Ok, third time lucky. Sorry it took so long, it's so easy not to do stuff in college...
Anyway, here it is. I don't really know how to approach it so I'll just write down everything I think of as it comes to me.
First of all, the people.
The people here are so awesome. There are so many people who hang out with a bunch of different groups and so it is incredibly easy just to go downstairs, find someone you know and just be like "sup."
Each floor generally is super tight and the floor I'm on is full of awesome students. Most of the other first years are all girls, with only like 2 other guys besides me, so I feel like one of those men with heaps of female friends who's like always there making funny jokes around them and being the guy they all love and shit like that. Think of Tommy Lee Jones in Man of the House. Apparently our floor has a reputation of being bit of a party floor, since they're always going out and clubbing and shit.
There's also a bunch of older exchange student guys on my floor, and they are pretty much Fenner Hall's resident pretty boys. They're pretty attractive (and foreign) and they know that fact, so they're always acting goofy and playful and doing shit like walking everywhere in their undies, flirting with every female they see, watching scary movies on full volume, shit like that. They're funny guys but don't really mean much to me.
The floor Senior resident (basically just like the "organiser" of the floor or whatever, just a student who looks out for other students) is a pretty cool blokey guy from Darwin. He's what you'd describe as a "top bloke" and shit like that, but he's pretty lazy. He sorta does his duties because he has to, not because he really really wants to, and keeps shit brief and all that.
And my friends. Definitely my friends.
Like, so many friends.
There's no way I could write about them all so I'll just talk about the friends groups.
Firstly, of course, there's the "active" group of friends. Active doesn't really mean like going out every singl day or being sporty or whatever, it's just more like they always seem to be doing something. You go downstairs and there's a few of them there, just either talking at the tables or having dinner or playing pool or whatever. They're the ones who go out partying the most and have the most out-of-Fenner friends. It's not really a "friend group" though and just more a bunch of friends who enjoy being sociable with each other. I guess I'm a part of it but I don't see them as much as they see each other.
Then, there's my friends group. They're probably the closest equivalent to you guys back in Sydney, but not really. It's not so much their interests are the same as you guys' and all that, but more just they operate as a group similarly to you guys. A lot of them come from the same floor, so they see each other basically every day and are probably one of the tightest floors (the Girl is in this friend group, but I'll talk about her below.) Almost every night there'll be most of them down stairs having dinner together and when you see one there'll be like 2 or 3 others with them. Hah, they're like.. all really funny. There's a lot of Asians in the group, and I'm pretty sure white people make a minority. We just talk and make jokes and tease each other and shit, basically what you'd expect a friend group to do.
And that's just a few very loose examples of "friend groups." That doesn't include all the people who are just my friends who I talk to all the time. Like the gay guy who is always looking for men to hook up with, or the other, really flamboyant gay guy who is really popular and is always trying to get drunk, or all the second-year and third-year students who hang out together but you can hold an awesome convo with and who all know you're name. This place is like "Friends on Demand." If you don't feel like seeing anyone, you just stick in your dorm all day, but when you want to socialise all you have to do is go downstairs or to one of the other floors and there'll always be people you can talk to.
Apparently a lot of girls here find me attractive too (or at least were asking about me), so I guess that's a bonus.
Ok, secondly, the places.
I guess I should talk about ANU. To be honest, it's probably the thing I think least about. It's my least important concern.
The campus is really nice. It's very green with a lot of nice walkways and stuff and it has a "Europe Lite" feel to it. It's also really big, and as a result I've probably only seen like 15% of the total. THere is just so many different deparments and colleges that you could go there for years and have no need to even cross the river that flows through it. I barely do.
I spend most of my time around the main coutyard area (since that's where most of my courses are) and the place feels like a town within Canberra. There's a Union building which is like a mini shopping/convenience centre, which just includes shit like a food court, cafes, restauratns, newsagent, etc. There's like a bank and dry cleaners and bookshops all on campus, and basically everything you'd ever need for uni can be found somewhere in ANU (mostly just the courtyard.) Of course, that means everything is expensive as fuck and most people don't shop there, but if you really need a new notebook or something you can just quickly go and buy one.
I see Jules around campus often enough as well. Usually it's only short 2 minute conversations about uni and living and all that, and usually it's just me and him talking while everyone else goes about their business, so sometimes I like to pretend that I have schizophrenia and that only I can see him, and that he's a figment of my imagation who helps me point out where to go, even if I didn't know where to go previously (yeah, basically I'm super unorganised and still not fully enrolled in all of my shit and I still have to get stuff like HECS and a Tax File number and a job all that boring crap sorted out, so like for me to fully settle in will probably have taken like a month once I'm done.)
There's also heaps of societies and shit you can join, a lot of which seem pretty cool. I joined the UN and International Relations societies, and was thinking about joining a caving club but when they showed me the pictures of going through caves I NOPE'd the fuck outta there and did 360 degrees and walked away. I'm thinking of joining the gym and the akaido clubs (a type of martial art) because you really do have a fuckton of time to yourself and I don't just wanna waste it all online (and getting fit in the process should be cool.) There's a movie club too which basically just has every big movie that comes out in a year, and you join for $60 and can watch them whenever they're playing. So yeah value for money.
Also, there's this really awesome network on the Fenner internet called DC, where basically once you upload 10 gigs of files to it, you can download however much movies, tv shows, music, etc. you want super quickly from anyone who's uploaded it. So it's like - hundreds of hours of stuff to watch that download in instant. I still have to sort mine out but once it's done I can finally watch all of those shows you guys (and everyone here) keeps telling me to.
(Oh yeah the internet here is like, lighting fucking fast. A 10-minute Youtube vid in 720p downloads in - I kid you not - like 15 fucking seconds. There's like zero waiting involved. When I go back to Sydney for the holidays I'm going to miss my awesome download speeds.)
My classes have been pretty stock-standard. I've mostly been attending Spanish classes and international relations lectures, and I've already missed like 25% of the shit I'm supposed to go to. It's really just like learning a language in school, and IR is just like, imagine what you'd think an IR course would be like - and that's pretty much exactly what it is. It's just the histories of different theories and how to apply them and the issues involved that IR covers, etc. etc.
I'm also doing chinese but I've only gone to like two classes because they're way too easy for me (it's literally at Ni Hao), so I've had to contact the course coordinator to see if I can get into a more advanced class. Latin American studies (the course I'm doing) doenst actually start till next Semester, so now I'm basically just an Arts student studying a few languages. I'm the only person I know doing Latin American studies though (I don't know if I already said that) so I always get interested reactions from people when I tell them what I'm doing. I was doing Pyschology but I dropped that because it's esentially useless (not to mention it's the typical pointless arts course that every intellectual college student does) and I took up the second half of my Chinese course over it. Multilingualism is more challenging to me and would be more useful in the long run, anyway.
