Sunday, January 9, 2011

Holy Shit

so anyway.. I've noticed that I start a lot of my posts with "Holy Shit." I was originally gonna call this "Top of the World" coz I went up the tallest building in the world, but I only went half way so it doesn't really count.

SO Dubai, you ask? No, I sell.
I'm not actually staying in Dubai, im staying in a smaller emirate (basically kingdom) called Ajman. It's sorta like Campbelltown is to Sydney.

So like got here, saw dad, blah blah blah. First night (??) we went to some massive company dinner thing with all the indian workers at dads work who got drunk and sung Hindu songs - which was LOL

Sometime after that we went to Ferrari World - theres not much point going except for OH MY GOD FORMULA ROSSA FASTEST ROLLER COASTER IN THE WORLD HOLY SHIT IT WAS AWESOME!!!! like, I've been on a roller coaster similiar to it before, and that was fast at 110km/h, but HOLY SHIT THE FORMULA ROSSA GOES AT 244km/h in FIVE SECONDS FUCK IT FELT LIKE IT ACCELERATED AND ACCELERATED AND NEVER STOPPED ACCELERATING MY FACE WAS LIKE JELLY

Then we did typical toursity/shoppy stuff for the week after that, such as beaches, etc., since dad was still working for a week so we had to find stuff to do. Bought some stuff, forgot what it was but w/e. We met some of dad's work friends, one of them was a 28 Very Aussie bloke and his really pretty wife, and they are pretty cool. The other ones were an Italian Albanian ex-footballer dude living here with his wife and he is cool he reminds me of Borat, like SERIOUSLY.

Umm umm went to a shooting range, went to indoor skydiving thing with massive fan and awesome Arabic guy with Dreadlocks.

Christmas was typical christmas for when you're overseas in a non-Christian country. Was sort of festive, got like 2 presents, then we had Lunch for like 6 hours at fancy Western Hotel and the manager was a massive German dude who would've made a good Nazi. No camel rides, which was sad since they advertised them.

New Years was - an experience. Went to aforementioned Italian Albanian guys new house (his baby is SOO FUCKING CUTE. HE HAS LIKE THREE DIFFERENT COSTUMES OF LIKE A COW AND SANTA AND HE RIDES HIS STUFFED CAMEL TEDDY.) Did nothing for like 4 hours waiting for food, then food came and everyone got drunk (excpet me and garry) and we saw the Biggest Building in the World explode in fireworks on TV.

Then after New Years we went to some awesome beach resort on the East Coast, where we went Scuba Diving, Snorkerling and Jet Skiing.
For anyone that's afraid of the water and hates fish like I do, I suggest go SCUBA DIVING. It is seriously awesme. Like, I freak out when I touch seaweed at a beach and this time we were 12m underwater and there were sharks and everything and I was absolutely fine - its like being in an aquairum that you're actually in. It's God-Like. Had Birthday there, present basically is "buy whatever you want when we get home." Im thinking an iPhone.

Then today, the last full day here, we tried to go to Oman but dad couldnt access his passport so we got turned away. Was nice way to end Holiday though.

So yeah I made this so I wouldnt feel guilty about not making a post about my to Dubai, like I forgot to do last time. Will post pics when I get back, and hopefully when i remember what i did half the time.

P.S. Russians. Lots and lots of Russians. Russians, everywhere...


Madisun said...

Im so jelly...

JD said...


JD said...

Refer to Madisun's post.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

bahahah you guys!
omg indoor sky diving?!?! HINDU SONGS!?!?

also, everywhere there are autralians! Like in whistler we were walking and like we hear this:
'YEA BRA!' and it was australians! yay maxim sounds like super fun camel holiday time!

captain unnecessary said...

awww that sounds like fun!!! yeah shopping! that's basically all we've done, its like, shopping, theme park, shopping, theme park, shopping,shopping,shopping,stay indoors watching american tv