare me things. which is great because I discovered, I really really like cooking. doesn't matter that I suck at it. so here I'm just gonna brag about some really good cooking I did tonight. It really sucks when there's almost nothing to work with, no onion or herbs or oven to work with, but I used what I could.
So anyway this is the ingredients, it's 2 eggs + milk in the bowl, 3 cooked meatballs which I fried, and fried wurstel / frankfurter
it's the meats all chopped up and shit, I bet this is gonna make some amazing omelette thing
lol nope I have no idea what I'm doing
and then I fucked up trying to flip it over too
c'est la vleugghhh (trust me that's the french pronounciation)
oh hey it's me... note how I'm about to eat the food, that's important
it was pretty good
but mostly just meat
also the hair and the hoodie
so yeah, that's about it for photos, I mean I took a whole bunch of photos with me and the food because for some reason I am damn proud of it, but really I don't think you want to see me trying to duckface next to some shitty egg/meat thing
and after that I ate the most unsatisfying orange I have ever eaten. I mean seriously that thing was just... less than mediocre. I know I haven't eaten that many oranges in my life (only actually started since I've been here) but this was next-level mediocre. If you took all the mediocre oranges and made a village, that would not be the village idiot, because that would be too recognisable to describe how this orange was. that orange would be the one everybody always forgets exists. like, it's not unhappy or anything, and it has great friends, just a tendency to be overlooked. and this is out of a village of oranges who are ALL like this.
part 3: I've watched the entirety of book 1 of the last airbender across the span of yesterday + today
and man katara goes from 'ugh, I can't waterbend' to being a master in no time at all
what the hell, literally there's an episode about how she can't waterbend that well, then the next episode she's using her powers in combat proficiently
part 3 part 2: the End
ok miss you guys, Imma go
//smaz end
PS I made tiramisu the other day and its really easy actually
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
A new dilemma
Wow this is like the first time in ages I've posted something.
Anyway with you all at uni finally, I can now ask you a question which you may or may not encounter.
So my situation right now is as follows...
Ever since I decided that I would love to squirm my way into Game Development , Ialso decided to take up Software Engineering at usyd. First year was fine and dandy. Second year was a big step up though. Even with 4 subjects this year (had 5 before), everything is no doubt even tougher.
Main concern for me however is the programming stuff I do. It's getting pretty damn difficult, to the point I have no idea how to finish my assignments. So far I'm on assignment 2 and I'm probably gonna do an all-nighter since it's due tomorrow at midnight. Also have a database assignment due at 6pm. Fun times ahead.
Just so you know how programming goes in this subject:
5 assignments, 1 every fortnight, Weighted 30% all up, 6% each.
12 quizes, 1 every week, best of 10, forgot the weighting.
Final exam. Some stupid number which adds up to 100%
So anyway, I got destroyed in my first assignment which was to program Minesweepers and now that I'm doing assignment 2, I'm struggling despite the help I got (or lack of...bitch was so concerned with her own code). Since this is a core subject, if I fail, I'll need to repeat it. Of course given my struggle in this subject, it doesn't bode well for the rest of my degree which is more programming (i.e. artificial intelligence, analysing algorithm complexity, blah blah, hard logical stuff). Even if I do repeat and pass though, I really really dislike the idea of having a fail on my transcript.
Here's my alternative then. I have until next Friday to drop my subject and continue on with my other 3 subjects which should be excellent cause it's all normal IT subjects. I'll then change my degree in semester 2 to Computer Science and Technology and major in Info Systems instead. That way I'll avoid most of the programming and do stuff like IT management, IT security and basically business oriented stuff. Obviously this is sounds super boring in comparison but I'm fine learning that stuff.
What I'm not fine with however is that by giving up Software, I might put myself on the back foot whenever I want to get into the gaming industry. If do Computer Science and major in Info Sys, I won't get the recognition in my degree. However, if I can do programming by myself along side my CS degree, and work on something I can actually show to an employer, that would be absolutely fantastic. For example, I'm getting an android phone soon and I'm pretty keen on working on an app for that. The problem with being self taught however is firstly that I might become selective in what I learn and have some pretty obvious gaps in my knowledge, and secondly, finding the motivation to even self teach. On the other hand, employers love it when you're able to show them something that you have created.
Whilst this is something I'll probably get over, but changing my degree to something I know is easier makes me feel like I'm copping out. Usually I don't mind if it's something else but this does affect my end goal in one way or another.
