Friday, September 21, 2012

this happened to me today

Skipping school cause the class is religion and it's not compulsory (not that there's any consequence at all if I skip school at this point)

A guy and a girl, awkwardly being the third-wheel exchange student for their weird friendship-romance

They are talking about club music, girl goes to 'clubs' heaps but the guy isn't into that kinda shit, doesn't even know who eminem is, I'm just texting the other exchange students

Girl is showing him songs

'hey you might have heard this one, it's korean'

I look up from my phone

Listen intently

I couldn't stop laughing, I think they think I'm retarded or something now... Like seriously why was that so funny
Thanks guys


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

not gonna lie, im a bit sick of people playin gangdam style everywhere especially when you know its people who normally dis kpop


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...


what has the world become, having more chances of hearing Gangnam style over Eminem lollll

