Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Obsession creates confession

I just made that quote up.
But yeah i just spent $16 (4 each) on these at a vending-twist-machine round the corner, SO worth it. And i think the master ball one is very rare, the pokemon inside them from left to right are-
purrloin (blue ball), pikachu (red one), axew (black and red) and kyurem (master ball bitchaz!).

I have no clue about gen V pokemon so i had to search and match all those except pikachu..

Oh and i got v.lucky cause there are only 4 type of pokeballs in that machine, and i got them all, but there are 10 types of pokemon. And no doubles!! Wooooo.

Also yeah Jon is right- i drove down to the shop which is usually a 15 min walk, and only got 2....then drove back again when i found more coins and got the other two in probs 15 mins haha


Xedalenar said...

also, this:

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

ahahah some of the comments for that thing are so...... internet.

my favourite is the guy who asks for a friend request

Xedalenar said...

oh wow i didn't even see those

Șмž said...

that's... amazing, I would spend at least $25 on that thing. its so cool that you got kyurem, cause he's way cooler than reshiram or zekrom

Xedalenar said...

I dunno, kyurem is so disproportionate and not earth-like in my opinion, they over did trying to make a 'new and more powerful looking' idea