What I also have to think about is what are the chances of me being able to pass this subject. I could stay with my ultimate dream and hope I'm able to pass the subject, even if it is by 1 mark. As for preparing myself for the later years of uni...well I could give myself a head start and learn C++ or Python during the summer break if I really want to geek out.
In all, should I drop my programming subject, finish off this semester, change my degree to Computer Science and major in Info Systems and attempt to learn programming/develop something by myself? OR Just stick with Software Engineering and be the most awesome-est programmer a Brian can ever be and risk failing subjects.
Any advice would be funtastic if you were in my position.
Also, took about an hour to arrange my thoughts into one post. You see my stress levels? zero.
Monday, April 16, 2012
i was casually browsing a neopet confessions blog

i also stumbled through the weird neopet district of tumblr. there are so many goddamn neopet blogs
Anyone wanna go clothes shopping with me tomorrow or on wednesday?
Also Hogg, when/where is your thing tomorrow
Also Hogg, when/where is your thing tomorrow
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Ah you guys
So much talk of seperation from the past hey. But the one thing which we dont know, is the future. And if we spend too much time in one place, you might not meet some truly important people in your life.
But then again you can also be wasting time by not being at home...
Ahhh i dunno.
Its awesome that we have the oppurtunity to do all this.
We all have to do something. Something before we part for too long and it becomes uncool.
WE all have to....
Have the same object, but slightly different according to our personalities. Like, everytime we meet, we can show eachother this object, or use it as a symbol of reuniting old friends.
So i might be stealing the golden scope idea from A series of Unfortunate Events.....or the pieces of whatever from pirates of the caribbean...But i think its a really awesome idea its just i have no clue what we could all hold. What do you guys think??
What is something plain, that we could all add to???
Other than that, today i saw cherry blossoms with my host family! It was really really fun and sooooooo beautiful. I took tonnes of pictures, one day ill upload them.
School has started to, its insanely busy. I wont leave until 7 everynight becuase of Judo, but i will get stronger so thats ok.
I bought a novel from Naruto (anime) that Jirayia wrote, (for those that have seen naruto, you know that novel that Minato (the fourth hokage) read and then decided to name naruto after because the main character never gave up and was cool....that one.) And translating it is VERY VERY fucking hard. Haha. I have an electric dictionary, without it i would die! But ive somehow managed to read through a couple pages!! And its all from top to bottom, japanese style.
The food here is awesome, its paradise for me. And the sweets are suited to my worn out taste buds- its really bad but i cant taste the sweet things many people find sweet/delicious. But here, they have tonnes of sugar in their sweets so its all good!
I definitely, WITHOUT A DOUBT prefer the television here. Their reality tv is amazing, and funny and filled with so much laughter as opposed to aussie boring tv. And i am now a fan of arashi.....great. THey are an insanely popular boy band (im so lame) and they cover the magazine shelves with their faces. Also they sponser so many products, so if you dont know them here you are almost shunned upon haha.
I got asked the other day what kind of girls i like. I didnt lie i suppose, but it was hard to answer cause i suppose i dont discriminate haha. I get asked constantly if i have a girlfriend. Im a bad liar, so when they ask why not....i freeze up. I just say i had one (the truth) but yeah blah blah blah alex problems.
Also peoples reactions here are 10x aussie ones. I find that normally i dont get surprised, so when somethings meant to be surprising i have to act really really surprised or they might get offended.
But thats all the latter, other than that i cant really begin to talk about how awesome life is here.
But pretty much im impatient and want to be fluent already haha. Im studying everyday though, from my japanese overpriced book i bought in australia.
I miss you all. But think about that object. Seriously, i will make them if i have to, i just want to have something, that all you guys would have, and when we are together we hang them up or put them in a bowl and party and have fun ayyayayay friends yayayay splash splah yayayy
Also i really wanna drink all the alcohol, there are so many varieties! I think this year us rehab for me. My host father drinks beer everynight. It is starting to smell good. But he also smokes, so that double tang really makes you flinch. That tangy aftertaste smell- beer plus tangy tabacco. Tang. tangtangtangtangtang.
Aight i better get off now, ill speak to you all soon!
Dont forget to smile to the camera ;) we are all in our film yeah?
season 1 premiare photos will be uploaded to Random Stuff EXCLUSIVELY.
Merchandise available within stores soon.
