Sunday, September 26, 2010


So I was thinking today,

A friendship is kinda like going down a constant slide.
When you start its kinda difficult to get going, there are a lot of pauses and it can be rly awkward if you are wearing a skirt. but then as it goes on it gets easier and funner and you sorta are just friends. Then sometimes, there are bumps in the slide, some people get thrown off and others just get bumped around a bit. But if you get thrown off its kinda hard to get back on, you can do it, it's just difficult and it takes a while. And sometimes you get to a crossroads in the slide, and one leads on into the distance and the other ends, which is kinda like when friends drift apart. Some slides are rly fast-paced while others are more gentle, and some turn in circles and are rly confusing. It's also like if you are on it, you don't rly know where you are going but everyone watching does. It's weird. And then there are some where it's great and you are sliding then you fall off and each time you try and get back on it's like the slide doesn't want you to get back on, no matter how hard you try you just get knocked off. And I guess that's what happens. And sometimes you try and slow the friendship down but it doesn't work, and you just keep going and going. And it's also like the faster you are going the more you are going to get hurt if it suddenly comes to an end.

Hmm yeh, so thats my theory.


Șмž said...

so, a bit like this then

Hoggle said...

yeh kinda

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

the slow slide looks like a diving board thing at pools that you jump of and do a flip and make a splash

Jonny Boyz said...

what type of slides are you riding? that crossroads one looks like it would hurt like shit if you didn't choose on side quick.

Hoggle said...

i'm at a crossroads in 2, 1 is fast-paced. 5 are confusing, and the rest are just gentle slopes.

Hoggle said...

hbu jon?