In reality I feel like I'm either wavering or living on both ends of any given spectrum.
I just feel so aged.
Today, I went about fulfilling my duties as a third wheeler for my roommate.
These days I am started to realize that third wheeling is an art. The mediator between the two, and I understand they don't want to make me feel uncomfortable but I want them to understand that they should enjoy each other and not worry about me. So I do that thing where I make them stand together and take numerous photos of them and make them sit together on rides and in the bus.
And I'm sort of glad I did.
Because on this quickly crowding bus, this guy approached my empty seat.
And I soon learned that he was Filipino which would explain why he was so friendly. Talking to strangers is the best. Nothing means anything but it means everything. We talked about the world, and growing up and meeting people from everywhere. What it was like to see the world through the eyes of a different person. And we talked about travels and cultures and the stars.
'So how old are you?'
'why don't you take a guess'
'When I first saw you I would have said 14, but now I think you are 28 or at least 25 years old'
'Why is that?'
'Because of your travels and the way you see the world'
Your high school life and who your parents are really defines you to an extend I would have never comprehended. Education and the world at our fingertips. I feel so ridiculously lucky to have what I have. To have all my experiences and my views of the world. and a lot of that, most of that came from my high school life and mainly, from you guys.
And he was 21 and he has never been out of the state. And I was 18 but I grew up sleeping on planes and watching stars from the train windowpanes.
And it's ridiculous of myself to talk about my own views and goals to these people because it's not an opportunity they were given. They weren't told to dream but to stick to anything worth living, to hold onto the sour reality laid out by society. Growing up in sheltered homes and strolling down a written path.
So we talked and talked and he would ask me about where I've been, the people I've met, the systems I've lived through. The perks about talking to a stranger is that you can talk about anything because it won't matter. The only thing we have of each other were out names and even that I have forgotten.
As the bus rolled into the next stop, he got up and began to leave.
But before he spoke that one last good bye, he told me he felt that he knew a lot more about the world just from our conversation.
And as much as that makes life worth living, it also made me feel.. so.. aged..
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
>that feeling where awesome host sister leaves for Uni
Man it ain't easy on the parents, and I know I probably won't be anywhere near as missed as she will in the house and the family (being the oldest daughter and all, me being at most temporary), but for now I'm still a part of it and once we've both left this family will be heaps fucking different, in 4 people instead of 6, with the only kids being the little girl and the moody teenage bro
Fuck change it seems every time I hop on a plane things have changed and the family I leave ain't the same and won't be ever again.., what a shame what the fuck
((Man i can't wait to come home but it's gonna be so weird coming home to a family without my mum in it))
Anyway she was awesome and went to Sydney and shit on exchange last year, and always took me to discotecas, took me around north Italy with her, spoke near-perfect English and made my time here great especially in the summer when I changed families after school had finished so I had no chance to really make my own friends for the most part so I borrowed hers... She of all the people here probably changed me the most, since after a certain point she told me what I needed to do to be better at this and it was only hearing it from her that made me make me push myself to really try talk like I do in English in Italian, push myself to everything everyone etc.
I gave her my vegemite
She rocked it's sad to see her leave
In other news 5 days till I leave Sardinia, meaning a week till I arrive in Australia
Fuck change it seems every time I hop on a plane things have changed and the family I leave ain't the same and won't be ever again.., what a shame what the fuck
((Man i can't wait to come home but it's gonna be so weird coming home to a family without my mum in it))
Anyway she was awesome and went to Sydney and shit on exchange last year, and always took me to discotecas, took me around north Italy with her, spoke near-perfect English and made my time here great especially in the summer when I changed families after school had finished so I had no chance to really make my own friends for the most part so I borrowed hers... She of all the people here probably changed me the most, since after a certain point she told me what I needed to do to be better at this and it was only hearing it from her that made me make me push myself to really try talk like I do in English in Italian, push myself to everything everyone etc.
I gave her my vegemite
She rocked it's sad to see her leave
In other news 5 days till I leave Sardinia, meaning a week till I arrive in Australia
People at work
Hey, I just wanted to say that it's weird how people remind you of other people. Like one guy at my work today was acting a lot like Liam and a new guy looks a lot like Passas. It's pretty cool.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
this is a very fucking good italian rapper
this guy is from sardinia, from the capital cagliari (there are 3 major cities on the whole fucking island... ha! we have 7)
holy shit i'mma translate for y'all the lyrics some time it's so fucking good... but not now
the start is
hey everyone it's been a while since i measured my dick, but last time i did it was about 50 cm...
in diameter
and the hook is
'when i say schiuma [foam/bubbles], you say party
schiuma party schiuma party
when i say schiuma, you say party
my cannon fires schiuma you can use to wash yourself'
...cause its 'lavarti' which rhymes with 'party'
get it
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Ey sup guys im just waiting for my bus at school so i am on the computers and listening to chill music and i thought i might have a spill to you guys.