But then again you can also be wasting time by not being at home...
Ahhh i dunno.
Its awesome that we have the oppurtunity to do all this.
We all have to do something. Something before we part for too long and it becomes uncool.
WE all have to....
Have the same object, but slightly different according to our personalities. Like, everytime we meet, we can show eachother this object, or use it as a symbol of reuniting old friends.
So i might be stealing the golden scope idea from A series of Unfortunate Events.....or the pieces of whatever from pirates of the caribbean...But i think its a really awesome idea its just i have no clue what we could all hold. What do you guys think??
What is something plain, that we could all add to???
Other than that, today i saw cherry blossoms with my host family! It was really really fun and sooooooo beautiful. I took tonnes of pictures, one day ill upload them.
School has started to, its insanely busy. I wont leave until 7 everynight becuase of Judo, but i will get stronger so thats ok.
I bought a novel from Naruto (anime) that Jirayia wrote, (for those that have seen naruto, you know that novel that Minato (the fourth hokage) read and then decided to name naruto after because the main character never gave up and was cool....that one.) And translating it is VERY VERY fucking hard. Haha. I have an electric dictionary, without it i would die! But ive somehow managed to read through a couple pages!! And its all from top to bottom, japanese style.
The food here is awesome, its paradise for me. And the sweets are suited to my worn out taste buds- its really bad but i cant taste the sweet things many people find sweet/delicious. But here, they have tonnes of sugar in their sweets so its all good!
I definitely, WITHOUT A DOUBT prefer the television here. Their reality tv is amazing, and funny and filled with so much laughter as opposed to aussie boring tv. And i am now a fan of arashi.....great. THey are an insanely popular boy band (im so lame) and they cover the magazine shelves with their faces. Also they sponser so many products, so if you dont know them here you are almost shunned upon haha.
I got asked the other day what kind of girls i like. I didnt lie i suppose, but it was hard to answer cause i suppose i dont discriminate haha. I get asked constantly if i have a girlfriend. Im a bad liar, so when they ask why not....i freeze up. I just say i had one (the truth) but yeah blah blah blah alex problems.
Also peoples reactions here are 10x aussie ones. I find that normally i dont get surprised, so when somethings meant to be surprising i have to act really really surprised or they might get offended.
But thats all the latter, other than that i cant really begin to talk about how awesome life is here.
But pretty much im impatient and want to be fluent already haha. Im studying everyday though, from my japanese overpriced book i bought in australia.
I miss you all. But think about that object. Seriously, i will make them if i have to, i just want to have something, that all you guys would have, and when we are together we hang them up or put them in a bowl and party and have fun ayyayayay friends yayayay splash splah yayayy
Also i really wanna drink all the alcohol, there are so many varieties! I think this year us rehab for me. My host father drinks beer everynight. It is starting to smell good. But he also smokes, so that double tang really makes you flinch. That tangy aftertaste smell- beer plus tangy tabacco. Tang. tangtangtangtangtang.
Aight i better get off now, ill speak to you all soon!
Dont forget to smile to the camera ;) we are all in our film yeah?
season 1 premiare photos will be uploaded to Random Stuff EXCLUSIVELY.
Merchandise available within stores soon.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
There is a lot of reminiscing going on at the moment. I guess people are considering moving away and such things so it is a logical conversation topic.
It's kinda sad to watch people leaving, but I guess one day, maybe soon, maybe a long time away, I too will leave. And like maxim said, certain phases of my life will change and I will not see particular people any more.
I guess I have done it a couple of times, moving to Germany, returning, going to University and there are people I have met at each part of the way that I still have as friends on facebook but I will never see again.
From the initial move, the only person I still see even slightly regularly is Claudia. Then from Germany, there is no-one really, I guess cause they are all in Germany. I'll probably congratulate them soon as they graduate high school but it won't be more than a fleeting message over facebook. There is Sara but she lives in Germany/the US and has the most devoted boyfriend, she is like 5 foot and he is like 6 foot 5. And you know, as weird as this sounds although some of them were my best friends and we saw each other a lot, now it doesn't really matter to me. I know it's sad to say, but with more than a few people that will probably happen. I mean, it's very sad to see people go, and there are times I have/will cry but you know I think in these situations it's best to know that there will be more great friends out there and we will always have the memories that we shared, because they are what made us who we are. Like there is an actual quote that made me choose environmental over mining engineering. There are things that will always remind us of the great times we have had.
