Saturday, March 6, 2010

My last week.

so yea, i thought i did share with you how i spent my last week since i havent properly been on the computer since then...

On monday, i got up early at about 6:30 to go to school at about 7:45. Later that day after travelling on a bus filled with noisy little year sevens, i reached stan well tops and met my group. I had a pretty cool group with gregory whitehead's sister and 2 kids from my tutor group and then we played games and did stuff and camped out and that continued for the next 2 days as i got about 6 hours of sleep everyday.

On the last day of camp, i reached school and waited for emily hogg as i wanted to wish her a happy birthday and soon left to go see the prodigy. At about 6:57, me, lord of the palmtrees and smaz met up with actionman, nafan and keflas. The prodigy was pretty amazing with a pretty deadly mosh and being a small person, i had to escape from it before being drowned by the sweat of topless fat sweaty men. they played 'take me to the hospital' 'thunder' and other great hits like that song that went, 'take me to outerspace, to find another race' which has been dominating my head for the past few days eventhough it had been drained abit by franz ferdinand but it soon came back round the middle of josh's party. The wait between Doesitoffendyouyeah and The Prodigy was probably the longest 45 minutes of my life as everyone started to boo the D.J and that was when the prodigy decided to come out and was all like, 'Where are my people?? Where are my fucking people??" and various other questions they asked included, 'Where are my warriors?' 'Where are my fucking warriors?' 'Where are my voodoo people?' 'Where are my fucking voodoo people?' and so on and so forth.

The next day, i woke up at about 7:00 to have a shower and went to the academic factory as i walked through the corridors and refactories to educate my prodigy-music-soaked-brain. And soon, i had to leace school and it was off to home then to luna park. I reached there about at 6:32 and met up with TNG and joshy and joined the queue which was already pretty long so joshy and Tng decided to go buy some fish and chips. Meanwhile when they went off, smaz arrived and also joined the queue but lambie was late and met us later when we were already in the concert place waiting for the philly jays to perform. The philly jays were pretty amazing with that song 'go to the casino' or something along those lines and Yves Klein Blue was also supppeeeerrrr amazing especially with that acoustic song that they sang when he like poured his heart into the song. and i thought they were sooooo amazing and noa i wants to download their songs. I think i prefer them moar to doesitoffendyouyeah but that's just that i like their genre better i think. And soon. Franz Ferdinand was up and they were on time and they begun with Dark Of The Martinee and after that Alex Kapranos was like ' this ones for the hardcore' and then the guitar of Van Tango came on and i nearly died cause i loveeeeeee that song. Then they played their usual songs they usually play at their concerts like 40ft and Take Me Out and No You Girls and then... they played... All Of My Friends (LCD Soundsystem cover) and i was like omg, cause that was amazing and i love love love love that song soooo much and i was like so suprised that they would play that song and i died and then after 40ft, Paul thomson, Nicholas Mccarthy, Alex Kapranos and Bob Hardy all played this massive drum solo and after that they threw the drum sticks and one landed next to lambie so he was like, ima put my foot down on this so that i can bend down 0.4 seconds later and get it but then 0.002 seconds later, this person in the front and this person in the back grabbed the drum stick and ripped it under his show and it broke in half and i thought that drum sticks were incredibly hard but that kid tom from year 12 managed to get a drum stick and i was super envious and will got a plectrum and hui got a plectrum which i framed on my wall and the people were soooo crazy like when they threw the set list of the stage people like dived into the concrete to get it. and like that was like billion trillion times better than the prodigy. So then after that, i went home and got ready for school tomorrow.

So i woke up and went to school and after school it was like josh's party thing so i went with hogg to go meet up with blaise and kaz and tyler white. but before that emily hogg needed to go shopping so she bought a shirt. then we tried to get shit but couldnt and there was this creepy security guard talking to blaise and their conversation suddenly became about whether blaise was single or not so she said that tyler was her boyfriend and it was weird. then we took a bus to get to josh's but got off 2 stops earlier so had to walk to josh's house in the rain. Then we got that and everyone was like, it tyler!! oh hi tyler!! havent seen you in ages tyler!! and before that when we were in beyond, tyler was like, wheres smaz... we should like meet up in the city first cause he was kinda bored without smaz. And i did like 3 things at josh's party, failparcour/hang out with tyler and smaz, hang out with connie didums and cleaned the house a bit while everyone else was doing something interesting. and then i had to go home and ran infront of the ambulance by accident and my dad got angry at me.

and that was my last week..

oh shit, that was a long post...


Kwon said...

i cant believe you didnt mention me in your camp group *cries*

Șмž said...

" there was this creepy security guard talking to blaise and their conversation suddenly became about whether blaise was single or not so she said that tyler was her boyfriend and it was weird. "


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Opps sorry manakon, i mean, then i had to sleep in a tent next to manakon's tent and he pretty much kept me up all night with his continous snoring. and on the bus back, he fell asleep on adrienne and was also snoring in the bus. good ole kwonny XD.

lol... smaz... tyler.... aww poor tyler