Its crazy. Just being in another society is insane. Its just funny how humans are just humans, and its fact that im not gonna ever meet every single one in the world- im not even going to understand everything about other people in my existence probably....but in that, i managed to meet you guys hey and i dunno i guess im thankful about that.
Most people now a days are pretty chill, so alls you gotta do is talk to someone and they will most probably talk back to you given they are not in a rush or busy of some sort. And i love that. Especially in Japan, because just like in a game you will probably be given something like a souvenir or something because you are not Japanese and they openly think that every non Japanese is hot. Haha i kinda take advantage of that hey...
Most people now a days are pretty chill, so alls you gotta do is talk to someone and they will most probably talk back to you given they are not in a rush or busy of some sort. And i love that. Especially in Japan, because just like in a game you will probably be given something like a souvenir or something because you are not Japanese and they openly think that every non Japanese is hot. Haha i kinda take advantage of that hey...
They hate dirty things here, everywhere is insanely clean, except when they gotta do something they will dive into it and do it no matter what it takes. Thats the good thing about Japanese people here, they love to try their best, hence rather than saying "goodluck", you say "try your best!", and in reply you say "Ill try my best!" I love that.
Right now Japan is in conflict with china, korea, and russia over 3 different islands. Its funny, japanese really dislike chinese, and chinese really hate japanese. I think its a hate thats been going on for centurys, and its insane that these two countries, despite all their wisdom and lessons learnt from past wars, continue to hate eachother. Thats another thing, as history continues people keep doing what their descendants wanted them to do- like they were always right.
Im gonna change that.
Its time this world changes for the better, rather than killing the earth, we are just killing ourselves. Nature can adapt, it always will exist...but humans have set needs and its more than just sun and water.
Im gonna change that.
Its time this world changes for the better, rather than killing the earth, we are just killing ourselves. Nature can adapt, it always will exist...but humans have set needs and its more than just sun and water.
Where do i start though... There are way too many people, and they are all way too comfortable to move.
Damn the governments that is now. Tch...
Also one fact of today, Japan and Russia have no peace treaty. They have fought countless times, and who knows whats gonna happen next.
Also why is Russia so big?!?!
Also why is Russia so big?!?!
Aight religion is fucked.
My pakistan half friend here at school just showed me a video, with a grin on his face, of a ritual of his religion in which he will perform/participate in next month.
Type this into youtube and see what you get
camel qurbani
My pakistan half friend here at school just showed me a video, with a grin on his face, of a ritual of his religion in which he will perform/participate in next month.
Type this into youtube and see what you get
camel qurbani
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The sardinian mentality
Can be defined in 2 words: echo chamber
Like seriously
Everything they do is crazy patriotic for this island
They speak Italian but they make a point of speaking Sardinian even if it's just the words 'aju' and 'eja' to the point where I've barely heard anyone at school respond to a question with 'si'
They pride themselves on being themselves, they a choose to go to Cagliari or sassari, the 2 big universities
The equivalent of the southern cross tattoo, either the 4 moors (their admittedly bad-ass flag) or a nuraghe (ancient towers), at least one of these will be on everyone who has a tattoo
They talk up 'la sardità' (sardinian-ness) so much that often they forget they are a part of Italy... Until Italy does something well like win a big soccer match
They all aspire to serve their fucking island and that's it! First question they ask me, every time: 'oh, sei australiano? Ma ti piace la Sardegna? E bella, no?' (oh you're Australian? Do you like Sardinia? It's really beautiful isn't it?)
They all are fucking obsessed with their traditions, their dancing, this one event called the sartiglia... Like, obsessed. Which is okay but at every public festival, political rally etc all there will be a group of traditional Sardinian dancers because that's what works
None of them want to leave the island, for them the whole world is Sardinia, and even when they go travel around Barcelona, luxemburg, London, wherever else... They always say Sardinia is better (which is objectively untrue, I travelled around north Italy for a bit and everything is fucking beautiful as! Mountains, bilingual road signs, europeanness! That was what I wanted to go on exchange for! The Sardinian landscape is too similar to ours...)
All that is okay I guess, I mean it's their home and they are proud to be part of a group of people with such strong traditions
Yet all the Sardinian people I've met who've gone on exchange have had their horizons expanded or something? Literally every single one of them has said something along the lines of
'I have to fucking escape this island'
If that's not indicative of some deeper problems idk what is
...ok cool I just had to get that off my chest thank you all for listening
Like seriously
Everything they do is crazy patriotic for this island
They speak Italian but they make a point of speaking Sardinian even if it's just the words 'aju' and 'eja' to the point where I've barely heard anyone at school respond to a question with 'si'
They pride themselves on being themselves, they a choose to go to Cagliari or sassari, the 2 big universities
The equivalent of the southern cross tattoo, either the 4 moors (their admittedly bad-ass flag) or a nuraghe (ancient towers), at least one of these will be on everyone who has a tattoo
They talk up 'la sardità' (sardinian-ness) so much that often they forget they are a part of Italy... Until Italy does something well like win a big soccer match
They all aspire to serve their fucking island and that's it! First question they ask me, every time: 'oh, sei australiano? Ma ti piace la Sardegna? E bella, no?' (oh you're Australian? Do you like Sardinia? It's really beautiful isn't it?)
