Friday was awesome, It was such a nice way to spend the second-last friday of yr 11.
I mean I don't want to steal yr 12s thunder or anything but I am shit-scared of like leaving school,
Every now and then it just hits me, like a yr ago we were going to nam, and in a year we are finished yr 12 and almost finished school, I mean I am looking forward to it and everything but I don't want to leave, I love school so much, not so much classes but all my friends. You guys make my life so amazing, and I dunno what it's going to be like leaving and not seeing you everyday. I mean it's scary cause what I want to do is different to any of you guys, it actually scares the fuck out of me that In a year and a bit, we walk out metaphorical school gates and we don't come back, it's just the end of the biggest part of my life so far. I am scared of growing older, of being 18, of uni, of getting a job, of stopping learning, of being an adult, of growing old. And even though it's such a long way away, and it will be fantastic times, I am scared of leaving school. Like it's only just hit me.
Hmm yeh, Brian, did you feel like this? I am just wondering.
Anyway, Pancakes on the rocks and Luna Park was awesome!!
Love you guys,
I am a little scared of going to uni but i'm also quite excited to be able to finally start a new chapter in my life. High school is great fun and you guys should really enjoy it as much as you can cause year 12 goes by especially quickly. By the time you get to where i am i think all of you will be happy to leave.
Also, film EVERYTHING on your last couple days of high school, it's great fun.
On another note, i've been going to a single sex school for my entire high school, i'm going to be so overwhelmed next year being surrounded by women :D.
friday was sooo much fun!!! more than i expected it to be :)
and im sure everyone (maybe except madisun) is scared about leaving school and being a big person and all that. like im super super freaked out about everything, but thats just how it is and thats why we do worry about the future
also my word verification is 'ilyracla'
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