Ok, Canberra. Canberra gets a lot of undeserved shit from people who don't really know what to say about it. Sure, there's only like one proper place of note where anything happens (Civic), but it still has enough shit to offer and there's always enough to do that you pretty much never feel bored here.
There's a surprisng number of clubs and basically if you wanna do something on the weekend, that's what you do. There's like a few "normal" clubs, a few dance floors, then there's like bars, pubs, fancy establishments, gay clubs, and like the sleazy dance bars people go to because it's fun even though it's full of perverts and shit like that.
Ehh, it's a cool place. I love it here. Sure, it might not really be anything special, but when you're a uni student in what is essentially a uni town full of people you love, then you're going to love wherever you're studying. It feels just like one big Sydney suburb - you know the ones with their own mini CBDs and all that. THat's what Canberra is like.
It is still Canberra however, and so some of the shit it gets is actual deserved.
Take for example my route to uni. Fenner hall is the only accomodation off-campus, so to get to uni every day you either have to walk, bike or get the shuttle bus that runs like every 40 mins. The road leading to uni (and pretty much everything else) however is laid out with housing commissions on either side, and there's been a lot of horror stories about people from Fenner getting harrased by the drug addicts and bogans and shit who just want to start shit. You're pretty much told not to walk home alone down the road at night, and it's best just to catch a taxi with a few friends than risk it. Scary shit.
I'm not really worried though, but you still basically have to keep your wits about you if you're walking down the place at shitty time.
And, lastly I suppose you're wondering about the Girl I was talking about. I guess it probably would seem interesting to someone wanting to know about, but I don't think it was that interesting.
Basically, this is how it went.
On the first few nights staying at the dorm I saw a cute girl hanging around just a group of people. Let's call her K.
Well basically I thought she was cute and everything, and we started talking just about random crap and funny stuff and it seemed like we really hit it off. We would talk alone quite often and there was some chemistry there.
So then a few days in I was talking and it turns out she had a boyfriend. Not going to lie, I was pretty bummed. I tried not to show it but I was disappointed.
However, the next night was some party night where everyone just got drunk (everyone here will find any excuse to drink, lol) and we both got pretty hammered. Eventually we ended up alone, and then we hooked up for like 2 straight ours. Nothing else happened, but at this point we were clearly interested in each other (duhh).
She told me during the day that she's going to dump her boyfriend, and even though I wasn't helping it wasn't to do with me. She wanted to call it off anyway because she felt she had changed from when they started dating.
Then the next night, we were hanging out with our friends, and again we somehow ended up alone and we ended up having sex.
We had sex a few more times after that over the week, but we told each other neither of us were looking for a relationship and that we were both OK with that. During this time she broke up with her boyfriend and we would hook up at times, and would just generally be flirtly-flirty and shit. One night we ended up making out on the dance floor of a foam party, it was pretty cool.
Don't get me wrong, it was a lot of fun and it was nice being able to watch Community on her laptop just lying there in bed, but I realised this wasn't what I was looking for at the moment so I told her I had to call it off. It's hard to explain but I didn't want to keep it going, for my own reasons.
We had sex one more time after that though, but I made me promise myself I would call it off for good, and so the next day I told her that it was finally over. She was totally cool with it, if a little confused, and she told me that if we kept going it would probably lead to us dating. She was an awesome girl and all, but I just couldn't see myself in a relationship with her and so now we understand just to be friends. Of course we're still super friendly and shit, only now we're not having sex on the side.)
Holy shit I'm not even sure if I'm finished it all but I'm going to leave it there. Don't think I have forgotten about you guys, just that I've had heaps of other shit to do and the daunting task of writing this always puts me off. I think I covered a lot but I know I'm still missing like 90% of the information, so if there's anything else you guys wanna know just ask me and I'll tell you.
And it's 2 am and I have to get up early tomorrow, so lol I really am going to need to get sleep.
(Also you were wrong Hogg, I'm still here. Hogg hogg hogg.)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Double post but listen to this dick move.
So this is the biggest dick move I have ever heard of. I’m going to keep this short, for easier reading; names have been replaced for safety and such.
My cousin, Colin, has been working for his father for 3 years. His father owns a pet shop and Colin has been working there full time.He has not been paid wages because his father, Jacob, is a dick basically. Jacob considers that because Drew is living with him, and such, he does not need to pay him any wages. Nothing, no super, no money. On a side part Jacob has recently married Sarah and they have a 3 month old baby. While Colin has been living with them, they have been treating him as a live-in babysitter. Colin is sick of this, as he has even waking up in the early morning (3am) to look after the child and hence, has recently applied to join the Army, Jacob is annoyed as he is about to lose his essentially volunteer employee and sitter, neither of which he is paying for. This past week, there has been a new problem caused by Jacob. In the past years, Jacob made an account in Colin’s name, which Colin didn’t know about; as a tax evasion; while this is all well and good because the account is in Colin’s name, he has now been hit with a tax payment for all the interest Jacob has been earning off that money. The amount Colin has to pay is $40,000 so forty thousand dollars, equivalent to holidays, or 2 low priced cars.
Now you may think if this was a regular story, Jacob would pay the money but no, even though Colin had no idea about the account, Jacob is refusing to pay the fine saying Colin must pay it. Keeping in mind that Colin has not been paid for 3 years by this same man, and has no money, so he is going to have a $40,000 loan, to which he can pay barely anything.
This is a true story, happening to my cousin at this very moment.
Any lawyers out there, might tell me is there an offence being committed here?
Otherwise, how much of a dick move is this and what do you think Colin should do?
I posted the same thing on tumblr but yeh dickhead.
My cousin, Colin, has been working for his father for 3 years. His father owns a pet shop and Colin has been working there full time.He has not been paid wages because his father, Jacob, is a dick basically. Jacob considers that because Drew is living with him, and such, he does not need to pay him any wages. Nothing, no super, no money. On a side part Jacob has recently married Sarah and they have a 3 month old baby. While Colin has been living with them, they have been treating him as a live-in babysitter. Colin is sick of this, as he has even waking up in the early morning (3am) to look after the child and hence, has recently applied to join the Army, Jacob is annoyed as he is about to lose his essentially volunteer employee and sitter, neither of which he is paying for. This past week, there has been a new problem caused by Jacob. In the past years, Jacob made an account in Colin’s name, which Colin didn’t know about; as a tax evasion; while this is all well and good because the account is in Colin’s name, he has now been hit with a tax payment for all the interest Jacob has been earning off that money. The amount Colin has to pay is $40,000 so forty thousand dollars, equivalent to holidays, or 2 low priced cars.
