Wednesday, September 15, 2010


i can't actually imagine putting this much work into something.

its insane. like the ability to work and stuff. this is how you make a pillow add.

oh and im going to be in a play! it's way out in epping and stuff but thats one train away right?
starts end of october so yeh.


Șмž said...

whoah, it's all backwards
these guys put a crazy amount of effort into their videos. They did the t-shirt one didn't they?

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

PILLOWS. damn that looked like soo much fun

yeahhh! epping! im there! did you go to like auditions and stuff? ru's probs gonna organise something cos everyone else sux at that!

Jonny Boyz said...

yeh the tee shirts was them.

they awesome