Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blogger doesn't work properly on an iPod especially with shitty wifi

Hello everybody
Smaz here and I have wifi so umma type this but be prepared cause I might type a fair bit, which on my ipod takes great dedication as well as autocorrecting things, and punctuation is harder to do so sorry

So anyway, I'm currently in Fiji in a resort called the Naviti resort. And from said resort we purchased one hour of wifi, which cost ten fijian dollars or about 6 - 7 aud.
When we got to Fiji it was raining heaps, it's monsoonal or something idk. And first night in we stayed in the terraces on denauru island. Now Fiji is a beautiful place and all, but unfortunately denauru island isn't. It's full of australian suburban brats with their hair braided, and the whole of the island is hotels, golf course and a huge shopping mall + dock.
Denauru island is man made, on a mangrove swamp in suva. It has security guards. All the local Fijians don't really like it much. The bus driver, a really cool guy, was all, "yeah come back to my village and we'll be welcoming, you look like cool people, everything is free and communal and kava ceremonies and etc there, where are you going?" And we told him and he was disappointed like, "oh." but we told him what we did next and it was ok, and he was like "oh, ok, cool."
And in denauru I lost my swimmers and dad lost his ipod, which he got after leaving his old workplace of twentyfive  years but it turned out he had it all along in his shoe.

So then we spent four days, including the new years, on drawoqa island, pronounced drawonga, cause that's Fijian spelling. It was a great four days.  It was a small group of like fourteen people and because of this by the end we all knew each other well, except that I'm a quiet person so I didn't really but w/e. We sort of clumped into two groups for the most part... There was us four,
 Anita from California with a strong accent close to chelynes and who was old, but a traveller all her life, going to Tonga afterwards
Matt and Claire from Sydney who turned out to be from Lilyfield the whole time, who abandoned their three kids to go on holiday in Fiji
Cristina from Sweden who turned up in the second half and didn't do many activities with us
And from the other group there were two sets of Germans (5 in total) one couple were really cool and festive and stuff, and the other couple did nothing but they had a 20yo son who looked remarkably like thorston, but didn't do anything either.
And the Finns. The Finnish guys were definitely the coolest out of everyone. They were HAM radio operators who meet up to go to places to HAM radio operate. They didn't hang out with each other outside of this, different age groups and professions (all 35+), but they were awesome. The whole time they were constantly drinking but never showed any signs of it. They got everyone to try salted liquorice but it tastes like shit. (It's a national icon over there.)
And the tour guide as well as some of the staff, they were pretty cool too. Freddy the barman was awesome with his moustache and etc, and me and Jemma kept getting pineapple juice mixed with grenadine, whatever it is. It makes it red.
Anyway, it was just these people on an island with little huts, and it felt like we were in a tourist ad or something, idk. It was incredible. The beaches looked tropical and were right in front of you wherever you go, I'll get a pic when I get home. No electricity or anything though, and I spent the whole time reading finishing four books. I tried to start the true history of the Kelly gang but it was killing me with it's horrible writing style.
We went to a traditional village (it was incredibly wealthy because of tourism) and had a kava ceremony (it was a fake one though, and it was obvious cause the villagers dancing were really bored with it an didn't take it seriously.

And then it was over and it was really weird. We were all of a sudden in a resort. Which is like denauru but crowded. (denauru wasn't, it was pretty sparse.) everything is expensive, except we have a package which gives us lots of stuff for free. Which is nice. 
But I got diarrhea and so instead of doing anything at the resort I've been sitting in my room playing pokemon and listening to music (kanyes new album is fucking amazing) / playing iPod games (space invaders infinity gene. Get it) and I feel like shot because of this and also I'm stopping everyone from doing stuff. It's been like that for three days now. Good fun

And yeah. That's everything. Oh yeah, also, world cup team is an anagram of talcum powder.
Hope you guys are having good holidays and we need to do shot together when I get back, cause I miss you guys. 

Late Happy new year everybody


action man said...

hmmm. sounds weird smaz. never had a holiday like that, but nevertheless sounds incredible... incredible in what way I don't know, but incredible.. i hope.

fiji really is beautiful. i would love to go there someday. I've always had something against resorts for some reason but now I think they're great.

Also, no internet/expensive slow internet sucks. Happens alot when you're travelling abroad.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

in america/canada, they have wifi like EVERYWHERE. They had free wifi in the train, plane, hotel, some restaurants and all the hotels so we just seemed to always be on the internet

JD said...

That still sounds like a pretty enat holiday :D