Now you may think if this was a regular story, Jacob would pay the money but no, even though Colin had no idea about the account, Jacob is refusing to pay the fine saying Colin must pay it. Keeping in mind that Colin has not been paid for 3 years by this same man, and has no money, so he is going to have a $40,000 loan, to which he can pay barely anything.
This is a true story, happening to my cousin at this very moment.
Any lawyers out there, might tell me is there an offence being committed here?
Otherwise, how much of a dick move is this and what do you think Colin should do?
I posted the same thing on tumblr but yeh dickhead.
I'm going to say it cause no one else will
I think Maxim has forgotten us.
On a side note; Tuesday night television is fucking shit.
oh hey its me again
Fun fact of the time being:

Theres this place called Derweze and it is in the middle of the Karakum desert in Turkmenistan. as you can see, it is quite a big hole. and it is because soviet people were going to mine it or something and then the rig fell through and they found out that inside was filled with natural gas so they weres like, lets burn the gas so it wont poison nobody. but it didnt take 3 days to burn. in fact, this happened in 1971 and its still burning today. so if you wanna see the doors of hell, you can go to turkmenistan.

Theres this place called Derweze and it is in the middle of the Karakum desert in Turkmenistan. as you can see, it is quite a big hole. and it is because soviet people were going to mine it or something and then the rig fell through and they found out that inside was filled with natural gas so they weres like, lets burn the gas so it wont poison nobody. but it didnt take 3 days to burn. in fact, this happened in 1971 and its still burning today. so if you wanna see the doors of hell, you can go to turkmenistan.
We are some cool people
Yeh, I'm still super worried I am going to fail at university.
But I get the day off tomorrow so I am going to do my RSA.
But I get the day off tomorrow so I am going to do my RSA.
Monday, February 27, 2012
since others did it.
first day
-was late for first lecture
-went home for lunch
-was late for second class
-did nothing in class and just was on facebook and games and making friends and stuff
in UTS
so first day, ima make a post bout it
- got lost several times
- met many asians
- we had to evacuate the building cos of a fire warning
First Day of University
- Went to a chemistry lecture
- Met a guy called michael
- Sat in the library for an hour
- Tripped over some stairs.
- Someone laughed at me
- Went to an engineering class
- Heard about some projects
That's really all.
Hi friends.
first day of uni
-late to uni
-late to all my classes
-nearly fell asleep
-met a little monster (you know them lady gay gay fans)
thats about it.
-late to uni
-late to all my classes
-nearly fell asleep
-met a little monster (you know them lady gay gay fans)
thats about it.
I'm leaving in under a month...gotta play more!

When you get surf, its like freedom in the whole game! Which reminds me i have to go somewhere too..
I own guys, every pokemon i face takes 1 or two hits...i swear this game was harder before.
I can't wait till i fight the Elite Four. And im pretty proud of myself for doing the whole game with only using the guide of the internet once; to see what TM's i own :D
Btw for the lovers of j-rock check out/ type in youtube Flow [microcosm] , its an awesome album from a band i found- anyone of their songs are cool...i just wish i could understand them.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
So I'm looking at facebook because I'm putting off sleeping in the vain hope it will pause time and I won't have to be around people tomorrow.
But either way I have Chem lecture at noon.
Back to what I meant to say.
Jon finally changed his sexual preferences to..
"I'm going to stab Lambert" which considering the amount of times we joked that Jon still hadn't notices that his sexual preference was men, is amusing.
Yeh that's really all. I laughed though so thank you Jon and Lambert for putting me in good spirits before sleep
Also maxim, why are you so slow at writing posts; it's the blogger version of the fb chat typing symbol.
But either way I have Chem lecture at noon.
Back to what I meant to say.
Jon finally changed his sexual preferences to..
"I'm going to stab Lambert" which considering the amount of times we joked that Jon still hadn't notices that his sexual preference was men, is amusing.
Yeh that's really all. I laughed though so thank you Jon and Lambert for putting me in good spirits before sleep
Also maxim, why are you so slow at writing posts; it's the blogger version of the fb chat typing symbol.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
ok I gotta get some shit off my chest
guys, at the moment I'm kinda shit. I really miss australia, especially you guys, right now. I'm just really homes...ick right now, and theres like, some things aobut this place that are a bit... um. I mean normally I just let it slide and don't mind it or whatever cause of cultural differences but I guess when I'm this homes*ck is when I would write something like this.
ok so number one. the attitudes of people here. people are people are peoplel are people, but at the same time, people are people. and I know its obvious that not everyone is gonna have the same opinion about everything all over the world but some of the differences here make me a bit uncomfortable.
one is the really apparent gender roles. women do all the house work, men do all the work around the house. there was one point where i needed to wash some more clothes for school but there wasnt much time cause i was going to the theatre that night (which I've done 3 times, and its been pretty good lol) and i was like, hey can we just put some clothes in the washing machine so when we get back I can put them on the rack to dry and have for tomorrow or whatever? and he was like, no, I don't know how it's done in australia but here, that's a job only for the women. and so i rewore my clothes. (gross)
also their attitudes towards homosexuality are sometimes a bit... ugh. like, they don't hate gay people or anything extreme, but they are pretty naive about it, like they were having an argument about gay marriage in class this one time (cause half the time we dont even do anything in class, its riduiculous) and the things i could make out from it were really... childish. stuff like, "it's gross." one of my closest classfriends (classmates/friends... I'm not actually sure who are my friends and who are my classmates yet :/ but its sort of coming together) told me today on the walk home from school that the guy walking in front of us is gay, and I was all "so what?" and he was all, "it makes me feel sick" [sorta kinda, I don't really know how to translate "mi fa schifo"] but idk if he was talking about the idea of gay people or the idea of gay sex... but yeah, whenever someone is gay they seem to make a big(ger) deal out of it, or at least it seems that way to me but maybe its just my language skills only being able to pick out the "lui e' gay" part
numero dos. I'm all distant and shit. I guess this is directly proportional to my being homesick but right now I'm just really detached from everything here; like, I don't even say things, I can't understand half of what's being said and when I get home I just sit at the laptop in the living room all day. I waste all day of every day on my laptop on the internet. Ok I guess me not saying things is ok cause, I still have trouble with the language,, I'm obviously better than where I was prior to coming but as it stands I can only understand half of what people say. some lessons in school are really easy cause they use a bunch of terms that are very similiar to english, like, "ipotosiso di Worf" and "esculturalizazione" for "Whorfian hypothesis" and "exculturation" in social sciences for example. tangent: so I admit it's kinda cool that we do shit like the Whorfian hypothesis (which is so ridiculous and untrue btw, linguistic determinism is bullshit because it's always simply a reversal of cause and effect - linguistics rocks guys) but 15 subjects is too much, and the way they do maths is stupid - it's much easier to mark but it teaches the students a way that takes way too long to do only because of the notation, they don't learn SPF/PSF and instead do only quadratic equation and the real discriminant, and they are always amazed when I solve a problem in like half a minute that takes them 4, but i can't explain how i do it because... bla bla bla whatever tangent end.
but yeah, so I spend all my time. stuck at home. like, I'm stuck in my home. In my home, I'm stuck. I guess I could say, I'm just really... housebound. and also i'm really distant cause italians are really close to each other physically all the time and you guys know me, that's not me. so cause im further away, cant speak the language well enough and generally dont do things with them, and I'm really homesick, i feel really distant right now.