They all are fucking obsessed with their traditions, their dancing, this one event called the sartiglia... Like, obsessed. Which is okay but at every public festival, political rally etc all there will be a group of traditional Sardinian dancers because that's what works
None of them want to leave the island, for them the whole world is Sardinia, and even when they go travel around Barcelona, luxemburg, London, wherever else... They always say Sardinia is better (which is objectively untrue, I travelled around north Italy for a bit and everything is fucking beautiful as! Mountains, bilingual road signs, europeanness! That was what I wanted to go on exchange for! The Sardinian landscape is too similar to ours...)
All that is okay I guess, I mean it's their home and they are proud to be part of a group of people with such strong traditions
Yet all the Sardinian people I've met who've gone on exchange have had their horizons expanded or something? Literally every single one of them has said something along the lines of
'I have to fucking escape this island'
If that's not indicative of some deeper problems idk what is
...ok cool I just had to get that off my chest thank you all for listening
Dead Bodies on Mount Everest
Sort of morbid, but interesting as hell. Imagine your fate is to end up an unidentifiable body, left as reminder to those who will climb after you in the decades to come the horrors that could potentially befall them...
Sort of morbid, but interesting as hell. Imagine your fate is to end up an unidentifiable body, left as reminder to those who will climb after you in the decades to come the horrors that could potentially befall them...
Friday, September 21, 2012
Why do native americans have such cool names
Heres a picture of a native american
Heres a picture of a native american
semi - way - back friday
Hey guys this is my new segment of the blog. It's called semi-way-back-weekday where I will post some sort of clip or video I have. Because I seriously have all these random clips of people doing dumb shit and i dont know what to do with them.
This one features paddy~
this happened to me today
Skipping school cause the class is religion and it's not compulsory (not that there's any consequence at all if I skip school at this point)
A guy and a girl, awkwardly being the third-wheel exchange student for their weird friendship-romance
They are talking about club music, girl goes to 'clubs' heaps but the guy isn't into that kinda shit, doesn't even know who eminem is, I'm just texting the other exchange students
Girl is showing him songs
'hey you might have heard this one, it's korean'
I look up from my phone
Listen intently
I couldn't stop laughing, I think they think I'm retarded or something now... Like seriously why was that so funny
Thanks guys
A guy and a girl, awkwardly being the third-wheel exchange student for their weird friendship-romance
They are talking about club music, girl goes to 'clubs' heaps but the guy isn't into that kinda shit, doesn't even know who eminem is, I'm just texting the other exchange students
Girl is showing him songs
'hey you might have heard this one, it's korean'
I look up from my phone
Listen intently
I couldn't stop laughing, I think they think I'm retarded or something now... Like seriously why was that so funny
Thanks guys
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
There is a war in Nigeria
I talked to a Nigerian guy today who was selling petty objects to raise money to get his ass home
He was saying he came here to escape the war, cause sardinia is one of the closest points in Europe to Africa, but cause the Italians are quite a bit racist (and it doesnt help that the majority of non-white people here are desperately trying to sell things cheaply, either on the streets or beaches or in 'Chinese shops') and because he misses his home he didn't find it good here and all he wanted to do was go home
And he was like,
'there is a war in nigeria'
and I was like, first reaction 'oh shit I'm sorry' and he was like, 'i don't understand what you're saying, what is there to be sorry about'
We can have some problems in our lives, sure, even if they are grave problems like drug addiction or mental health issues and all that sort of shit but fuck, those sort of things are entirely out of the fucking scope
Completely out of scale
We are so fucking lucky to not have to try to escape our own home
...Anyone want a little silver shoe that fits on a keyring? He wouldn't let me just give him a donation
I talked to a Nigerian guy today who was selling petty objects to raise money to get his ass home
He was saying he came here to escape the war, cause sardinia is one of the closest points in Europe to Africa, but cause the Italians are quite a bit racist (and it doesnt help that the majority of non-white people here are desperately trying to sell things cheaply, either on the streets or beaches or in 'Chinese shops') and because he misses his home he didn't find it good here and all he wanted to do was go home
And he was like,
'there is a war in nigeria'
and I was like, first reaction 'oh shit I'm sorry' and he was like, 'i don't understand what you're saying, what is there to be sorry about'
We can have some problems in our lives, sure, even if they are grave problems like drug addiction or mental health issues and all that sort of shit but fuck, those sort of things are entirely out of the fucking scope
Completely out of scale
We are so fucking lucky to not have to try to escape our own home
...Anyone want a little silver shoe that fits on a keyring? He wouldn't let me just give him a donation
Monday, September 17, 2012
My life is a harem manga
I'm going back to school again (which my area rep told me 3 days ago...) and guess how my class is
Well you know how my last one was 3 guys 15 girls??
