Saturday, April 14, 2012


There is a lot of reminiscing going on at the moment. I guess people are considering moving away and such things so it is a logical conversation topic.

It's kinda sad to watch people leaving, but I guess one day, maybe soon, maybe a long time away, I too will leave. And like maxim said, certain phases of my life will change and I will not see particular people any more.
I guess I have done it a couple of times, moving to Germany, returning, going to University and there are people I have met at each part of the way that I still have as friends on facebook but I will never see again.
From the initial move, the only person I still see even slightly regularly is Claudia. Then from Germany, there is no-one really, I guess cause they are all in Germany. I'll probably congratulate them soon as they graduate high school but it won't be more than a fleeting message over facebook. There is Sara but she lives in Germany/the US and has the most devoted boyfriend, she is like 5 foot and he is like 6 foot 5. And you know, as weird as this sounds although some of them were my best friends and we saw each other a lot, now it doesn't really matter to me. I know it's sad to say, but with more than a few people that will probably happen. I mean, it's very sad to see people go, and there are times I have/will cry but you know I think in these situations it's best to know that there will be more great friends out there and we will always have the memories that we shared, because they are what made us who we are. Like there is an actual quote that made me choose environmental over mining engineering. There are things that will always remind us of the great times we have had.

I know that may have sounded kinda depressing, but life goes on and things change, actually in the universe's life span of 100 trillion years, the only constant is the progression of time and the change occurs and it is only after 100 trillion years that there is no change. To put that 100 trillion years in perspective, if each atom is a year, there is not enough matter in the universe to make up that much. (Wonders of the Universe is the most fantastic awesome program ever [nerd moment]) Anyway point is, things are always going to change and it is a law that something will eventually become more chaotic because that is much more probable than everything being orderly. I guess I had a relation between that and being friends stability shit but I'm too tired for artsy metaphors right now. Point is, you guys are great friends and I wish we never grow apart, but as we do, I will always remember you, because you made me who I am today and you will always be part of my life in an indirect and sorta historical effect kinda way.



⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

WTF I've said it like 1000 times before and now I'm going to say it again:


somehow or another, fate will let us meet each other, probably not as one whole group but along the way we keep in contact and stuff. as long as we have internet we will be there. so you destroy your internet life. because when it comes down to it, it is all I have.

Hoggle said...

Ru, I'm not saying that, I mean, I could go back and spend time with my German friends, and it would still all be good, but the friendship does change as you change and the other person changes.
I'm not saying people leave and we stop being friends, what I am saying is, although it might hurt, the pain will lessen and after a while, you will have other great friends. I just didn't want to say it so bluntly.