I know that may have sounded kinda depressing, but life goes on and things change, actually in the universe's life span of 100 trillion years, the only constant is the progression of time and the change occurs and it is only after 100 trillion years that there is no change. To put that 100 trillion years in perspective, if each atom is a year, there is not enough matter in the universe to make up that much. (Wonders of the Universe is the most fantastic awesome program ever [nerd moment]) Anyway point is, things are always going to change and it is a law that something will eventually become more chaotic because that is much more probable than everything being orderly. I guess I had a relation between that and being friends stability shit but I'm too tired for artsy metaphors right now. Point is, you guys are great friends and I wish we never grow apart, but as we do, I will always remember you, because you made me who I am today and you will always be part of my life in an indirect and sorta historical effect kinda way.
It's kinda sad to watch people leaving, but I guess one day, maybe soon, maybe a long time away, I too will leave. And like maxim said, certain phases of my life will change and I will not see particular people any more.
I guess I have done it a couple of times, moving to Germany, returning, going to University and there are people I have met at each part of the way that I still have as friends on facebook but I will never see again.
From the initial move, the only person I still see even slightly regularly is Claudia. Then from Germany, there is no-one really, I guess cause they are all in Germany. I'll probably congratulate them soon as they graduate high school but it won't be more than a fleeting message over facebook. There is Sara but she lives in Germany/the US and has the most devoted boyfriend, she is like 5 foot and he is like 6 foot 5. And you know, as weird as this sounds although some of them were my best friends and we saw each other a lot, now it doesn't really matter to me. I know it's sad to say, but with more than a few people that will probably happen. I mean, it's very sad to see people go, and there are times I have/will cry but you know I think in these situations it's best to know that there will be more great friends out there and we will always have the memories that we shared, because they are what made us who we are. Like there is an actual quote that made me choose environmental over mining engineering. There are things that will always remind us of the great times we have had.
I know that may have sounded kinda depressing, but life goes on and things change, actually in the universe's life span of 100 trillion years, the only constant is the progression of time and the change occurs and it is only after 100 trillion years that there is no change. To put that 100 trillion years in perspective, if each atom is a year, there is not enough matter in the universe to make up that much. (Wonders of the Universe is the most fantastic awesome program ever [nerd moment]) Anyway point is, things are always going to change and it is a law that something will eventually become more chaotic because that is much more probable than everything being orderly. I guess I had a relation between that and being friends stability shit but I'm too tired for artsy metaphors right now. Point is, you guys are great friends and I wish we never grow apart, but as we do, I will always remember you, because you made me who I am today and you will always be part of my life in an indirect and sorta historical effect kinda way.
The internet is like a record or everything. Everything that has been uploaded or posted and forgotten. Today for some reason I started going to tons of sites I used to go to and they have all slowly started to die or have already been abondoned. I don't know it's sort of depressing like how the interwebs is a graveyard of sites that used to be commonly used and now so many communities and forums and blog sites that i used to go to are completely dead. I guess nothing really is forever and so many things left uncompleted. What happened to all the people who used to run the site or contribute to it. I guess that is also the scary thing about the internet, no matter how many people you meet, no matter how close you get to a certain person without ever seeing their face or meeting them, one day they could just disappear from the forum or blog or whatever and you will just never get to communicate with them again. ahh That makes me sad. I wonder how much of the sites on the internet are unactive and like, if a site doesnt get a single visit for 5 years will it still remain, unnoticed forever? just a bunch of information floating on the internet that no one has seen.....
Friday, April 13, 2012
That damn song
Jon, that song you were singing has been stuck in my head all day. (It's that Call me maybe song)
3 more things,
1. Dad got here today and I got my lens!!! It's beautiful!!!
2. Ru, in the thai restaurant I went to for dinner, they were playing that "gee gee gee gee baby baby" song and it reminded me of you
3. Tumblr is having a slow day/time, it's making my internet life exceedingly boring.
3 more things,
1. Dad got here today and I got my lens!!! It's beautiful!!!
2. Ru, in the thai restaurant I went to for dinner, they were playing that "gee gee gee gee baby baby" song and it reminded me of you
3. Tumblr is having a slow day/time, it's making my internet life exceedingly boring.
so guys...