This time out of 24, 4 including me are guys
Fuck I suck at this
Well you know how my last one was 3 guys 15 girls??
This time out of 24, 4 including me are guys
Fuck I suck at this
your thoughtss??
Hey do you guys think it would be ok for me,
if i used $318 dollars of my parent's money
to make a small trip to quebec
by myself
to see the XX live
without telling my parents
and taking 3 days off from uni without anyone knowing..
i already planned everything like the costs of everything, the 9 hour train there and back, the xx tickets and the hostel place.
i just havent booked anything yet.
but is it really ok if i decide to do something like this??
if i used $318 dollars of my parent's money
to make a small trip to quebec
by myself
to see the XX live
without telling my parents
and taking 3 days off from uni without anyone knowing..
i already planned everything like the costs of everything, the 9 hour train there and back, the xx tickets and the hostel place.
i just havent booked anything yet.
but is it really ok if i decide to do something like this??
Today I bought something for everybody
I'm not gonna say what it is but it's not actually that exciting, it's just a thing
Ne ho comprato per le persone seguenti: ((I bought one for the following peeps))
Ru, Alex, Marlena, Hui, Maxim, Lambert, Lasry, Hogg, Madison, Josh, Megan and Isi
And me of course lol
Shit guys tell me if I'm forgetting anyone?? Also we gotta have a party at Jons house with those people so I can hand them out. You all get to choose a colour as well, ce ne son un sacco
Ru and passas I'll mail yours to you but once I get to Australia, also if you want, you too maxim
In other news, less than 20 days and I'm in Australia again
In other other news I go back to (a new) school tomorrow for all of 14-ish days
I bet you didn't notice that I wrote some of this in Italian huh
I'm not gonna say what it is but it's not actually that exciting, it's just a thing
Ne ho comprato per le persone seguenti: ((I bought one for the following peeps))
Ru, Alex, Marlena, Hui, Maxim, Lambert, Lasry, Hogg, Madison, Josh, Megan and Isi
And me of course lol
Shit guys tell me if I'm forgetting anyone?? Also we gotta have a party at Jons house with those people so I can hand them out. You all get to choose a colour as well, ce ne son un sacco
Ru and passas I'll mail yours to you but once I get to Australia, also if you want, you too maxim
In other news, less than 20 days and I'm in Australia again
In other other news I go back to (a new) school tomorrow for all of 14-ish days
I bet you didn't notice that I wrote some of this in Italian huh
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Life now/apology for lack of Skype and general stuff
So I think work is far more demanding than I expected it to be.
I do a lot of filing because there is a backlog, cept today I didn't go cause I had a migraine and couldn't get out of bed without feeling like shit, so I slept.
I think it was my body protesting at the getting up early after sleeping in til like 1 for 3 months. Like the first day back to school/uni after holidays.
In terms of life, I'm at work 8:30 to 5. I have to get up at 6 so I can catch the bus at 7:10 and i don't get home til 7, cause the train comes at 5:20, then it takes 30 - 40 minutes and then there is a 25 minutes on the bus.
I was staying up but I crashed last night at like 9:30 cause i get up at 6 and am busy all day. It's hard man, there is like no time for skype. except weekends.
God this seriously makes me appreciate weekends a hundred times more because it's free time and I can do stuff, like tumblr and such, and get up at 10 not 6.
6am is a fucking terrible time to get up for work, it's only just getting light and it's cold. I have coffee and toast and a shower then I get on the bus at 7:10 and on the train at 7:40, which isn't quite full but almost and takes a long time but it's ok because it empties after Wynyard and North Sydney. The bus is empty ish cause it's so early. Coming home, on the train I see the sunset over the harbour and it's beautiful but it's dark when I get home. Hopefully that will get better cause summer and daylight savings but slowly.
Work is good though, I do filing cause there is a massive backlog (from June) and data entry, I work with Shaun, Jess and Reinita, my boss is Chris (woman). Reinita is leaving in like 2 weeks though and they basically expect me to take over her role, which is going to be difficult cause she's been there 2 years and knows the system well. It's going to take time but they are definitely happy the filing backlog is going. Seriously I've worked like 15 hours and like 12 hours have been filing. I'm nearly done though which is good.
I will upload the pictures from Saturday night now. I hope you guys are going well and such. Alex I have a letter for you and Ru, you too.
Also money now, it's good.
I do a lot of filing because there is a backlog, cept today I didn't go cause I had a migraine and couldn't get out of bed without feeling like shit, so I slept.
I think it was my body protesting at the getting up early after sleeping in til like 1 for 3 months. Like the first day back to school/uni after holidays.
