Thursday, September 6, 2012


Well, it's been a while. I think it's about time I posted here again. I'll talk today about today about singing since I figure that's as good a topic as any to talk about.

I like to sing. I really enjoy it, and whenever I am I feel like I'm massaging a part of my brain that too often needs a massage. Now, I don't know if I'm any good or not, and honestly I don't care too much if I am, but the more I practice the better I'll become I figure. I'll sing in the shower or in my room or around the halls, so people hear me often and they say it livens up the place. I tell them that not enough people sing, and they laugh and agree with me. After I've been singing for a while my voice gets smoothed up and feels a lot desirable to use.

Now why do I sing? I think it's to keep my mind occupied. Singing, especially singing new songs which I'm learning the lyrics too, pushes out the other thoughts in my head and instead lets me just be in the moment. There's nothing but pure release of energy and sound. It can be a good way to get over whatever anxiety or fear you might currently have about whatever scenario. I'll just tell myself "just think of singing" and my mind will stop going haywire and then just go to thinking about any song that comes into mind.

Some days if I'm feeling really good I'll start my day by singing whatever new song I've going through my system at the time. I'll just load it up on Youtube and sing with the pitch of the artist. It really makes getting ready just that bit more better.

If I plan on doing anything with my singing I don't know. Maybe it'll be nice to eventually perform or get my voice heard, but truthfully I like just singing by myself for my own enjoyment. I probably sing better when I'm alone anyway since I don't have to worry about getting everything right or making it pitch-perfect. I suppose it means if ever I have to busk to survive I'll have a basic idea of what to do. I suppose it's like Ru and her dancing in a way, I do it because I enjoy it and nothing more.

Do any of you like singing
It doesn't even matter if you think you totally suck, if you just enjoy the act that's all you need
There are really few things that let your soul out into the world than the act of singing


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

I love singing too. I love it so much that I do it all the time even though I know I can't sing well.

If a song that I know is playin, I gotta sing.

Even though I suck I wanna hog the mic in karaoke. I want to sing my lungs out and release all the air and pressure from the inside.

Also, I usually rap more after i take a shower in the bathroom because the hot water makes everything hot and my mouth gets dry and its easier to rap if your mouth is drier.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...


Hoggle said...

I play music when I'm in the shower so I can sing along, I never used to but I do now cause it's fun to sing and it's a back drop to the deep thoughts about life universe etc that tend to happen in the shower.
The best advice I got about getting up for Uni or work is if it takes you 30 minutes to get ready, make a 30 minute playlist that gets more and more awake, and it's like a frame of mind thing. I did it and it works so well.