Having to do work makes me do things that I will never usually do just to get out of work like finding the music of artists that have supported FF in concert and downloading and listening to it. I mean, i could so easily finish my art assignment(well at least the first 2 tasks) by the end of today but i decide to go make posts that no one will care about and listen to music I've never heard of before and go read the online diary of FF which i didnt do as often but now i do because i don't want to do work.
for what we've done should be a crime we should be locked up so we never see the light for in the darkness we could see how worthless all our lives must be
Going to the casino, tomorrow night... But then it hits me, that no ones in love with me..
Also, does anyone know any good sites for John Wolseley? cause there is alot of him but its not very helpful... and remember edublogs? i keep finding sites about john wolseley on blogs hosted by edublogs..
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