In terms of life, I'm at work 8:30 to 5. I have to get up at 6 so I can catch the bus at 7:10 and i don't get home til 7, cause the train comes at 5:20, then it takes 30 - 40 minutes and then there is a 25 minutes on the bus.
I was staying up but I crashed last night at like 9:30 cause i get up at 6 and am busy all day. It's hard man, there is like no time for skype. except weekends.
God this seriously makes me appreciate weekends a hundred times more because it's free time and I can do stuff, like tumblr and such, and get up at 10 not 6.
6am is a fucking terrible time to get up for work, it's only just getting light and it's cold. I have coffee and toast and a shower then I get on the bus at 7:10 and on the train at 7:40, which isn't quite full but almost and takes a long time but it's ok because it empties after Wynyard and North Sydney. The bus is empty ish cause it's so early. Coming home, on the train I see the sunset over the harbour and it's beautiful but it's dark when I get home. Hopefully that will get better cause summer and daylight savings but slowly.
Work is good though, I do filing cause there is a massive backlog (from June) and data entry, I work with Shaun, Jess and Reinita, my boss is Chris (woman). Reinita is leaving in like 2 weeks though and they basically expect me to take over her role, which is going to be difficult cause she's been there 2 years and knows the system well. It's going to take time but they are definitely happy the filing backlog is going. Seriously I've worked like 15 hours and like 12 hours have been filing. I'm nearly done though which is good.
I will upload the pictures from Saturday night now. I hope you guys are going well and such. Alex I have a letter for you and Ru, you too.
Also money now, it's good.
I just had an accidental date I think?
(first ever -.-)
What do you guys reckon I have no idea?
Without even realising it I went on a date with the other Australian chick
cause we were chilling all 3 of us (me and 2 other aussie chicks) but then the other (weird, extremely socially awkward) girl went home so it was just us 2 and then we went and saw a movie together and it was really different to normally when you go see a movie with friends?
And then we were talking heaps during the movie and like making fun of the Italian voices and I translated a whole bunch of it for her (fucking formalities you make shit confusing to follow... Italian language problems) and we were getting excited over batman (holy shit that last bit... how did he... fuck I know how he did it he's the fucking batman that's how) and then afterwards talking heaps and even though it was just the 2 of us it never felt awkward or anything,
and then i forgot that she took all my money earlier in the day without asking so I needed to get her to come here tomorrow so I can get my 100-ish euros back and so I was texting her about that, and then she texted me at the end:
"and thanks for today and the movie I had heaps of fun :) night"
That's not normal friend talk, that's not what she usually texts like either
And now I'm looking back I'm like, wow that seems suspiciously like a date, plus with the way she was all day... Man that's a little bit awkward
But seriously fucking batman omg
What do you guys reckon I have no idea?
Without even realising it I went on a date with the other Australian chick
cause we were chilling all 3 of us (me and 2 other aussie chicks) but then the other (weird, extremely socially awkward) girl went home so it was just us 2 and then we went and saw a movie together and it was really different to normally when you go see a movie with friends?
And then we were talking heaps during the movie and like making fun of the Italian voices and I translated a whole bunch of it for her (fucking formalities you make shit confusing to follow... Italian language problems) and we were getting excited over batman (holy shit that last bit... how did he... fuck I know how he did it he's the fucking batman that's how) and then afterwards talking heaps and even though it was just the 2 of us it never felt awkward or anything,
and then i forgot that she took all my money earlier in the day without asking so I needed to get her to come here tomorrow so I can get my 100-ish euros back and so I was texting her about that, and then she texted me at the end:
"and thanks for today and the movie I had heaps of fun :) night"
That's not normal friend talk, that's not what she usually texts like either
And now I'm looking back I'm like, wow that seems suspiciously like a date, plus with the way she was all day... Man that's a little bit awkward
But seriously fucking batman omg
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Eyyyy (address at the bottom of page)
Hey guys, i guess i feel like i owe a post you dont gonna read it, got no clue how long itll be but yeah- ill summarize at the end for the lazy-no-read-syndrome derp friends.
Aight where to start. Hmm.
Aight where to start. Hmm.
So about two weeks ago i moved houses, into a new host family and it went smoothly, i think. My new host family isnt as lively as my last one, but i try my best converse at appropriate times! It was super awkward at first, because here they pretty much baby feed their guests, and its so hard saying thankyou over and over and over without sounding completely useless, you know that feel? So from the start i always put my place in, and ask where can i wash up and stuff like that- sometimes you gotta force it but these guys know the deal- and its my way of showing appreciation cause i get given a bento lunch everyday by my mum when she doesnt have to support my lunch by contract and i thought that was pretty cool.
