Sunday, March 14, 2010

thoughts swirling in my head...

So anyway i was just thinking that like everything in life just happens like its one big coincidence. like all the factors that apply to something. I mean, everytime something really really good or something really really bad happens, i always think what if.

like that time those lasses pickpocketed hui. For the next week or so i just kept thinking, what if we didn't take the earlier bus to go to the city, what if we didnt go under townhall for lunch, what if we went straight to beyond, what if i didnt suggest we go to prize paradise, what if we didnt decide to go out that day, what if joel's sleepover thing wasnt on that day, what if hui didnt have her phone keychain things dangling out of her pocket, what if we took another route to go to beyond, what if, just what if.

I mean, it was like all those factors put together that it happened, if the lasses were sick that day or decided not to target hui or anything but they did and we did and it all happened. and i wish it didnt. and it probably hit me harder than it hit hui like now i hate lasses and i have this thing that everytime im in townhall i keep an eye out just to find that girl, just to get back at her eventhough i dont know what i would do. i dont know why it worried me so much and even so, hui handled the situation much better than i would have... but i wouldnt have my keychains dangling out of my pocket in the first place.... but i know that if that didnt happen, i would have acted different to the nigger later incident like, i would have been more scared and be like, i dont know... i just wouldnt be the same....

or something even randomer, like if hui didnt click on the [find random manga] on the onemanga website, and didnt stumble upon Kuroshitsuji, than i wouldnt have started reading it, or been obssessed with it, or go to Kuro forums and finding all those mangas that i read now like pandora hearts and 07 ghost and nabari no ou and like, i wouldnt have found these mangas if not for Kuroshitsuji and i wouldnt be so obssessed or crazy that i would spend money on the merchandise that this manga to some extent controls my life and i wouldnt have found this weird obssession and addiction to reading manga if not for kuro like, if hui didnt find kuroshitsuji, i wonder what i would have been doing...

but like, this has just been thoughts swirling in my head for the past months or something... and i thought i should get it out....

woah... long post ^


Șмž said...

that happens to me all the time, only usually it only happens with crazy-super-awesome coincidences... like that time when we met up with emily in the city when we were going to my house, because the bus didnt come yet... and it was raining and all the bus drivers looked like santa, if it wasnt so crowded and hungry jacks hadnt burnt down, maybe we would have gotten on an earlier bus and missed emily?

if i wasn't watching newgrounds in year 8 because i was bored, i might not have ended up hearing breaking the habit, which triggered my huge love of music... now music is my life, LP especially...

or maybe if things had gone any other way, we would be completely different people? like ru not kuro-obsessed, maxim hanging out with other people when he returned from china instead of us, or marlena, ella and b still going on the blog? or maybe not even the blog at all? or maybe not even us at all?

so like, posting self-relevant shit on other peoples posts is so un-smaz like, so imma stop...

Kwon said...

woah and if i bever took up gamin i could of been dux at some stage