Saturday, February 4, 2012

so anyway the reason NZ isn't a part of Australia is because we were too racist

"In 1890 there was an informal meeting of members from the Australasian colonies, this was followed by the first National Australasian convention a year later. The New Zealand representatives stated it would be unlikely to join a federation with Australia at its foundation but it would be interested in doing so at a later date. New Zealand's position was taken into account when the Constitution of Australia was written up. The only reason New Zealand did not join was fears of racist laws towards the Māori because of Australia's treatment of the Australian Aboriginals. Australia in an attempt to sway New Zealand to join gave Māori the right to vote in 1902, while Australian Aboriginals did not gain the right to vote until 1962." ...dude why am I even looking this up?

edit: oh wow that article is fucking biased as hell. there's a list of reasons for and against NZ joining in with Aus and the 'against' reasons are all counter-argued as soon as they are mentioned.

edit 2; ...fuck it's cold here

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