3. I suck at girls.
[bro, don't even make a joke about that being literal, it's not that funny]
but at the same time, I know its awesome being here, and as much as I miss you guys (ok maybe not that much cause I miss you all a lot but that's just me right now) I'm glad to be here and I recognise that it's the coolest thing in the world that I am doing... and also just to be away from all the drama and the shit that's happening in australia right now is kind of nice, especially all that family shit [[btw if you guys see my sister say hey and stuff ok cause she's pretty fucked right now.]] and some people that piss me off (hmmmm who could that be)
on the plus side I'm going to rome with the other exchange students in late march-early april
---///ummm ok its 10.46 I started typing at 10.20 I need to go to bed cause I have to walk to school tomorrow and my punctuality is fucking ridiculous right now, in the last nearly 4 weeks I've been on time to school probably only 4 times. and school goes 6 days not 5.
so yeah. thanks for listening and stuff.
smaz out
Friday, February 24, 2012
Hi guys.
So basically, you know how last july I did a photoshoot with you guys.
Can we do another one of those sometime?
That'd be great.
So basically, you know how last july I did a photoshoot with you guys.
Can we do another one of those sometime?
That'd be great.
This is a video of America's Best Dance Crew Winner: Poreotix. And yeh their pretty cool but its sad cause I missed their sydney tour which was towards the end of last year. Love their style and best part is at 2:30 of the video they do a poppin section to Kpop star G-Dragon's song. so that was cool.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Fun Day
So today. I went to O-week again and it was pretty damn awesome.
I got there like 10 to go to the welcome to Engineering lecture.
I was running super late, (it was 9:50 and i was still at the bottom of campus) but then a 400 bus magically appeared and I was like awesome, so I caught it and it dropped me basically across the road from where I needed to be.
So I go into this massive auditorium, legit 700 people, all engineering students and I was like FUCK, so many people. But I walked to the left looking for a seat and found the closest one, (just as a note to anyone going to o-week, the best conversation starter is, "Is this seat free?") and so I asked the guy and he was like, sure.
His name was Charlie, he was really nice and we chatted for a bit til they started the orientation. Then like they broke us up into schools, so civil, mining, mechanical, etc.
I said bye to Charlie cause he is doing flexible first year, (double degrees haven't chosen majors yet) and he went off to the photovoltaic engineering. And I sat and waited for civil/environmental. We were taken to another building, like 20 metres away and I was alone again.
Luckily, asking for a seat again worked and I met Jess and Michelle, who were also really nice. We talked about school and such. During the thing they talked about what civil engineering was and the subjects you should take and so on. Then we were meant to go back to be in the big auditorium with like the 500 other people but we didn't know. We did know however there was a sausage sizzle after so we waited around for that, just talking.
Then we realised what was happening/like that we had missed a bit and to get the free sausage you needed like a pass. SO we went and got those and had food with a drink for free. We met a computer science student too who was nice but I can't remember his name.
Then we had more food and waited around for the campus tours. They happened round 2 and we were divided into groups of like 15 with group leaders. Their names were varanya and adrian and they were really nice. they just took us around the campus. first stop we introduced each other and played bang, which was awesome.
I like failed first round but it was cool just watching. Then we kept walking round, stopping every now and then, and then like half way through we had free drinks, and talked for a while. Then... it was more awesome cause we played WHEN NINJAS ATTACK. and I almost won!!! Then we played knots, which is that game with like grabbing hands and you have to end up in a circle, like untangling yourself.
But then we continued the tour, although Michelle had to leave. And it went on for like another hour and I talked to more people. Then at the end we got free burgers and cornettos. They were really nice burgers and we had to like wait in a 30 minute line but they were worth it and I talked more to Varanya and with some American exchange students, and some random really loud westie and then a guy called sang (pronounced sung). But yeh then I came home.
It was an awesome day and I am super excited for engineering classes!!
Yeh also,
dinner saturday 7 qvb be there
http://media.skysurvey.org/interactive360/index.html and this is awesome
I got there like 10 to go to the welcome to Engineering lecture.
I was running super late, (it was 9:50 and i was still at the bottom of campus) but then a 400 bus magically appeared and I was like awesome, so I caught it and it dropped me basically across the road from where I needed to be.
So I go into this massive auditorium, legit 700 people, all engineering students and I was like FUCK, so many people. But I walked to the left looking for a seat and found the closest one, (just as a note to anyone going to o-week, the best conversation starter is, "Is this seat free?") and so I asked the guy and he was like, sure.
His name was Charlie, he was really nice and we chatted for a bit til they started the orientation. Then like they broke us up into schools, so civil, mining, mechanical, etc.
I said bye to Charlie cause he is doing flexible first year, (double degrees haven't chosen majors yet) and he went off to the photovoltaic engineering. And I sat and waited for civil/environmental. We were taken to another building, like 20 metres away and I was alone again.
Luckily, asking for a seat again worked and I met Jess and Michelle, who were also really nice. We talked about school and such. During the thing they talked about what civil engineering was and the subjects you should take and so on. Then we were meant to go back to be in the big auditorium with like the 500 other people but we didn't know. We did know however there was a sausage sizzle after so we waited around for that, just talking.
Then we realised what was happening/like that we had missed a bit and to get the free sausage you needed like a pass. SO we went and got those and had food with a drink for free. We met a computer science student too who was nice but I can't remember his name.
Then we had more food and waited around for the campus tours. They happened round 2 and we were divided into groups of like 15 with group leaders. Their names were varanya and adrian and they were really nice. they just took us around the campus. first stop we introduced each other and played bang, which was awesome.
I like failed first round but it was cool just watching. Then we kept walking round, stopping every now and then, and then like half way through we had free drinks, and talked for a while. Then... it was more awesome cause we played WHEN NINJAS ATTACK. and I almost won!!! Then we played knots, which is that game with like grabbing hands and you have to end up in a circle, like untangling yourself.
