Thursday, April 5, 2012


I realised that one of my uni friends went to st pats and i was all like, you know alex passas and he was like what. Because i said it as Alex Pe-Sass (Pizazz) while normal people call him Alex passas. and he was like, yea i know alex, he is like the nicest guy on earth and i was like, yup that's the kid. and then i realised that he was friend's with alex's friends like ricci and pagano and stuff.

and then when this other guy was drinking he started singing that 'here's to ___ his tru blu, his a piss pot tru n tru' song and i was singing it with him and the other people are like, ive never heard of this song before and i was like, the funny thing was, i learnt this song from the friends of the guy who started singing it. so like its like a circle of some sort of R squared pi.

Shire people.. are all the same.

1 comment:

Xedalenar said...

who was it what was his name?!?!?!??!?!!!??!