Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Still like shit

I still feel like absolute shit even after a month after being dumped...any suggestions to feel better?..


lord.of.the.palmtrees said...

recipe for mindless self indulgence (also a one-way ticket to gettin fat)

Get a large donut/bagel
cut it in half horizontally
spread nutella, peanut butter and fluff (marshmellow spread)
add sprinkles
microwave for 20 secs
close it and consume like a burger/sandwich type thing
. idk. probs wont help you feel better but it makes me feel better. and listen to your favs musics while doing that too


AcionMan! said...

Video Games. Dude, come join us at Beyond! It's a teenage dudes dream come true, where all of his worries can just float away during a social game of SupComm or Nazi Zombies, complete with sticky keyboards, numerous lads and creepy dudes watching porn in public spaces!

BMSilverFish said...

nazi zombies i'd like to join you guys in if i had a real copy of it

i doubt you guys would bother going through all the trouble of using a virtual lan

Șмž said...

come to beyond with us one day then

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Turn that sadness to anger and use that anger to channel it into nazi zombies.

you dont need a copy of nazi zombies, just come to beyond and the world is yours..