But then we continued the tour, although Michelle had to leave. And it went on for like another hour and I talked to more people. Then at the end we got free burgers and cornettos. They were really nice burgers and we had to like wait in a 30 minute line but they were worth it and I talked more to Varanya and with some American exchange students, and some random really loud westie and then a guy called sang (pronounced sung). But yeh then I came home.
It was an awesome day and I am super excited for engineering classes!!
Yeh also,
dinner saturday 7 qvb be there
http://media.skysurvey.org/interactive360/index.html and this is awesome
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
at orientation, i met a girl from hongkong.
who likes Shinee. and i found this out because i recognised the korean key chain she had on her phone, which im pretty sure she got from rong bao tang.
and she's a VIP too.
when i asked her what the keychain meant she was liek "ahh... Shinee..." like all embarassed and stuff and then i was like, "Cheah, i saw them live"
instant bestfriends.
not really
but people are awesome.
Obsession creates confession

I just made that quote up.
But yeah i just spent $16 (4 each) on these at a vending-twist-machine round the corner, SO worth it. And i think the master ball one is very rare, the pokemon inside them from left to right are-
purrloin (blue ball), pikachu (red one), axew (black and red) and kyurem (master ball bitchaz!).
I have no clue about gen V pokemon so i had to search and match all those except pikachu..
Oh and i got v.lucky cause there are only 4 type of pokeballs in that machine, and i got them all, but there are 10 types of pokemon. And no doubles!! Wooooo.
Also yeah Jon is right- i drove down to the shop which is usually a 15 min walk, and only got 2....then drove back again when i found more coins and got the other two in probs 15 mins haha
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
SO in like 30 minutes I am going to walk to uni (WALK - that's a big thing)
And it's o week and it should be really fun but...
I'm scared of being a massive loner with no friends.
Yeh that's really it.
Also, Lambert I think I know people in your classes.
Also, dinner saturday, just dinner alex, you better be there.
And it's o week and it should be really fun but...
I'm scared of being a massive loner with no friends.
Yeh that's really it.
Also, Lambert I think I know people in your classes.
Also, dinner saturday, just dinner alex, you better be there.
Bye life.
I found pokemon red, and my old transparent covered gameboy. Not advance, not ds, gameboy.
So awesome i have a charmillion (nicknamed Char) and Pidgiotto (nicknamed Gee) already, and i found out since i last played it when i was probs 10, i had a pikachu, pigiotto, geodude and charmillion....some things never change. And i beat brock like pronto....haha poor guy isn't much of a gym leader.
Monday, February 20, 2012
so my cousin is in sydney
i havent seen for like, 14 years apparently, so we should take him and his friend out for super happy fun times at some point soon.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
so i got my scooter.
AND IT FUCKING AWERSOME!!!! like i feel so free and able and shit. for example
i went to Lambies house. it took me 2 minutes. then i came home. it took me 3 (i hit a bad traffic light). I went to paddy's house afterwards, it took me 5 minutes. i came home at night. it took me 5 again (fucking that one light that always goes forever)
Before, all that would have taken me an hour at least, of just walking to peoples houses. i saved an hour, in one day. yesterday or something it took me forever to get to the twins house. today, it would have taken me 6 minutes max. and i love going up hills so its no problem!!!
You should all get bikes, or ur pees. cause being able to just be like, "alright, imma head off to paddys right now. and then ill just come home, absolutely zero hassles just happiness." its fucking great.
And riding is FUN! like its fun to do and shit. and you can like zip around and stuff and cut in front of people. at one point, at the light, there was a big bikie, a mad sports bike, and me on my scooter, and i still felt like i BELONGED. i felt BELONGING GUYS!!
im sure its the same when you have your car pees, but that takes SOOOOO much effort. so far i've ridden 30 ks, but fell like i already know what im doing, like its easier than driving a car cause there's less weight and stuff.
anyway yeh im happy about it.
did you make those envelopes yourself or do they actually sell them?
ps your letter was amazing by the way thanks heaps and I also like the fashion accesory with which you have supplied me
and yeah hui, the new OP is super amazing
ps your letter was amazing by the way thanks heaps and I also like the fashion accesory with which you have supplied me
and yeah hui, the new OP is super amazing
Friday, February 17, 2012
so guys I came a cross a dilemna
guys I'm learning french in italian and because the french teacher (who happens to be a neighbour) speaks italian, french, english and I'm pretty sure also spanish I was talking to the teacher in a mix of italian and english while he explained things about french
first french lesson! conditional tense which would be really excessively complicated if it wasn't virtually identical to italian especially in the way its used ie je mangereis = (io) mangerei, il/elle mangereit = (lui/lei) mangerebbe etc.
so maybe at the end of this... more like, probably at the end of this I'll return with a decent amount of french as well as italian, unless i cbf studying which is likely
on to the main point! let me tell you about my latest dilemna
well apart from the fact that its nearly 11pm and i have to go to bed cause of fucking school tomorrow and how it's hard to wake up here cause out of bed is so cold plus not having a stable sleep cycle yet etc
coming up soon (tuesday? idk) is carnevale here in italy
and I have no idea what to go as
and all my friends (? or just classmates maybe) here are girls and they are all going as american indians and stuff but like none of the indian costumes they have here for men are that good
so like, Betty (my friend...? classmate whatever) was all like, "dude how about you go as someone from one piece" in italian cause I was like trying on a costume at the shop for a cowboy but I didn't really like it much and I think they are getting a bit tired of my indecisiveness lol and so I was all, "yeah sure ok, zoro maybe" and she was all "ok! :) ciao!:):):)" in italian because that's how she says things ok*...
but yeah I really don't want to go as Zoro cause like, thats basically cosplay and so I would be going, as a foreign exchange student, to a party/parade thing dressed as a character from an anime by myself and there would be photos and shit like that and it'd be embarrasing and make people think less of me
but yeah idk if you guys saw the post on my wall about it and stuff but that's what it was
so yeah, I've decided against it I mean there's still plenty of time and stuff but seriously you don't understand how this was seriously stressing me out and I'm not a person who gets stressed out much so this is fucking weird
in retrospect it seems like nothing but its a really big deal for me at the moment ok, like really I have been completely preoccupied with it and it's ridiculous, what the hell is this anxiety
*lol you guys should see all the texts ive gotten so far, so many :)s and ciaooooo ciaoooo!!!:):) and ciauuuuuuuuu ciauuuuuuuuu!:):):) which is sard for ciaooooo ciaooooo!:):):)
first french lesson! conditional tense which would be really excessively complicated if it wasn't virtually identical to italian especially in the way its used ie je mangereis = (io) mangerei, il/elle mangereit = (lui/lei) mangerebbe etc.