When i first met my host brother, i was introduced at the entrance to his room by his older sister, and he was playing psp on his bed and just ignored me, i was like ohhh boy this is gonna take a bit of time to become friends haha. And we are slowly becoming good friends, hes just heaps shy, but when spoken to is actually quite not shy. I dunno. Im pretty sure he has a slight ortism, like, when spoken to he replies in the loudish voice and ortism like speech- and when playing the psp on his own he screams out funny stuff like "uuhh noooo go away hehehe!"..I know i sound heaps mean right now but i have retarded friends and i know how to distinguish. (not a joke)
(...but just incase you were thinking it...yes you are retarded HERP)
My host sister is actually my age and went back to uni in Kyoto, she was only in our house for a couple days on holidays. She was heaps nice, explained everything about the house, routines and stuff to me even though she isnt going to be here. ANd she made an awesome cheesecake before she left, but i only have managed to have one slice, cause its really awkward opening someone elses fridge unless its your own, your cousins, or your mates you know that feel? Also im using it as an excuse not to over eat haha.
My host mother and i get along pretty well- we speak heaps about anything and whenever i dont know what she said we look it up, and she learns the english and i learn the japanese XD. My host dad is nice too, except he walked in whilst i was undressed for the shower and well im just glad it wasnt my mum cause shit woulda gotten more awkward haha. But he also drinks everynight, and if your host dads a drinker i rekon that makes them automatically cool list haha, and he shares me his crackers and stuff whilst he drinks. Also he makes awesome bacon and eggs every morning, and until yesterday i had to refuse the bread that he also offers everymorning, was hard to say no to food but i gotta cut down >.<
After all that, i went to school and have been going on the computer everynight so far at school, because kendo finishes way before my bus comes- and it gives me lotsa time to do internet sheit! And also kanji practice.....never.ending.kanji.
I think my relationship with the japanese students might have gotten better, the new term gives me a new chance to make more friends...but tbh i think about you guys way to often. OH and at lunch time they play the school radio, and they play songs sometimes...and the song that i used in the bloopers for the fight video between hui, smaz and maxim came on and i was heaappss happy after that haha.
Aight my bus comes soon, so i will wrap this up early (can write forever). But i will give my address and a small summary, and i WILL write soon to everyone thats waiting im so sorry its been so long.
137 Shimoiino, Toyama City
Toyama Prefecture
9318443 (<-- not sure if you even need that)
When i first met my host brother, i was introduced at the entrance to his room by his older sister, and he was playing psp on his bed and just ignored me, i was like ohhh boy this is gonna take a bit of time to become friends haha. And we are slowly becoming good friends, hes just heaps shy, but when spoken to is actually quite not shy. I dunno. Im pretty sure he has a slight ortism, like, when spoken to he replies in the loudish voice and ortism like speech- and when playing the psp on his own he screams out funny stuff like "uuhh noooo go away hehehe!"..I know i sound heaps mean right now but i have retarded friends and i know how to distinguish. (not a joke)
(...but just incase you were thinking it...yes you are retarded HERP)
My host sister is actually my age and went back to uni in Kyoto, she was only in our house for a couple days on holidays. She was heaps nice, explained everything about the house, routines and stuff to me even though she isnt going to be here. ANd she made an awesome cheesecake before she left, but i only have managed to have one slice, cause its really awkward opening someone elses fridge unless its your own, your cousins, or your mates you know that feel? Also im using it as an excuse not to over eat haha.
My host mother and i get along pretty well- we speak heaps about anything and whenever i dont know what she said we look it up, and she learns the english and i learn the japanese XD. My host dad is nice too, except he walked in whilst i was undressed for the shower and well im just glad it wasnt my mum cause shit woulda gotten more awkward haha. But he also drinks everynight, and if your host dads a drinker i rekon that makes them automatically cool list haha, and he shares me his crackers and stuff whilst he drinks. Also he makes awesome bacon and eggs every morning, and until yesterday i had to refuse the bread that he also offers everymorning, was hard to say no to food but i gotta cut down >.<
After all that, i went to school and have been going on the computer everynight so far at school, because kendo finishes way before my bus comes- and it gives me lotsa time to do internet sheit! And also kanji practice.....never.ending.kanji.
I think my relationship with the japanese students might have gotten better, the new term gives me a new chance to make more friends...but tbh i think about you guys way to often. OH and at lunch time they play the school radio, and they play songs sometimes...and the song that i used in the bloopers for the fight video between hui, smaz and maxim came on and i was heaappss happy after that haha.
Aight my bus comes soon, so i will wrap this up early (can write forever). But i will give my address and a small summary, and i WILL write soon to everyone thats waiting im so sorry its been so long.
