Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Woo House Comp

Today's House comp was a mix of ups and downs but really it was a great day. What we do at house comp is pretty much an entire day of swimming, softball, volleyball and chess which runs at the same time as swimming. There are three rounds of each sport which is ran through a 2 hour period and there are 8 houses competing.

Chess was tense. I played 3 boards in which i unfortunately lost 2 games but at least won one. My other 2 teammates won two out of three boards so that meant that we still managed to come 2nd. Since I did chess whilst swimming was running I have no idea how we went in swimming.

Softball was shit and will always be shit. We've got like a house full of uncoordinated idiots who can't toss a ball 5 m towards a team member without it going ridiculously high or retardedly low. Whatever form of deficiency our house had, it really showed as we were beaten by the Poo Brown house Prescott. Still we came 4th out 8 houses.

Volleyball was fucking awesome though. This is the sport in which year 12 Metcalfe house really shines. We have surprisingly 3 basketball players who plays in the Firsts so we had pretty much an unfair advantage already. First game against Fletcher was perhaps my highlight, being an extremely tight game. If we lost our first round that means that we are only able to at best, come 4th overall. The result of our first game was a tie with 23-23, however because we managed to score the last 2 points, we edged Fletcher out and actually won. After that we demolished Johnstone and Moulton to come once again, 1st in Volleyball.

Although throughout the 3 games we played i fell over 3 times, and i literally went airborne and fell flat on my back. I landed once on my left wrist, once on my right and once on my tailbone. So I'm pretty much shattered right now sitting in bed. Winning the volleyball in our year was still well worth the pain now.

Finally, tomorrow is my last day of high school. Many photos guaranteed.


actionman said...

Hahha thats awesome brian xD

We have something "similarish" but its more centered around arts and crap where like we do house perfomances and movies and stuff
so thats cool but this sounds so much more hands on :D

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

nuuu brian! must be weird havin your last days of school!
yeah i love house comps excpet yours is all just sports and chess. bahahaha