Monday, September 24, 2012

Ey sup guys im just waiting for my bus at school so i am on the computers and listening to chill music and i thought i might have a spill to you guys. 

Its crazy. Just being in another society is insane. Its just funny how humans are just humans, and its fact that im not gonna ever meet every single one in the world- im not even going to understand everything about other people in my existence probably....but in that, i managed to meet you guys hey and i dunno i guess im thankful about that.

Most people now a days are pretty chill, so alls you gotta do is talk to someone and they will most probably talk back to you given they are not in a rush or busy of some sort. And i love that. Especially in Japan, because just like in a game you will probably be given something like a souvenir or something because you are not Japanese and they openly think that every non Japanese is hot. Haha i kinda take advantage of that hey... 

They hate dirty things here, everywhere is insanely clean, except when they gotta do something they will dive into it and do it no matter what it takes. Thats the good thing about Japanese people here, they love to try their best, hence rather than saying "goodluck", you say "try your best!", and in reply you say "Ill try my best!" I love that.

Right now Japan is in conflict with china, korea, and russia over 3 different islands. Its funny, japanese really dislike chinese, and chinese really hate japanese. I think its a hate thats been going on for centurys, and its insane that these two countries, despite all their wisdom and lessons learnt from past wars, continue to hate eachother. Thats another thing, as history continues people keep doing what their descendants wanted them to do- like they were always right.

Im gonna change that.

Its time this world changes for the better, rather than killing the earth, we are just killing ourselves. Nature can adapt, it always will exist...but humans have set needs and its more than just sun and water. 

Where do i start though... There are way too many people, and they are all way too comfortable to move. 

Damn the governments that is now. Tch...

Also one fact of today, Japan and Russia have no peace treaty. They have fought countless times, and who knows whats gonna happen next.

Also why is Russia so big?!?!



Lord of the Palmtrees said...

yeah the world is due for some changing. most of the time im so happy with humanity like with people i know and things i read like wooo technology and science people are so smart we can solve soo many problems but then things like that camel thing really make me sad like, why... why

its so sad people want to hurt other animals so cruelly but even more bizarre that humans hurt each other. i hate how war is still treated as a 'solution' to problems but thats just an animal thing that still exists in humans.

Lambert said...

I think a world of peace would be great, but it's almost impossible. And Hui, you gotta remember that humans, while they may be more intelligent than most animals, are still animals and will behave as such. Though I think that war should only happen when there is no other way/ every other way to solve the situation has happened (as it's a serious thing that will impact countless people).

Also, I learned at uni that pretty much everyone is using WAY to many resources (e.g. for America to keep on using what it's using now, it would need the resources of 6 planet earths, even the Earth as a whole is at about 1.2 Earths). -> which relates to changing the world for the better.

Xed said...

Wtf world why are we so smart yet so ignorant...

Hoggle said...

As Lambert said, we aren't that different to other animals. No animals, consider the continuation of existence beyond themselves, they eat what they need and do what they do the environment so they can further their own existence. If they don't, they die. The problem with humanity, is we can both manipulate our surrounding to a massive degree but we can also see the effect that it is having upon the future. It's funny, how we still act like animals, even with the perspective of human longevity.