not gonna lie, i kinda miss school. or at the very least, i miss seeing the people in it every day. does anyone else get the feeling that since we've been gone, so much has changed already? like i know we're all still friends, but it just feels so occasionally distant and fragmented and that... sucks incredibly. on the other hand, i suppose that distance will make our five year reunion a little more exciting. it just seems like everybody is going in such distinctly different directions. like take this blog as a little microcosm example of the whole grade. sam's in italy, alex is in japan, ru and hui are going to canada, momoe and i are going to america and maxim is in canberra. and i know it's all dream following and everything but it's just difficult to think about the concept of actually losing all of you guys.
anyway, i'm in new york right now so i can go to the open days for Brown and Columbia, which are the two colleges i'm deciding between, since Princeton rejected me (bitches). and this all just means it's really happening, and everything will change. it's a good thing, it's just hugely stressful and it will be a massive adjustment. especially since i've made a bunch of really good new friends at law school and i met a boy (who is pretty great).
not gonna lie, i kinda miss school. or at the very least, i miss seeing the people in it every day. does anyone else get the feeling that since we've been gone, so much has changed already? like i know we're all still friends, but it just feels so occasionally distant and fragmented and that... sucks incredibly. on the other hand, i suppose that distance will make our five year reunion a little more exciting. it just seems like everybody is going in such distinctly different directions. like take this blog as a little microcosm example of the whole grade. sam's in italy, alex is in japan, ru and hui are going to canada, momoe and i are going to america and maxim is in canberra. and i know it's all dream following and everything but it's just difficult to think about the concept of actually losing all of you guys.
anyway, i'm in new york right now so i can go to the open days for Brown and Columbia, which are the two colleges i'm deciding between, since Princeton rejected me (bitches). and this all just means it's really happening, and everything will change. it's a good thing, it's just hugely stressful and it will be a massive adjustment. especially since i've made a bunch of really good new friends at law school and i met a boy (who is pretty great).
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wallpaper thread? Wallpaper thread.
So Hogg! The second photo in the post below this one is seriously good and so I'm using it like this ok
Oncoming winter
So I woke up today and I felt different.
It was an odd feeling, kinda like I'd gone through a change while I'd been asleep or some shit like that.
I took a shower, made myself a coffee and some rice bubbles with milk and then took it to eat at my desk.
Doing this I opened the curtains and felt the cool breeze, blowing through my open window.
I realised why I feel different.
It's cold.
Like not in a crappy, put on more clothes kind of way.
In a, winter is coming feel. Like at Blackheath, where it was cold and dry but beautiful weather.
I guess that is Sydney winter in a nutshell, deceptively cold for the weather.
Point is, it's cold.
Here is a photo from my trip: First is the carpet snake that was in our garden and second is the Minnie Waters Beach over the rocks with a little beach inlet too.
It was an odd feeling, kinda like I'd gone through a change while I'd been asleep or some shit like that.
I took a shower, made myself a coffee and some rice bubbles with milk and then took it to eat at my desk.
Doing this I opened the curtains and felt the cool breeze, blowing through my open window.
I realised why I feel different.
It's cold.
Like not in a crappy, put on more clothes kind of way.
In a, winter is coming feel. Like at Blackheath, where it was cold and dry but beautiful weather.
I guess that is Sydney winter in a nutshell, deceptively cold for the weather.
Point is, it's cold.
Here is a photo from my trip: First is the carpet snake that was in our garden and second is the Minnie Waters Beach over the rocks with a little beach inlet too.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
!!!!!!! i look like this guy

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
get back to reality
tomorrow i have school again :( i super enjoyed my 5 day weekend but i gotta face the real world
started re-watchin lost from season 4 to see what happens in the end. the background music is always so fuckin intense.

this woman freakin has diinosaurs tattooed to her foot
started re-watchin lost from season 4 to see what happens in the end. the background music is always so fuckin intense.
this woman freakin has diinosaurs tattooed to her foot
Monday, April 9, 2012
hai guise eets mi again
i just thought of this great prank
so like, next time im at someone's house and when no one is looking, ill switch all the clocks in the house so that it is like one or two hours fast. so then ill screw with that person's time zone. omg im so clever.
so like, next time im at someone's house and when no one is looking, ill switch all the clocks in the house so that it is like one or two hours fast. so then ill screw with that person's time zone. omg im so clever.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy easter long weekend guys
hope you guys are all enjoyin not doin much and yoloing.
you're probably not doin that and havin a lyf but i sure am. do they have this good friday easter 4 day weekend thing in sardegna as hwell?