so maybe at the end of this... more like, probably at the end of this I'll return with a decent amount of french as well as italian, unless i cbf studying which is likely
on to the main point! let me tell you about my latest dilemna
well apart from the fact that its nearly 11pm and i have to go to bed cause of fucking school tomorrow and how it's hard to wake up here cause out of bed is so cold plus not having a stable sleep cycle yet etc
coming up soon (tuesday? idk) is carnevale here in italy
and I have no idea what to go as
and all my friends (? or just classmates maybe) here are girls and they are all going as american indians and stuff but like none of the indian costumes they have here for men are that good
so like, Betty (my friend...? classmate whatever) was all like, "dude how about you go as someone from one piece" in italian cause I was like trying on a costume at the shop for a cowboy but I didn't really like it much and I think they are getting a bit tired of my indecisiveness lol and so I was all, "yeah sure ok, zoro maybe" and she was all "ok! :) ciao!:):):)" in italian because that's how she says things ok*...
but yeah I really don't want to go as Zoro cause like, thats basically cosplay and so I would be going, as a foreign exchange student, to a party/parade thing dressed as a character from an anime by myself and there would be photos and shit like that and it'd be embarrasing and make people think less of me
but yeah idk if you guys saw the post on my wall about it and stuff but that's what it was
so yeah, I've decided against it I mean there's still plenty of time and stuff but seriously you don't understand how this was seriously stressing me out and I'm not a person who gets stressed out much so this is fucking weird
in retrospect it seems like nothing but its a really big deal for me at the moment ok, like really I have been completely preoccupied with it and it's ridiculous, what the hell is this anxiety
*lol you guys should see all the texts ive gotten so far, so many :)s and ciaooooo ciaoooo!!!:):) and ciauuuuuuuuu ciauuuuuuuuu!:):):) which is sard for ciaooooo ciaooooo!:):):)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
So hey guys, this is my first post. That whole hype about how I was gonna have a totally cool username didn't work out. Turns out that I already have a blogger account that I made a few years ago. I was gonna name myself StarCast....which is totally cool.
Anyway, I think I'll just introduce myself in this post.
I like to eat cheese.
I listen to Hilary Duff songs during my spare time.
I want to work in the Museum of Natural History in New York (the animals and exhibits come alive at night).
I have a lamp named Henry who talks to me occassionally.
P.S This is a serious post if you stupid people think I'm joking around.......Fo' real.
Anyway, I think I'll just introduce myself in this post.
I like to eat cheese.
I listen to Hilary Duff songs during my spare time.
I want to work in the Museum of Natural History in New York (the animals and exhibits come alive at night).
I have a lamp named Henry who talks to me occassionally.
P.S This is a serious post if you stupid people think I'm joking around.......Fo' real.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
take a shot for me
hey guys, this is an honourable moment,
the most beautiful princess of them of all, has made a special request to our clan. This is our chance to prove our worthiness of such beauty.

Anyway, I'll get to the point,
the most beautiful of them all, Momoe wants to join our exclusive (but accepting) blog so now you guys have to vote her in (according to the rules of Ru [RUles])
please comment with
" Oh it is such a rare occurence that i get a say in the fate of someone with such entrancing beauty, of course the answer is yes!"

that is all.
College is my Valentine
So I got into Columbia... I don't know for sure until April but they sent a "likely letter" that means you're pretty much in, whatup!
Oh hey Ivy League!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Single Awareness Day
I went to an orientation for my Japan exchange today. And there were three people from NSW going, and apparently when we get to Japan we'll be meeting up with organisations from the UK, Canada, and New Zealand for a couple days of Council meeting and school activities- shits serious.
And there was a guy there who has the same voice as you Liam, like i really get you both in the same room and just close my eyes, shuffle you up, and get you both to say....um...."pudding." and guess who said it.
Omg my aunty recently turned healthy and im eating one of her low fat muffins....if there was a flavour called water; this would be it. Its meant to be blueberry. Who even likes blueberry muffins they are all meant to be chocolate. NO. Double choc. NO. Triple choc. NO, triple deck flavoured. aw yeahh.
And yeah so it was really pumping, and the other two NSW kids are nice- one of which i knew already (in this small world) cause she was in my Open High School class (of all classes and schools, considering she's from the central coast!)
And i can't wait to go to school again. I know it sounds lame, but its actually just IGS on drugs- with things like intense after school clubs, and crazy awesome helpful teachers, and a 'private school' reputation but with a positive and fun attitude about it...i really can't wait.
But i'm going to miss everyone heaps. I won't be on the internet sadly as much as Smaz, i aint taking my laptop fo sho. :'(
OH and im not allowed a girlfriend in Australia, and no sexual intercourse with those of the opposite sex in Japan.

Hey guys, look what I got for valentines day.

I went to a japanese restaurant for dinner and just as I was leaving, the restaurant gave the rose to me. so i guess my valentine was the japanese restaurant.

happy forever alone day guys
I never thought valentine's day in an italian school would be so...
man guys seriously if you thought I was covered in bitches at that party the other night
you should have seen today
loljks school's closed cause of the snow (even though there's no snow)
man guys seriously if you thought I was covered in bitches at that party the other night
you should have seen today
loljks school's closed cause of the snow (even though there's no snow)
Monday, February 13, 2012
so i went to my scooter class
and it was super awesome and everything. i still have to go to another class tomorrow and then take the written test, and then SCOOTER!
i did like really well for some reason. like all we did was drive around in a lot but i was good at that. and the guy was like "good work jon"
also the class reaffirmed my decision to get a scooter instead of a motorbike. for half the class i didnt even need to be there because he was talking about clutchs and needing to hold on to this and press down on this and do these 2 things at the same time and when braking you have to brake with this brake first and blah blah blah. And then at the end he was like "and jon you just open the throttle and then use the back brake when needed". no gears or complicated shit. you know me, always doing the least amount of work.
so yeah. it was awesome and im super exited to get a scooter.
This is the post I promised to make
So this is it then.
I've been here since Friday now, so I guess this is my fourth day here.
On Friday, I basically packed in Sydney, drove down to Canberra with my mum, got here to my new residence (it's called Fenner Hall) at about 4pm unpacked my crap into my new dorm, bought some groceries and just came back. Since Friday was a day before Orientation Week (O Week for short, and we've made out theme Mexic-O-Week) started, almost no First Years (they're all the new kids) had arrived yet, so it was just a few older students setting up and shit. I talked to a few of them and like, holy shit, this place is really welcoming. Of course everyone is nervous as fuck and it's weird enough coming to a new place, but they really make it hard NOT to make friends.
