Saturday, February 18, 2012

so i got my scooter.

AND IT FUCKING AWERSOME!!!! like i feel so free and able and shit. for example

i went to Lambies house. it took me 2 minutes. then i came home. it took me 3 (i hit a bad traffic light). I went to paddy's house afterwards, it took me 5 minutes. i came home at night. it took me 5 again (fucking that one light that always goes forever)

Before, all that would have taken me an hour at least, of just walking to peoples houses. i saved an hour, in one day. yesterday or something it took me forever to get to the twins house. today, it would have taken me 6 minutes max. and i love going up hills so its no problem!!!

You should all get bikes, or ur pees. cause being able to just be like, "alright, imma head off to paddys right now. and then ill just come home, absolutely zero hassles just happiness." its fucking great.

And riding is FUN! like its fun to do and shit. and you can like zip around and stuff and cut in front of people. at one point, at the light, there was a big bikie, a mad sports bike, and me on my scooter, and i still felt like i BELONGED. i felt BELONGING GUYS!!

im sure its the same when you have your car pees, but that takes SOOOOO much effort. so far i've ridden 30 ks, but fell like i already know what im doing, like its easier than driving a car cause there's less weight and stuff.

anyway yeh im happy about it.


Lambert said...

Congrats, although i doubt that the two other guys on bikes thought that you belonged, but good stuff anyway!

Șмž said...

guys, we should all get scooters
and have a scooter gang

oh wait

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Okay but you have to promise me that we will be called 'The Samuraiders' or 'The Samuriders'

pronounced like samurai + riders.

Hoggle said...

yeh that's fine

Jonny Boyz said...


AcionMan! said...

that sounds awesome and I'm happy for you and everything bro, but just understand when you're on it everyone is silently judging you

Xedalenar said...

i really wanna get my motorbike license but my mum wont let me. And yeah it is awesome having the freedom and all but petrol isn't cheap >.<