Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fun Day

So today. I went to O-week again and it was pretty damn awesome.
I got there like 10 to go to the welcome to Engineering lecture.
I was running super late, (it was 9:50 and i was still at the bottom of campus) but then a 400 bus magically appeared and I was like awesome, so I caught it and it dropped me basically across the road from where I needed to be.
So I go into this massive auditorium, legit 700 people, all engineering students and I was like FUCK, so many people. But I walked to the left looking for a seat and found the closest one, (just as a note to anyone going to o-week, the best conversation starter is, "Is this seat free?") and so I asked the guy and he was like, sure.
His name was Charlie, he was really nice and we chatted for a bit til they started the orientation. Then like they broke us up into schools, so civil, mining, mechanical, etc.
I said bye to Charlie cause he is doing flexible first year, (double degrees haven't chosen majors yet) and he went off to the photovoltaic engineering. And I sat and waited for civil/environmental. We were taken to another building, like 20 metres away and I was alone again.
Luckily, asking for a seat again worked and I met Jess and Michelle, who were also really nice. We talked about school and such. During the thing they talked about what civil engineering was and the subjects you should take and so on. Then we were meant to go back to be in the big auditorium with like the 500 other people but we didn't know. We did know however there was a sausage sizzle after so we waited around for that, just talking.
Then we realised what was happening/like that we had missed a bit and to get the free sausage you needed like a pass. SO we went and got those and had food with a drink for free. We met a computer science student too who was nice but I can't remember his name.
Then we had more food and waited around for the campus tours. They happened round 2 and we were divided into groups of like 15 with group leaders. Their names were varanya and adrian and they were really nice. they just took us around the campus. first stop we introduced each other and played bang, which was awesome.
I like failed first round but it was cool just watching. Then we kept walking round, stopping every now and then, and then like half way through we had free drinks, and talked for a while. Then... it was more awesome cause we played WHEN NINJAS ATTACK. and I almost won!!! Then we played knots, which is that game with like grabbing hands and you have to end up in a circle, like untangling yourself.
But then we continued the tour, although Michelle had to leave. And it went on for like another hour and I talked to more people. Then at the end we got free burgers and cornettos. They were really nice burgers and we had to like wait in a 30 minute line but they were worth it and I talked more to Varanya and with some American exchange students, and some random really loud westie and then a guy called sang (pronounced sung). But yeh then I came home.
It was an awesome day and I am super excited for engineering classes!!
Yeh also,
dinner saturday 7 qvb be there and this is awesome


liamkun said...


So glad you're happy!

Xedalenar said...

wow i was looking at nebulae just lastnight haha how funny. Sounds like you had an awesome day Em thats cool, see you fit in nice and easy.
Itd be funny if there were no seats and you used "is this seat taken" to start a new conversation haha hogghogghogg

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

not going to lie. im pretty jealous right now. I mean, played bang and when ninjas attack?! that sounds super awesome. All i did in my orientation was sit in a room listening to people talk.

Șмž said...

not going to lie. im pretty jealous right now. I mean, sitting in a room listened to people talk?! that sounds kind of cool. All i did in my orientation was get drunk with italian people.

Șмž said...

but yeah hogg thats super amazing and its awesome youre having a great timea and stuff, here's hoping the rest of the year is this exciting... (lol nope haha) but yeah that's so cool, uni sounds chill

Hoggle said...

Uni has so many parties, like every 3rd week. And yeh it will be awesome, as all other unis' parties will be.

Șмž said...

um, "so many parties" doesn't mean "every 3 weeks"

Hoggle said...

like sponsored by the uni ones. If you don't think my equivalence is correct, then sorry, but my social life is a little stunted atm, not to mention; I have a degree to do. every 3 weeks is regular enough. (that is without going out/I also have a job I should mention and my next 5 weekends are filled with uni and other stuff to do, so it is plenty)