That night I just stuck in my dorm on my computer and felt sorta shit. Even though I knew I would be fine it's hard not to feel sad when you're leaving your fam / comfort / lifestyle behind. Plus, I knew no one here, so I didn't feel like I had anyone to talk to.
Anyway, second day was way more productive. In the morning I met up with my mum and we bought some more supplies, had brunch at some mulitcultural festival, picked up a bar fridge she had bought for me from someone, and then saw a movie as one last thing to do together.
The first event for O week was just a floor meeting with all the First Years on the floor and the Senior Resident for the floor (I'm on South 4, and there's like 3 new dudes and like 8 new girls, so pretty good gender balance I say.) That was cool, semi awkward but not really. Just in the way that when you put a bunch of new kids in the same room who don't know each other there's going to always be a bit of awkwardness. We settled in pretty quickly.
Then there was a welcome speech with all the first years, a general low down of the rules, dinner, trivia, and just a chance to socialise. I didn't meet anyone I really liked at first, but as the night went on I met more and more people and pretty soon had some friends. All cool as fuck people.
Then there was drinks after everything, people just in the courtyard talking, then a few of us (including some of the girls on my floor) went clubbing, lol. How typical. I got pretty hammered, the club was sufficiently full of people (you don't want an empty club), made out with a chick, and then I left everyone to get a taxi home with some random asian guy. It was a pretty eventful night for a day when I had barely met these people.
Sunday was yesterday, probably best day yet. I woke up at like 11.30 after clubbing, had shower, etc. and got down to the foyer at like 1 (I missed brunch), then basically we spent the day chatting with new people. Cool shit. Playing pool, checking out the halls, etc. We went out on some "coffee tour" or some shit to Civic (which is like the CBD here. It is suprisingly big and city-like. It feels like a well-developed Sydney suburb, with like office buildings, shopping centers and everything) and just drank coffee at like 3 different places. Dear god everyone at Fenner is easy to get along with. You can just talk to anyone, no matter what age or we're they're form.
Then we got back, had dinner again, then we had this event called Speed Friending, so just thinking speed dating but with just casual conversation. Tiring shit, I don't know how many times I said "I'm doing a Bachelor of Latin American studies, yeah."
After that, it was just talking with friends. We had tea in one of the small kitchens on each floor, talking about random shit, good times. The dorm buildings have roofs you can go on with benches and shit, so we went there and talked just about shit for hours. No one could be fucked doing anything so we all just went to our dorms at like midnight, and then I just played Skyrim till 3.
Then that brings me to today. Since I went to bed so late I woke up pretty damn late, so I missed my chance to actually go to the Uni and attend some learning skills lectures and shit like that. Not too disappointed, but I still need to check out the campus before I go there. Have to enrol and shit.
So then I just dicked around for like 5 hours watching MTV, got a slurpee with a friend, got bored and now I'm here. Tonight more shit is planned; there's massive events pretty much every day.
So yeah. That's been Fenner Hall for me so far. No cooking so far because all the food has been provided for O week, and I'm still not fully unpacked (lol), but I've got time.
And yeah. There's a girl. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm pretty sure there's a girl. Girls.
I've been here since Friday now, so I guess this is my fourth day here.
On Friday, I basically packed in Sydney, drove down to Canberra with my mum, got here to my new residence (it's called Fenner Hall) at about 4pm unpacked my crap into my new dorm, bought some groceries and just came back. Since Friday was a day before Orientation Week (O Week for short, and we've made out theme Mexic-O-Week) started, almost no First Years (they're all the new kids) had arrived yet, so it was just a few older students setting up and shit. I talked to a few of them and like, holy shit, this place is really welcoming. Of course everyone is nervous as fuck and it's weird enough coming to a new place, but they really make it hard NOT to make friends.
That night I just stuck in my dorm on my computer and felt sorta shit. Even though I knew I would be fine it's hard not to feel sad when you're leaving your fam / comfort / lifestyle behind. Plus, I knew no one here, so I didn't feel like I had anyone to talk to.
Anyway, second day was way more productive. In the morning I met up with my mum and we bought some more supplies, had brunch at some mulitcultural festival, picked up a bar fridge she had bought for me from someone, and then saw a movie as one last thing to do together.
The first event for O week was just a floor meeting with all the First Years on the floor and the Senior Resident for the floor (I'm on South 4, and there's like 3 new dudes and like 8 new girls, so pretty good gender balance I say.) That was cool, semi awkward but not really. Just in the way that when you put a bunch of new kids in the same room who don't know each other there's going to always be a bit of awkwardness. We settled in pretty quickly.
Then there was a welcome speech with all the first years, a general low down of the rules, dinner, trivia, and just a chance to socialise. I didn't meet anyone I really liked at first, but as the night went on I met more and more people and pretty soon had some friends. All cool as fuck people.
Then there was drinks after everything, people just in the courtyard talking, then a few of us (including some of the girls on my floor) went clubbing, lol. How typical. I got pretty hammered, the club was sufficiently full of people (you don't want an empty club), made out with a chick, and then I left everyone to get a taxi home with some random asian guy. It was a pretty eventful night for a day when I had barely met these people.
Sunday was yesterday, probably best day yet. I woke up at like 11.30 after clubbing, had shower, etc. and got down to the foyer at like 1 (I missed brunch), then basically we spent the day chatting with new people. Cool shit. Playing pool, checking out the halls, etc. We went out on some "coffee tour" or some shit to Civic (which is like the CBD here. It is suprisingly big and city-like. It feels like a well-developed Sydney suburb, with like office buildings, shopping centers and everything) and just drank coffee at like 3 different places. Dear god everyone at Fenner is easy to get along with. You can just talk to anyone, no matter what age or we're they're form.
Then we got back, had dinner again, then we had this event called Speed Friending, so just thinking speed dating but with just casual conversation. Tiring shit, I don't know how many times I said "I'm doing a Bachelor of Latin American studies, yeah."
After that, it was just talking with friends. We had tea in one of the small kitchens on each floor, talking about random shit, good times. The dorm buildings have roofs you can go on with benches and shit, so we went there and talked just about shit for hours. No one could be fucked doing anything so we all just went to our dorms at like midnight, and then I just played Skyrim till 3.
Then that brings me to today. Since I went to bed so late I woke up pretty damn late, so I missed my chance to actually go to the Uni and attend some learning skills lectures and shit like that. Not too disappointed, but I still need to check out the campus before I go there. Have to enrol and shit.
So then I just dicked around for like 5 hours watching MTV, got a slurpee with a friend, got bored and now I'm here. Tonight more shit is planned; there's massive events pretty much every day.
So yeah. That's been Fenner Hall for me so far. No cooking so far because all the food has been provided for O week, and I'm still not fully unpacked (lol), but I've got time.