anyway, hope yall are all doin stuff thats fun. except lambert who should be finishin of work so we can hang out again.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I realised that one of my uni friends went to st pats and i was all like, you know alex passas and he was like what. Because i said it as Alex Pe-Sass (Pizazz) while normal people call him Alex passas. and he was like, yea i know alex, he is like the nicest guy on earth and i was like, yup that's the kid. and then i realised that he was friend's with alex's friends like ricci and pagano and stuff.
and then when this other guy was drinking he started singing that 'here's to ___ his tru blu, his a piss pot tru n tru' song and i was singing it with him and the other people are like, ive never heard of this song before and i was like, the funny thing was, i learnt this song from the friends of the guy who started singing it. so like its like a circle of some sort of R squared pi.
Shire people.. are all the same.
and then when this other guy was drinking he started singing that 'here's to ___ his tru blu, his a piss pot tru n tru' song and i was singing it with him and the other people are like, ive never heard of this song before and i was like, the funny thing was, i learnt this song from the friends of the guy who started singing it. so like its like a circle of some sort of R squared pi.
Shire people.. are all the same.
Oh hey
My pokemon game deleted itself.
I was on victory road training to defeat the elite for.
I was this close.
Thiiiiis close.
I was on victory road training to defeat the elite for.
I was this close.
Thiiiiis close.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
guys i
just ripped my favorite hoodie
read: my only hoodie
the starman/earthbound one that I always wore
im really sad about it ok
what should I do.....
read: my only hoodie
the starman/earthbound one that I always wore
im really sad about it ok
what should I do.....
this a creepy ass japanese amusement park that was abandoned cos people died in it

fucck ^^ this picture gonna give me nightmares
i was all reading about japanese abandoned amusement parks and stuff , man that shit crazy. one amusement park was abandoned cos it was next to an infamous 'suicide forest' and near some creepy ass cult location. and no one went there.
If any of you are into detective/supernatural dramas (or have spare time) you should watch this japanese one called, Spec. Its aawweesommmeeee i watch it often, and the movie is coming out soon too.
Side note: i often have no clue what they are talking about and crazy things happen haha.
I really wanna understand it. Actually ill go to wiki now.
Also japanese keyboards are slightly different; the @ symbol is below a number, it has its own space next to the enter key. Shit is serious....should probably research it or something.
Also. Fucking verbs (right smaz)
Also. There are so many gocha gocha, (twisty machine thingy that have overpriced anime merchandise in them, i.e mini one piece toys) and ive bought only two ao no exorcist ones so far, i think i have found my new addiction. They are 200 yen here, as opposed to 4 dollars in australia (seesh) so yeah as said im going crazy on buying them haha. Shit this is bad, i bought 6 of those pokemon ones. or was it 7. I dont even like the new gen pokemon and i havent seen ao no exorsist in ages. wtf.
Ok ima go study now
Bai baiiii.
Oh yeah and everyone studys like crazy here. Normally i would hate it, but i only have to study japanese here so its.....wait for it........
Yeah and its spring holidays and they have sooo much homework.
I love candy
Side note: i often have no clue what they are talking about and crazy things happen haha.
I really wanna understand it. Actually ill go to wiki now.
Also japanese keyboards are slightly different; the @ symbol is below a number, it has its own space next to the enter key. Shit is serious....should probably research it or something.
Also. Fucking verbs (right smaz)
Also. There are so many gocha gocha, (twisty machine thingy that have overpriced anime merchandise in them, i.e mini one piece toys) and ive bought only two ao no exorcist ones so far, i think i have found my new addiction. They are 200 yen here, as opposed to 4 dollars in australia (seesh) so yeah as said im going crazy on buying them haha. Shit this is bad, i bought 6 of those pokemon ones. or was it 7. I dont even like the new gen pokemon and i havent seen ao no exorsist in ages. wtf.
Ok ima go study now
Bai baiiii.
Oh yeah and everyone studys like crazy here. Normally i would hate it, but i only have to study japanese here so its.....wait for it........
Yeah and its spring holidays and they have sooo much homework.