137 Shimoiino, Toyama City
Toyama Prefecture
9318443 (<-- not sure if you even need that)
And summary :
-read the message lazy shit.
aight im being kicked out now haha perfect timing, ill write some letters, gonna take some time might have to make them short to meet the demands of the people ya know
gonna change the world
-read the message lazy shit.
aight im being kicked out now haha perfect timing, ill write some letters, gonna take some time might have to make them short to meet the demands of the people ya know
gonna change the world
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
So I just randomly bought a 3ds for €180, cause it was cheap
And then I found out you can download old gameboy and gbc games
And so now I'm reloading the original mario land for gameboy, after like 12 years
And its so fucking amazing and I'm crying
Also why the fuck is electronics so expensive on Australia, this is the newer model of the 3ds and so in Australia I'm pretty sure it costs like $350 or something ridiculous... Most new video games cost like €40 max it's incredible
And so now I'm reloading the original mario land for gameboy, after like 12 years
And its so fucking amazing and I'm crying
Also why the fuck is electronics so expensive on Australia, this is the newer model of the 3ds and so in Australia I'm pretty sure it costs like $350 or something ridiculous... Most new video games cost like €40 max it's incredible
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Feeling the need to broadcast
I got a job! like finally!!
Took me 6 weeks.
But guys, I need to get superannuation and it's stressful.
I also need like to move out and do all this other stuff.
Life is complicated now.
I keep thinking, oh I'll do that on Monday or Tuesday and then I realise, I will be at work. Massive wtf moment.
Anyway, I gotta clean up my room so I can find my internet banking password. I'm also thinking of opening another bank account purely for savings. Like for when I move out, it's money for an emergency.
I do already have 2 bank accounts though so hmm, it may seem slightly dodgy if I get income and such into more than one account. I might keep my Westpac one as my general usage, have the commonwealth one for child support and the new one, probably NAB for savings for a rainy day. My new computer, Ipod, phone, furniture fund. So birthday money from family and such goes in there.
Hmm stuff. Ok.
You probably didn't have to read this at all.
I got a job! like finally!!
Took me 6 weeks.
But guys, I need to get superannuation and it's stressful.
I also need like to move out and do all this other stuff.
Life is complicated now.
I keep thinking, oh I'll do that on Monday or Tuesday and then I realise, I will be at work. Massive wtf moment.
Anyway, I gotta clean up my room so I can find my internet banking password. I'm also thinking of opening another bank account purely for savings. Like for when I move out, it's money for an emergency.
I do already have 2 bank accounts though so hmm, it may seem slightly dodgy if I get income and such into more than one account. I might keep my Westpac one as my general usage, have the commonwealth one for child support and the new one, probably NAB for savings for a rainy day. My new computer, Ipod, phone, furniture fund. So birthday money from family and such goes in there.
Hmm stuff. Ok.
You probably didn't have to read this at all.
Well, it's been a while. I think it's about time I posted here again. I'll talk today about today about singing since I figure that's as good a topic as any to talk about.
I like to sing. I really enjoy it, and whenever I am I feel like I'm massaging a part of my brain that too often needs a massage. Now, I don't know if I'm any good or not, and honestly I don't care too much if I am, but the more I practice the better I'll become I figure. I'll sing in the shower or in my room or around the halls, so people hear me often and they say it livens up the place. I tell them that not enough people sing, and they laugh and agree with me. After I've been singing for a while my voice gets smoothed up and feels a lot desirable to use.
Now why do I sing? I think it's to keep my mind occupied. Singing, especially singing new songs which I'm learning the lyrics too, pushes out the other thoughts in my head and instead lets me just be in the moment. There's nothing but pure release of energy and sound. It can be a good way to get over whatever anxiety or fear you might currently have about whatever scenario. I'll just tell myself "just think of singing" and my mind will stop going haywire and then just go to thinking about any song that comes into mind.
Some days if I'm feeling really good I'll start my day by singing whatever new song I've going through my system at the time. I'll just load it up on Youtube and sing with the pitch of the artist. It really makes getting ready just that bit more better.
If I plan on doing anything with my singing I don't know. Maybe it'll be nice to eventually perform or get my voice heard, but truthfully I like just singing by myself for my own enjoyment. I probably sing better when I'm alone anyway since I don't have to worry about getting everything right or making it pitch-perfect. I suppose it means if ever I have to busk to survive I'll have a basic idea of what to do. I suppose it's like Ru and her dancing in a way, I do it because I enjoy it and nothing more.
Do any of you like singing
It doesn't even matter if you think you totally suck, if you just enjoy the act that's all you need
There are really few things that let your soul out into the world than the act of singing
I like to sing. I really enjoy it, and whenever I am I feel like I'm massaging a part of my brain that too often needs a massage. Now, I don't know if I'm any good or not, and honestly I don't care too much if I am, but the more I practice the better I'll become I figure. I'll sing in the shower or in my room or around the halls, so people hear me often and they say it livens up the place. I tell them that not enough people sing, and they laugh and agree with me. After I've been singing for a while my voice gets smoothed up and feels a lot desirable to use.
