Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Flat, like a tire or a ball thats been run over

SO I get this feeling sometime and it's like I am flat, I spend so much of my time, trying to be wacky and immature and happy, that suddenly I run out of steam, kinda like a basketball thats been bounced a little too often. I feel deflated and sad.
This is how I feel like now, and I dunno why, I guess I find an amusement in such menial things that I forget about them when something more important comes along.
Like at the moment it's exams.
They stress me out and I forget about crunching leaves, and jumping in puddles and doing those immature things I do. I hate it that suddenly my little amusement is dwarfed by something big. Its kinda like the sun against that huge star in that documentary that was fucking awesome.

That's really all I wanted to say.
Also I am writing a book, cause I feel like it.


Șмž said...

so, uh, any chance of a bit of a mention in your book?
also, I would say a fair few people also get that flat feeling. I dunno. If it helps to know that or anything.

Hoggle said...

haha it does a bit, and yeh, its about my friends. sorta a montage to how teenagers need their friends, with blogposts and the show random stuffs and quotes like "Get a vocabulary"

Action Man said...

hogg hogg hogg

Brian said...

Exams only last for so long. I'm definitely sure you'll be able to recover the enjoyment in the things you find fun and happy

:) said...

not all teenagers need their friends. some just want them