I love candy
so i went to rome
the sistine chapel is awesome, that one painting with god doing the finger thing with adam is tiny compared to the total size of it
everything is expensive though
this is the best bit though:
theres this american 17yo girl called larissa who's fucking crazy and she was convinced the whole time that the other 'popular' group was always lying cause they didnt want to include her and that they went out partying and getting smashed heaps without inviting her... I can see why cause shes a loser but still. larissa is like gonna grow up to be a control freak mum, that's all i was thinking the whole time cause she's always trying to get her way and get everyone to do everything for her. it's hilarious cause her host family is fucking crazy and she has to switch but she is just as crazy.
anyway so the first night we didnt get our act together but we were like, 'tomorrow we'll get smashed in the hotel rooms'. you can tell you're the alcoholic when the others turn to you for drinking advice. larissa was like, 'one time i had a third of a bottle of maribu and nothing happened to me.' and i was like, 'yeah ok'. but she knew nothing about drinking, like, she was really really really naive. i dont think she gets invited to many parties in the US and cause the drinking age is 21 she knows nothing.
anyway so we're planning this and then the chance comes cause we split into groups before dinner the second day to either a) go shopping or b) go back to the hotel for a bit. I took the chance to go shopping cause like, i needed new jeans because everyone wears skinny jeans here, i only brought one pair and my dad is refusing to send the other pair that i have to prove some retarded point he's trying to make. but larissa and ashley (the other australian girl I hung out with) went back. and they went to pick up some alcohol for the night...
bacause of larissa, we had 4 breezers. in total.
yeah, hell of a night partying in rome that was
and tanawat, the fuckin awesome thai guy who only spoke thai and italian ended up going out and buying some more by himself randomly. like, the two guides were at the doors and they werent letting anyone out and somehow he just ends up walking back to the hotel with a plastic bag full of 4 more breezers. man he was fuckin awesome, obviously he didn't drink or want to get drunk or something but still. that kid is a legend. he gets back and they are just like, 'whoah, tranquillo tanawat, non fare troppo ok?' (which means, 'whoah, easy now tanawat, don't do too much ok?') but it was in a semi-impressed semi-confused way.
and thats my story that i wanted to share with you all
the sistine chapel is awesome, that one painting with god doing the finger thing with adam is tiny compared to the total size of it
everything is expensive though
this is the best bit though:
theres this american 17yo girl called larissa who's fucking crazy and she was convinced the whole time that the other 'popular' group was always lying cause they didnt want to include her and that they went out partying and getting smashed heaps without inviting her... I can see why cause shes a loser but still. larissa is like gonna grow up to be a control freak mum, that's all i was thinking the whole time cause she's always trying to get her way and get everyone to do everything for her. it's hilarious cause her host family is fucking crazy and she has to switch but she is just as crazy.
anyway so the first night we didnt get our act together but we were like, 'tomorrow we'll get smashed in the hotel rooms'. you can tell you're the alcoholic when the others turn to you for drinking advice. larissa was like, 'one time i had a third of a bottle of maribu and nothing happened to me.' and i was like, 'yeah ok'. but she knew nothing about drinking, like, she was really really really naive. i dont think she gets invited to many parties in the US and cause the drinking age is 21 she knows nothing.
anyway so we're planning this and then the chance comes cause we split into groups before dinner the second day to either a) go shopping or b) go back to the hotel for a bit. I took the chance to go shopping cause like, i needed new jeans because everyone wears skinny jeans here, i only brought one pair and my dad is refusing to send the other pair that i have to prove some retarded point he's trying to make. but larissa and ashley (the other australian girl I hung out with) went back. and they went to pick up some alcohol for the night...
bacause of larissa, we had 4 breezers. in total.
yeah, hell of a night partying in rome that was
and tanawat, the fuckin awesome thai guy who only spoke thai and italian ended up going out and buying some more by himself randomly. like, the two guides were at the doors and they werent letting anyone out and somehow he just ends up walking back to the hotel with a plastic bag full of 4 more breezers. man he was fuckin awesome, obviously he didn't drink or want to get drunk or something but still. that kid is a legend. he gets back and they are just like, 'whoah, tranquillo tanawat, non fare troppo ok?' (which means, 'whoah, easy now tanawat, don't do too much ok?') but it was in a semi-impressed semi-confused way.
and thats my story that i wanted to share with you all
Sunday, April 1, 2012
I don't even know how i wasted 30 minutes on Google Maps 8 bit

not going to lie. It's quite art.
and in other news, franz ferdinand will be performing for Obama's daughter's 14th birthday.

not going to lie. It's quite art.
and in other news, franz ferdinand will be performing for Obama's daughter's 14th birthday.
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