And yeah. There's a girl. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm pretty sure there's a girl. Girls.
oh gosh
not having my computer in my parents room is such a bad thing. i wish my computer was back in my parent's room. what is sleep. i have to sleep. but the internet is infinite. it's like trading the universe for lieing in bed doing nothing.
why do i need sleep. oh god. i hate waking up late. it superly sucks.
why do i need sleep. oh god. i hate waking up late. it superly sucks.
Sam Vaile gets all the gurls

here have more picture of sam vaile with girls. and no guys around
sorry i dont know why i find this so funny.
its great.
hey guys

hey guys. just wanted to tell you that i have been that dog for the last 2 months and will probably remain in that state for a next 3 months.
that is all. good night.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
metaphors are a nice linguistic technique
theres a party tomorrow right
100€ worth of books at an average of €4 a book (700 pages)
because the price in australia is (like cigarettes) a ridiculous multiple of that, to buy the same amount of books there will be tomorrow at this party (which may or may not be carnivale I have no idea) would cost (assuming a standard novel is $38)
wait for it
so we do need to go travel around europe together at some point like I was saying
100€ worth of books at an average of €4 a book (700 pages)
because the price in australia is (like cigarettes) a ridiculous multiple of that, to buy the same amount of books there will be tomorrow at this party (which may or may not be carnivale I have no idea) would cost (assuming a standard novel is $38)
wait for it
so we do need to go travel around europe together at some point like I was saying
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
this is how sardinia is going
A week's worth of staying in the house gave me the genius idea to play pokemon in italian to improve my language skills (you other pokemon players can relate, I'm sure when you were a kid you got a certain portion of your vocabulary from pokemon) and it's working
it also gives me something to do cause theres nothing except he internet here
so yeah, anyway this is my party so far, I originally also had a butterfree but there was a save game error so i lost it, and I caught spearow at lv 8 and grinded it up to lv 17 in mt moon because in the one floor you only encounter paras who you can 1hit ko with peck
and I'm sure you'll all note that spearow regularly evolves into fearow at lv 20 but as you can see I am retaining my spearowness until at least lv25 due to spearow learning aerial ace at level 25 in fire red and fearow not learning it at all.
also I named myself CAZZO and my rival is CULO and I think they are both very good and original italian names.
so anyway I'm cool and stuff right
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
hey guys im back..
so um. i know you guys are out right now having fun. yea. we should hang out. like on my birthday cause i dont really wanna stay at home on the internet on my birthday..
so we should go karaoke.
so we should go karaoke.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Remnants of my childhood.
so like, once, me and hui really liked writing letters and sending them. even if we sent letters to each other or our family members who lives in our house. because buying stamps and sending shit of is fun okay.
anyway, one time hui wrote a letter to my sister:

its pretty unreadable from my computer but it says this:
Oi! Xin yi jie jie! do you need to laern alot of words for tuition spelling? I need you know! I must learn over 60 chinese words!!! You know what, xu lao shi ask me to learn spelling1.1-8.4, actrully hwol; my exam is 1.5-8.4 then she cheat me! Xu lao shi say that she likes me but i don't believe her. -huihui halo
(at the back it says: ps: please send letter to me)
just thought i should share that...
anyway, one time hui wrote a letter to my sister:

its pretty unreadable from my computer but it says this:
Oi! Xin yi jie jie! do you need to laern alot of words for tuition spelling? I need you know! I must learn over 60 chinese words!!! You know what, xu lao shi ask me to learn spelling1.1-8.4, actrully hwol; my exam is 1.5-8.4 then she cheat me! Xu lao shi say that she likes me but i don't believe her. -huihui halo
(at the back it says: ps: please send letter to me)
just thought i should share that...
Monday, February 6, 2012
I just got back from a super sugoi mahjong game with singaporeans.
wahhh it was really fun. at first i thought that i would suck but i didnt suck. We played with money and there were new things that i learnt and I gained 8o cents (meant to be 8 dollars if we played for real but we played with small amount so people wouldnt lose so much) and hui got over 2 dollars which was the most that anyone won. Infact, the two guys we were playing against lost money instead~!
heheheh i really wish i could play like that again.
My past few days
So yeh the past few days, my internet has been a pile of shit and today my mum allowed me the use of her little portable mobile internet thing.
I can only really be on here for 5 minutes so this is how my last few days have been:
Made my room into a mess and watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Got up at one, cleaned the bathroom, vaccuumed helped mum prepare food for family friends dinner at our house and had dinner with family friends
Got up at 12, bought a tablet for uni stuff for $300 (Partial birthday present), helped mum clean out the linen cupboard and watched all Season 4 of HIMYM.
Yeh my life is pretty boring but had my internet box been working I probably would have replaced all that except buying the tablet, the vaccuuming/cleaning and the getting up times with internet browsing, tumblr etc etc.
Anyway 5 minutes are up.
What have you guys been up to?
I can only really be on here for 5 minutes so this is how my last few days have been:
Made my room into a mess and watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Got up at one, cleaned the bathroom, vaccuumed helped mum prepare food for family friends dinner at our house and had dinner with family friends
Got up at 12, bought a tablet for uni stuff for $300 (Partial birthday present), helped mum clean out the linen cupboard and watched all Season 4 of HIMYM.
Yeh my life is pretty boring but had my internet box been working I probably would have replaced all that except buying the tablet, the vaccuuming/cleaning and the getting up times with internet browsing, tumblr etc etc.
Anyway 5 minutes are up.
What have you guys been up to?
Saturday, February 4, 2012
so anyway the reason NZ isn't a part of Australia is because we were too racist
"In 1890 there was an informal meeting of members from the Australasian colonies, this was followed by the first National Australasian convention a year later. The New Zealand representatives stated it would be unlikely to join a federation with Australia at its foundation but it would be interested in doing so at a later date. New Zealand's position was taken into account when the Constitution of Australia was written up. The only reason New Zealand did not join was fears of racist laws towards the Māori because of Australia's treatment of the Australian Aboriginals. Australia in an attempt to sway New Zealand to join gave Māori the right to vote in 1902, while Australian Aboriginals did not gain the right to vote until 1962." ...dude why am I even looking this up?
edit: oh wow that article is fucking biased as hell. there's a list of reasons for and against NZ joining in with Aus and the 'against' reasons are all counter-argued as soon as they are mentioned.
edit 2; ...fuck it's cold here
edit: oh wow that article is fucking biased as hell. there's a list of reasons for and against NZ joining in with Aus and the 'against' reasons are all counter-argued as soon as they are mentioned.
edit 2; ...fuck it's cold here
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
so im back in sydney guys
we should do something....
also im super confused about whos going to which uni / what there doing for the next year. so list all that shit below.
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