Sunday, February 26, 2012


So I'm looking at facebook because I'm putting off sleeping in the vain hope it will pause time and I won't have to be around people tomorrow.
But either way I have Chem lecture at noon.
Back to what I meant to say.
Jon finally changed his sexual preferences to..
"I'm going to stab Lambert" which considering the amount of times we joked that Jon still hadn't notices that his sexual preference was men, is amusing.

Yeh that's really all. I laughed though so thank you Jon and Lambert for putting me in good spirits before sleep

Also maxim, why are you so slow at writing posts; it's the blogger version of the fb chat typing symbol.

1 comment:

Lambert said...

It took him a while but he changed it in early December, but you're welcome anyway!

Also, go have fun at uni, make lots of friends and ask everyone if the seat next to them is free!!!