Now why do I sing? I think it's to keep my mind occupied. Singing, especially singing new songs which I'm learning the lyrics too, pushes out the other thoughts in my head and instead lets me just be in the moment. There's nothing but pure release of energy and sound. It can be a good way to get over whatever anxiety or fear you might currently have about whatever scenario. I'll just tell myself "just think of singing" and my mind will stop going haywire and then just go to thinking about any song that comes into mind.
Some days if I'm feeling really good I'll start my day by singing whatever new song I've going through my system at the time. I'll just load it up on Youtube and sing with the pitch of the artist. It really makes getting ready just that bit more better.
If I plan on doing anything with my singing I don't know. Maybe it'll be nice to eventually perform or get my voice heard, but truthfully I like just singing by myself for my own enjoyment. I probably sing better when I'm alone anyway since I don't have to worry about getting everything right or making it pitch-perfect. I suppose it means if ever I have to busk to survive I'll have a basic idea of what to do. I suppose it's like Ru and her dancing in a way, I do it because I enjoy it and nothing more.
Do any of you like singing
It doesn't even matter if you think you totally suck, if you just enjoy the act that's all you need
There are really few things that let your soul out into the world than the act of singing
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
like today we had orientation and a group of kids stayed behind and chilled in this room with the faculty student leaders and one of the student leaders some like white guy started playing k pop music videos and i was like adlkjkasljdkaljdkasldjkljdakl... and that's how people in the faculty discovered i have the worst taste of music.
and then this girl came up to me and asked if i like kpop and jrock and i was like yea... and she was like yup you look like that sort of person too...
and then last night i was at my friend's room and he was like hey you can play musics from my itunes so then i went to his itunes and played asher roth's la di da and he was like you know roth? and then we proceeded to rap to roth and cudi and other singers that if it wasnt for lambert i wouldnt be so into them or know the rap parts. so now he thinks i like like good music.
see like stupid small things like this i just have like the compulsion to tell you guys.
and then this girl came up to me and asked if i like kpop and jrock and i was like yea... and she was like yup you look like that sort of person too...
and then last night i was at my friend's room and he was like hey you can play musics from my itunes so then i went to his itunes and played asher roth's la di da and he was like you know roth? and then we proceeded to rap to roth and cudi and other singers that if it wasnt for lambert i wouldnt be so into them or know the rap parts. so now he thinks i like like good music.
see like stupid small things like this i just have like the compulsion to tell you guys.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
A bunch of photos from Trieste cause I'm that one dick who makes you look at holiday photos
I think my iPod fucked up the order (blogger's app is shit) but here goes:
The Uni, which has a smaller grounds than syd u but is fucking enormous
A sign on a shop window that says 'save water, shower together!'
The best shop in italy, called DICK (it sells lightbulbs and torches)
This really weird but awesome
humoungous triangle church on a hill right on the border of Slovenia ((I've been in Slovenia guys!!)) plus my comment in the guestbook... Looking back I should have put something more like 'if intelligent design is so real why is this just a bunch of shitty triangles? Seems pretty dumb to me'
KAISERWASSER from Südtirol, with the subtitle 'Ein kaiserlichen Genuss!' which means 'an emperor-like flavour!' yeah, das richt Bitcheß, ei Deutsch gekanner speken ja! <> <<>>
actual europe rocks, this is everything I was hoping my exchange would be, why the fuck couldn't they have put me here instead, Sardinia is so boring and uninspired in comparison...
The Uni, which has a smaller grounds than syd u but is fucking enormous
A sign on a shop window that says 'save water, shower together!'
The best shop in italy, called DICK (it sells lightbulbs and torches)
This really weird but awesome
humoungous triangle church on a hill right on the border of Slovenia ((I've been in Slovenia guys!!)) plus my comment in the guestbook... Looking back I should have put something more like 'if intelligent design is so real why is this just a bunch of shitty triangles? Seems pretty dumb to me'
KAISERWASSER from Südtirol, with the subtitle 'Ein kaiserlichen Genuss!' which means 'an emperor-like flavour!' yeah, das richt Bitcheß, ei Deutsch gekanner speken ja!
actual europe rocks, this is everything I was hoping my exchange would be, why the fuck couldn't they have put me here instead, Sardinia is so boring and uninspired in comparison...
Monday, September 3, 2012
((I found a LEGIT shiny pigeon))
It's blue... Like wtf its blue
This is a blue pigeon
It is a pigeon that is blue
It's fucking blue
(it lives in venice btw)
(sorry 3rd venice post in a row I'll stop)
This is a blue pigeon
It is a pigeon that is blue
It's fucking blue
(it lives in venice btw)
(sorry 3rd venice post in a row I'll stop)
Sunday, September 2, 2012
my roommate's coming tomorrow....
my room is a mess (again)
I need to clean it.
I need to disguise the fact that im not cool.. but howw??????
dial 'h' for help

my room is a mess (again)
I need to clean it.
I need to disguise the fact that im not cool.. but howw??????
dial 'h' for help

Saturday, September 1, 2012
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