Saturday, April 14, 2012


The internet is like a record or everything. Everything that has been uploaded or posted and forgotten. Today for some reason I started going to tons of sites I used to go to and they have all slowly started to die or have already been abondoned. I don't know it's sort of depressing like how the interwebs is a graveyard of sites that used to be commonly used and now so many communities and forums and blog sites that i used to go to are completely dead. I guess nothing really is forever and so many things left uncompleted. What happened to all the people who used to run the site or contribute to it. I guess that is also the scary thing about the internet, no matter how many people you meet, no matter how close you get to a certain person without ever seeing their face or meeting them, one day they could just disappear from the forum or blog or whatever and you will just never get to communicate with them again. ahh That makes me sad. I wonder how much of the sites on the internet are unactive and like, if a site doesnt get a single visit for 5 years will it still remain, unnoticed forever? just a bunch of information floating on the internet that no one has seen.....

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